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Weiss had never seen anything like this, not in her eighteen years of life on Remnant, and in the several months she had been stuck in this foreign world. She had already known that All Might was strong, he was called the Symbol of Peace and was ranked as the Number One Hero, but she never expected him to be this strong. His punches were strong enough to cause a windstorm strong enough to blow everything around him away! Weiss would need several tons of pure wind Dust if she even wanted to try replicating what he did. Her off-hand twitched slightly. All Might truly deserved all of the titles he had been given, and was a great and wise teacher.

By now, a few classmates had gathered to stare at the World's Greatest Hero in shock, including but not limited to creepy Todoroki, the dog, and Kirishima. Even with a ripped shirt and standing in the middle of a dust cloud, All Might's presence couldn't be diminished. Now he truly deserved to be called a hero. Weiss released her hold on the villains, her glyphs disappearing along with the wind vortexes she used to keep them in one spot. Should she make a move? She could launch a wave of flames with the Fire Dust she had, but the mist teleporter might be able to send it back, depending on how skilled he was with his quirk.

"Damn cheaters…" Handman said weakly. He must've lost a decent amount of blood by now, the torn shirt he wrapped around his missing finger now a black-red. "Kurogiri, get us out of here. We need to level up."

The purple mist enveloped the both of them, including a bloody patch on the ground several feet away, most likely Handman's severed finger. He deserved worse for what he did here. Myrtenaster shook softly as Weiss held in her rage. She should have been able to do more! T-These criminals tried killing her, and threatened Kyouka and Mina.

Weiss couldn't lose anymore people.

"No worries Young Schnee, they're gone now." Weiss felt a large hand on her shoulder, and released the breath she didn't realize she was holding in.

"Yes sir." Weiss brushed her bangs out of her eyes. The whispers from her classmates returned, as several of them stared at All Might and herself in shock.

"The paramedics should be outside by now. Let's go get you checked out." All Might motioned to the blood stains that littered her blue combat dress. Weiss stared at Myrtenaster's drops of red liquid coating part of it, along with her gauntlet.

"No worries sir. None of this is mine." Weiss said gently swinging her blade, causing a few drops of blood to fall on the ground. She would have to inspect Myrtenaster for any imperfections later. Her comment seemed to have earned her a few more shocked stares, even All Might seemed a bit confused. Weiss ignored their looks and started walking toward the entrance where they originally entered from.

She needed to find her friends.


Weiss found Mina and Kyouka with the paramedics. Thankfully, they didn't seem to have any visible injuries, though Mina seemed rather shellshocked. That was understandable considering the condition Thirteen was in, who had the back part of her body shredded, and Mr. Aizawa, whose ambulance already drove off as soon as he was in the vehicle.

"Weiss?" Mina said, her yellow eyes turning to the approaching Idol. Kyouka sat by her side on the edge of one of the ambulances as a paramedic examined her.

"The Goddess has returned-" Weiss stepped around Mineta who had his arms outstretched in front of her, and pulled her two friends into a tight embrace.  There was little she could do to stop the waterworks as Weiss' tears fell freely.

Her friends were safe! They were ok!

Weiss felt them wrap their arms around her carefully so as to not cut themselves on Myrtenaster. She was sure that her sobbing gain her the attention of their other classmates and the paramedics, but none of that mattered to her at that moment.

"I'm sorry.." Weiss choked in between her tears. It was hard to breathe, but Weiss didn't want to let go. She would have never been able to forgive herself if something had happened to the two. Weiss had already failed one group of friends, she wouldn't fail a second time.

After what felt like an eternity, the trio slowly pulled away. Mina gave her a small grin, while Kyouka wiped away some of her own tears.

"There's nothing to be sorry about Weisscream." Mina said, poking Weiss in the side. Kyouka nodded as she allowed the amused paramedic to finish checking her blood pressure, he paused after he got a good look at Weiss.

"Do you need any assistance Miss Schnee?" The paramedic asked nervously. He kept glancing at her outfit. Why was he looking there-oh.

"Don't worry. This isn't my blood." Weiss had a feeling that she was going to be saying that quite often, at least until she changed outfits.

It was at that moment that a few EMT's exited the USJ, with black tarps covering their emergency cots, with the Pro-Heroes Snipe and Cementoss escorting them.

Weiss didn't notice the stares they gave Myrtenaster.


No, no, no, NO! None of this was supposed to happen! Stupid heroes, stupid students, fucking All Might ruined everything! Why couldn't he have died in peace? It would have been so simple, killing the Symbol of Peace and some Idol singer. Where did everything go wrong?! 

The plan went astray when the Bard sliced off one of his fingers, the pain still filling Tomura's body. He was starting to feel lightheaded too, how annoying. He would need to maximize his stats and level up for next time.

"Rest here, I shall bring the Doctor." Kurogiri said, carefully seating Tomura in one of the corner tables at their bar hideout. Tomura remained silent, his rage only being held at bay by the pain coursing through his nervous system. Kurogiri disappeared as quickly as he arrived.

He needed all five fingers in order to use his quirk, and that stupid Bard made one of his hands useless. Tomura started to grind his teeth as he screamed.

"Quiet down please. Some of us like to enjoy our drinks in peace." A rather annoying voice said, coming from another table in the corner across from Tomura. His face was hidden by a well placed shadow, but Tomura already knew that voice. A young blonde girl in a school uniform sat next to him, her eyes fixated on his bleeding finger. She licked her lips hungrily.

"You gave us the wrong schedule." Tomura gritted out. He had hired the two to steal the teacher's schedule, the one that said where All Might would have been.

"Technically, it was the right schedule judging by how big boy isn't here with you anymore." The figure said as he inhaled smoke from his cigar. "It's not my fault that they changed it at the last minute. You hurt poor Toga's feelings, after everything she went through to get it for you. Isn't that right?" The rogue class girl nodded her head eagerly, her eyes never leaving Tomura's missing finger.

Tomura grunted and hissed as the pain flared up again. The figure slowly stood up, revealing a bowler hat with a feather.

"You should have been ready for this. We're criminals after all, we lie, we steal, we cheat." He stepped out of the shadows, an eyepatch on his right eye visible, barely hidden by the bangs of his orange hair.

"But most important of all, we survive." He grabbed his cane as the vampire girl stood to follow him. He gave Tomura an annoying smirk. Oh how he longed to wrap his hand around Torchwick's annoying throat, to see him decay, to turn into dust.

"Let's go, Toga. Let's find something to eat. How about a nice juicy steak?" Torchwick smirked as he walked out.


"Whatever you want kiddo."

The two finally left, leaving Tomura alone to wallow in his hatred. He hated Torchwick, he hated All Might, but most of all…

Tomura hated the Bard, and he was going to make her suffer.

Finished eaaaarly! Time to start the new with a bang! I hope everyone enjoyed the surprise. Was anyone expecting this? Probably. Controversial? Most definitly.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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