Thirty Five

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Vale was being taken by the White Fang, assisted by the creatures of Grimm along with the traitorous Atlesian military droids. Only a few strongholds were still being held by the Vale Military, but the city of Vale's time as a major power was over, it's people scattered to different parts of Sanus. The capital would have to be moved now. Weiss didn't know how long she had been fighting, her aura was depleted, the medic that attended to her said that she would be exhausted for the next couple days, but she didn't have any major injuries, especially when compared to Yang and Blake. Weiss' feet were tapping on the metal floor of the Atlesian Medical Warship, ASS Deliverance. She would have been ordered off of the ship in order to help with the evacuation, if it wasn't for her being a Schnee.

Nobody wanted to get on Daddy dearest's bad side, or Colonel Winter Schnee, Atlesian Specialist. This time, Weiss didn't feel bad for using her family name. Her eyes drifted towards the door that was across the corridor. They found Ruby unconscious at the top of Beacon Tower, in some form of aura-coma the military doctor said. Weiss' hands started to shake, along with her body.

When did everything go wrong? Ruby was in a coma, Yang lost an arm, and Blake lost a lot of blood after being stabbed by that White Fang lunatic. A-And Pyrrha…

Pyrrha was dead. T-They had just had lunch a few days ago with the other members of Team RWBY and JNPR. A dry sob escaped Weiss' lips, her tears having long dried. Why did Weiss come out unscathed? Aside from some bruises and cuts she was perfectly fine. She dug her nails into her wrist, causing her to wince slightly from the pain, and hardened her eyes.

Weiss would never allow this to happen again, she had to.

Heroes didn't exist.

"Destroy all intru-" A Three-point android was sliced to pieces mid-sentence, Myrtenaster easily piercing its metal. Using a glyph to launch herself in the opposite direction towards a Two-pointer, Weiss thrusted her blade into its weak spots, dismantling the villain bot. She had lost count of how many faux villains she had defeated, by now she was simply acting on instinct.

So far, the practical test had been rather disappointing. These UA villain robots were much weaker than the standard Atlesian Knight, with these untrained future 'heroes' easily being able to defeat them. Well, most of them at least. Quite a few seemed like they needed help, having overestimated their abilities.

Weiss intervened of course. She wouldn't be able to save everyone, but she would do her best to help those that she could. She briefly glared at the green haired idiot that Glasses was talking to earlier. The boy seemed frozen in his spot, his wide eyes staring at the rest of the test-takers. At that rate, he definitely wasn't going to make it into the hero course. 

She jumped through the air, using her glyphs as platforms to move across the Battle Center. Everyone was grouped together along the main street, causing more competition to gain points. The bottom of her heels barely touched a glyph before she was already heading straight towards a patrol of One-Pointers.

Using one droid to land, Weiss swung Myrtnaster expertly, dancing between the faux villains, avoiding any counterattack they attempted. Taking a deep breath, Weiss' eyes darted around her. Nothing but the wrecked remains of villain bots on this street. This was very disappointing, she didn't even have to use any of the Dust she spent months painstakingly growing.

Willing another glyph to life, Weiss was about to launch herself off the ground when she felt a thud. The ground was starting to shake violently. What could have caused this-

The Zero-Pointer had been released. Using her glyphs, Weiss jumped through the air, landing on the roof of another nearby wrecked building. A large robot, one that towered even the building that Weiss was standing on stumbled through the main street. Now that seemed like a challenge.

The Grimm Dragon tore through the night sky of Vale, dropping lesser Grimm as it flew.

Running a finger along Myrtenaster's blade, Weiss lifted her blade in front of her, its tip aimed in the air. A glyph appeared in front of her, the snowflake having patterns of a very familiar sword and armor. The Arma Gigas could easily distract the Zero-pointer while she found a better position to-

"SMAAAAAAAAAAA-" Weiss heard someone scream, their high pitch voice tearing through the air. The Arma Gigas's armored head disappeared as Weiss' eyes widened in shock.


That green haired boy from earlier was flying in the air, his right arm swinging, instantly crumbling the Zero-Pointer's metal like a simple sheet of paper. What kind of quirk was that?! Weiss lowered Myrtenaster slowly, releasing a short breath.

Suddenly, the boy started to fall, gravity taking control of his body. She wouldn't make it in time! Even with her time dilation glyph, so Weiss instantly raised Myrtenaster, its tip aimed towards the green haired boy. She didn't have much gravity Dust, but it should be enough to lessen his fall. The boy fell through a black glyph that Weiss formed beneath him, his descent slowing, and soon he was out of sight, hidden by the tall buildings that lined the main street.

"Now if he only did that earlier." Weiss said to herself. As difficult as the Zero-Pointer must've been to defeat, it was still worth zero points. The rules were the rules.

Relaxing her grip on Myrtenaster, the speakers placed around the Battle Center came to life, Present Mic doing what he always did best.



A short chapter, but that's because this was supposed to be part of the last chapter. The exam is finally over! Soon Weiss shall be an official UA student! I can't wait to show you all her hero costume art.

Speaking of art, the amazing Spectrum on Space Battles drew an amazing piece of art. I shall be using it as Weiss' casual clothes when not in UA uniforms or Hero costume. SB/SV readers can find it in the media threadmark so go show it some love!

Sorry FF writers, you'll have to go to the other websites I post on in order to see it.

Question of the day!

Do you consider this story a musical? Why or why not?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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