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Japanese cuisine was pretty similar to Mistralian food, which was a weird yet reassuring fact to Weiss. Yu had already eaten her food by the time Weiss arrived, but that didn't bother her. Despite being used to having her meals with others, especially due to Ruby's insistence that the team always eat together, the silence was comforting. It allowed Weiss to gather her thoughts, but it was also lonely. Eating a spoonful of the rice and egg mixture that Yu bought, Weiss ate silently as Yu watched some program on the TV, laughing every few seconds. Ruby and Yang would have enjoyed watching that-

The food tasted like ash in Weiss' mouth, but she forced herself to keep eating. If she didn't eat, her body would start to suffer, if she started suffering, then she wouldn't be able to keep searching for a way back home. Stuffing the shaking spoon in her mouth, she swallowed now bitter tasting food. Once she was done, she could go finish unpacking the few belongings she had. Maybe even get started on growing more ice Dust from her earrings? 

Weiss eyed the hallway that led to the elevator. Her plans for the day would have to depend on how long Detective Tsukauchi's interrogation lasted. Would it be annoying and be over stuff they already discussed? Most likely, he was a detective. 

"How's the food?" Yu asked, lifting her head from the couch where she laid, said couch also covered in old wrappers and bags much to Weiss' dismay. At least the office downstairs was cleaner. 

"It's delicious. Thank you for the meal." Weiss said with a slight bow of her head. It wasn't Yu's fault that Weiss' mouth was playing tricks on her. 

"I'm glad. I've been told that I have great taste." Yu gave Weiss another of her famous winks. "Soon enough I'll have my face on some best selling cereal box." She formed a dramatic thumbs up, with her tongue sticking out from the corner of her mouth. "I'll have to work on my pose later." 

Weiss smiled as she forced another spoonful of rice down her throat. Hopefully the cereal would be good for people, unlike Pumpkin Pete's that Jaune liked to devour during Team RWBY and JNPR's breakfast. Pyrrha would always stare in amazement as the blond finished half a box in one sitting. Yu went back to watching the TV, laughing as two men started slapping each other comically. 

Finishing the bowl, Weiss placed it in the sink, which was full of other bowls, plates and eating utensils. Maybe she could repay Yu in this manner, for now at least. Once she had money she could repay Yu using that. 

Tying her loose hair into her signature ponytail, minus the tiara which still sat in her room, Weiss pulled on the pair of unused rubber gloves that sat next to the sink. Did she have any experience when it came to cleaning? 

Of course not, but if Klein was able to do it, then so could Weiss!


"How long has she been at this?" Tsukauchi asked slowly, standing in the middle of Mt. Lady's living room, with said hero standing right next to him with wide eyes as they stared at the white haired girl attempting to clean the kitchen. 

Attempting was the key word here. 

"She's been at this for two hours now." Mt. Lady said hesitantly. "I told her that she didn't have to, but she insisted." The bubbles coming from the sink started to grow in size as Weiss tried scrubbing a dirty plate with the wrong side of a sponge. "I don't think she even noticed you walking in." 

Tsukauchi rubbed his forehead with a sigh. So their interdimensional visitor, who despite being quirkless according to their world's standards, possessed a quirk that Tsukauchi didn't even think was possible, and to top all of that off, she didn't know how to wash dishes. 

Weiss Schnee was quite the interesting person. Judging by the way she held herself, and by the quality of the dress and sword she was found with, she must've been well off back in her world. Her world, what a strange concept. If his own quirk didn't agree with everything that she said, Tsukauchi would have immediately called a psychologist. There was simply no other explanation when combined with her sword and the device she called a 'scroll'. 

Huntsman academies that seemed so similar to their own schools like UA, Weiss mentally being a seventeen year old, that last one was confirmed by Tsukauchi's quirk, much to his shock. 

"Why, are, you, being, so difficult!?" Weiss all but growled as she aggressively scrubbed the same  plate over and over again. Her borrowed clothing were now completely soaked in water, with the bubbles from the soap forming weird patterns. 

"Should we say something?" Mt. Lady gave Tsukauchi a side glance. He shook his head as he carefully moved an old wrapper from the couch. Sitting fien slowly, his eyes never left Weiss' frustrated form. 

"No. I believe she's just trying to express herself." That would explain why she was trying so hard, and why her eyes were starting to tear up. 

Weiss released a frustrated scream. 

Or that was just the soap in her eyes. He had been wrong before. 


A short, filler chapter, but I didn't have much time to write today. Getting used to the job transfer took a lot out of me today. 

I might not update tomorrow, but I'll try to make Friday's chapter over 2k words if I don't make up for it. 

Weiss isn't going to get over her friends easily, I've seen some stories where the isekaid person is basically

"What? Ok, time to go to UA." 

I'm not going to do that here. She will get over it, eventually, but it will still be there. 

Fun fact of the day instead of a question today:

Mirko was the original hero I had planned on finding Weiss. Since I havent read the manga or finished MHA season 5, I didn't feel confident in writing her so Mt. Lady was brought in instead. 

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