Twenty Six

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Jirou's Father had long blond hair that fell right beneath his shoulders. Dressed in a loose blue buttoned-up shirt and in beige slacks, Weiss couldn't see any resemblances in Jirou. She was however, the spitting image if her Mother, with their hair color being similar shades, and what seemed to be identical quirks judging by Mrs. Jirou's ears. Quirks being hereditary made Weiss feel a bit uneasy, what would happen if she ever had a child? Not that she planned on having any at the moment, but the Schnee's family glyphs was one of the rare semblances that could be passed down.

The Schnee's glyphs are what allowed Grandfather to restore the family to glory, and resulted in many trying to marry into the family, hoping that they could gain such a powerful semblance for their own gain. Weiss had to deal with many self proclaimed suitors. Would one of her future children have a quirk and a semblance? This was unexplored territory that made her feel uneasy. Shaking her head internally, Weiss turned her attention back to the experienced composer that sat in front of her.

Mr. Jirou sat in a chair in the control room, right in front of the mixing console. Jirou leaned against said console, her hands placed at just the right spots where she wouldn't be touching any buttons or slides accidentally.

"You said you wrote all of this?" Mr. Jirou said gruffly as his eyes analyzed the song in the folder she handed him. With some help from Jirou, Weiss managed to narrow down her song choices down to a few.

"Yes." Weiss answered simply. The man was obviously a master at his craft, judging by how his eyes seemed to dance over the pages. A man with his experience was no doubt tearing her music apart in his brain, using the musical standards and preferences that were set in this world.

Mr. Jirou grabbed the second folder, his eyes showing no emotion as he read through it. After a few seconds, he closed it and stacked the two folders on an empty part of the console. He turned his hard gaze towards Weiss, Jirou sighing from her spot. Did he like them? Or was he disappointed in her songs?


Ah, here it came. A harsh remark to iron out the kinks in Weiss' perfect songs. Well, perfect by Remnants standards, but perhaps not here.


The worst songs he had ever heard in his life, shattering Weiss' plans of ever being able to repay Yu in the near future.

"THE GREATEST SONGS I HAVE EVER HEARD!" Mr. Jirou screamed, causing Weiss to flinch. Wait what?



Mr. Jirou started ranting as Weiss and Jirou stared at him in confusion.

"I showed him the video of you singing earlier. He was very impressed." Jirou commented as they ignored her Father's scream-rant. "I think he was just messing with you with that serious look on his face."

"You think?" Weiss' grimace was on full display. "So does this mean he'll help us?" Jirou was opening her mouth to respond when-

"Of course I will!" Mr. Jirou interjected, a large grin on his face. "These songs deserve to be shared with the world!"

Weiss felt a real smile form on her face. It felt weird, hearing such praise from a person who knew nothing about her. Back in Atlas people would eat up whatever she said, even if they disagreed with it.

"Thank you Mr. Jirou-"

"Just one thing." His eyes suddenly turned serious, causing Weiss to swallow the saliva that had built up in her throat. What was it this time? Was his suggestion a sneak attack? To get her while she was off guard?

"Yes?" Weiss and Jirou said at the same time.

Mr. Jirou stood up from his seat and stared through the glass wall that separated them from the recording booth.

"We're going to release two songs. The one you sang at the music store, and this one."

Jirou's eyes widened as her Father turned back to the two of them, holding the two folders in his hands.

"Kyouka, go get your Mother. We have a lot of work to do."

Now Weiss liked the sound of that.


"So how was it?" Yu asked as Weiss got in her car. The young hero was surprised that Weiss stayed at the Jirou household as long as she did. Her little tsundere didn't seem to like opening up to others, but it was great that she was starting to make friends!

"It was fun." Weiss said, a small smile on her face. Yu smiled in return. Weiss deserved to be happy, especially after everything that happened to her back in her old world. "Can you drop me off again tomorrow? Mr and Mrs. Jirou gave me permission to come over."

"Sure! Just make sure you keep studying for UA's entrance exams. You don't want to end up like me, barely graduating." Yu said that last part with an awkward laugh. Being a parent was hard.

"I know." Weiss gave her a happy sigh.

Yu hummed happily as they started the drive back to Mt. Agency. Despite her lows and highs with Weiss, Yu didn't regret taking her in one bit.

Hopefully Weiss would feel the same way one day.

A short chapter, but that's because this was supposed to be part of the last chapter.
We're slowly getting closer to UA, and I can't wait to try my hand at writing 1-A's and all of the teachers' unique personalities. Plus I'll finally start practicing writing fight scenes.

While writing this, the idea that Weiss sings a K/DA song popped into my head and now I can't get rid of it. I kept listening to Hero Too as I wrote this chapter to try and get it out.

Question of the day:

Am I doing a good job with Weiss' personality? I hope I am.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress.

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