One Hundred Eleven

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Eventually, the three days for the written exam arrived without fail. Thankfully, Weiss was fully prepared for all of her subjects, she was an expert at studying after all. The former heiress was used to making the other members of Team RWBY study before the finals, despite Ruby and Yang's aversion to studying anything not related to weapons or combat. Weiss finished each test confidently, if she failed, while disappointing, would mean that she would have to push herself even harder, sleep was for the weak. Complacency was more dangerous than exhaustion at this point. Weiss' aura could help keep her running for now. 

The class gathered at the Practical Exam Area on the fourth day in their hero costumes. Weiss carefully inspected Dolt as she stood near the front of the class, since her short stature meant she wouldn't be able to see well if she was in the back. Everything was well-maintained, from her combat heel-boots which made her a few inches taller, to her gauntlet, which was shiny and reinforced by her aura. Any combat engagements would most likely end in her favor, and that was being humble. There was little Weiss could do to stop herself from smirking. 

"Now we'll begin the practical exam." Mr. Aizawa said cooly, their other teachers standing beside him. From Thirteen to Midnight, seven pro heros stood in front of the class confidently. "It is possible to fail this exam, so don't make any stupid mistakes if you want to go to the training camp." 

As straightforward as usual, it was one of things Weiss liked about her homeroom teacher. That and he didn't use stories that went off topic like Professor Port did. 

"I expect that you all have gathered information ahead of time, and have some idea about what you'll be doing." Mr. Aizawa continued. 

"Ah yeah, we're going to be fighting robots like the entrance exam!" Kaminari shouted excitedly. 

"A test of courage!" Mina joined his shouting, the two sharing a single brain cell while Kyouka shook her head ever so slightly. 

"Too bad!" Mr. Aizawa's capture scarf started to wiggle. Wait a minute, Weiss knew that voice. Principal Nezu popped out, placing one of his paws on Mr. Aizawa's cheek. He was still one of the cutest things she had ever seen, despite how manipulative he was. "For various reasons, the exam shall be different starting today!" 

Basically, either the test was too easy, or they had to change it due to the rumors that the entire student body must've heard by now. Ignoring the class's whispers, Principal Nezu rappelled down Mr. Aizawa's body. "From now on we want to focus on person-to-person combat and hero work, and stress teaching that is closer to actual combat as well as other duties that heroes perform!" 

Combat was easy enough, as demonstrated by Weiss' win in the Sports Festival. Still, who knows how much her classmates improved over their internships, like Midoriya. She eyed the green boy out of the corner of her eye. Aside from her more complex moves that involved Dust, and her summons, most of Weiss' fighting style had been exposed to the world. 

That meant others would start preparing plans to counter her skills, which was natural. 

"We'll have you form teams of two to fight against one teacher!" Principal Nezu seemed excited. 

That was it? Depending on which teacher she faced, the final exam was either going to be painfully easy, or rather tedious. 

Mr. Aizawa spoke up this time. "The pairs and who each of the pairs shall face off against have already been decided. These were determined at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting styles, grades, interpersonal relationships and the like." 

That made sense, so each match was personalized to some degree. Hopefully Mr. Aizawa noticed that she got along well with one of her friends, and placed one of them with her. That would be the best situation she could hope for. 

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