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Weiss allowed her hand to drop, the mirror landing in her lap undamaged. What the hell was going on here? First Ruby and the others don't even bother to show up, someone took Myrtenaster along with her other belongings, those earrings were made out of the purest dust! And now she looked like she could be Whitley's little sister. At least she stopped growing around this age, if only gaining an inch or two right before being accepted into Beacon. Weiss was definitely going to need a new pair of heels once she got out of here, right after she tore into Ruby for not being here as soon as she woke up. 

The door opened, revealing Detective Tsukauchi from earlier and a woman dressed in an outfit that would make even Yang blush, with weird purple horns. Weiss narrowed her eyes, steeling her features. Never reveal anything that could be used against you in the future, that was one of the first lessons Father taught her, and as much as she hated to admit it, Father's lessons would serve her well as she dealt with this man and possible huntress. 

"Good afternoon." He took a seat that was next to Weiss' hospital. "As I said earlier, my name is Detective Tskauchi from the National Police Agency and this is Mt. Lady. She is the hero that found you and brought you to the hospital." The Detective pulled the same notebook from his pocket. The Huntress gave Weiss a warm smile, before suddenly grabbing her with a death grip, throwing her arms around Weiss' smaller shoulders before the white haired girl could even say a word. 

"I'm so happy that you're ok! I almost lost you a few times in the ambulance on the way here!" Weiss struggled to keep her blush down as her face was pressed into the strange woman's bosom. C-Can't breathe-

Using her aura to strengthen her muscles, Weiss was about to force the wanton Huntress off of her when Detective Tsukauchi spoke. 

"You're going to reopen her wound if you don't let go." 

"Oops, sorry!" Mt. Lady blushed as she wiped a few tears off of her face. Weiss felt a damp spot on her shoulder, causing her to seethe inside. Who was this woman to touch her without permission? If only she had Myrtenaster she could run that woman through- 

"My apologies." Detective Tsukauchi interrupted Weiss' plans for murder as he took the seat that sat next fo Weiss' hospital bed. He glared at the promiscuous woman. "Mt. Lady requested that she be allowed in the meeting since she was the hero on the scene that found you."

"I see." Weiss eyed the huntress. "Thank you for helping me in my time of need." Being polite could help Weiss score some points, points she could use to regain her belongings. 

"You're welcome." If Mt. Lady was a bird, Weiss was sure that she would be showing off her feathers. "I just did what any hero would do." Now the lady was pushing it. Did she save Weiss' life? According to everyone here she did, but what about the doctors and nurses who also did their part? Calling herself a hero was pushing the limit.

"Now, I would like to ask you a few questions. Could you answer them to the best of your abilities?" Detective Tsukauchi asked. Mt. Lady took a seat on the other side of Weiss' bed. 

"Of course." Weiss replied. She just had to be careful of what she revealed or concealed. This could be a long scam, with the Doctor, Nurse, and this 'Detective' being scammers that were trying to siphon information out of Weiss. 

"Thank you." Detective Tsukauchi said. His eyes met Weiss' blue ones. "What's your name?" 

"Ruby Rose." Weiss answered immediately. Detective Tsukauchi scratched something out of his notes and he rubbed his forehead slowly. 

"Hey kid, I hope you know that my quirk let's me know when someone is lying." He leaned back in his chair. "I want to help you, but I'm going to need your full cooperation. Now please, what's your name?" 

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