One Hundred Ten

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Lunch came soon enough, with her usual crowd of hangerons still following Weiss around. The group had thinned considerably, the wonder and mystery of seeing a celebrity up close gone, but that did little to dissuade her more fanaticsl fans, such as Monoma and Mineta who sat at the far end of the table. 

"I need to make sure Mother has the maids clean the main hall! And to have our finest cups of china prepared." Momo beamed as she delicately ate her food. "I can't wait!" 

While the others had been intimidated by Momo's wealth, Weiss was unaffected. The Schnee family was the richest family in all the Four Kingdoms, with enough mansions and summer homes to build their own petty kingdom. That wasn't even mentioning the factories, mines and other facilities they owned. Not even the wealth of Merlot Industries, the Winchester's, or the Marigold's came close, combined. 

"I'll also make sure to have those coffee beans that you enjoy, Weiss, freshly roasted for your coffee." Momo turned her attention to the huntress, a smile on her flushed face. "I remember that you prefer it to tea." 

"You don't have to." Weiss said before eating a spoonful of rice. "But I thank you for your generosity." As rich as Momo was, Weiss didn't want to take advantage of her generosity. She knew how it felt to be used. Weiss would have to bring something, to offset any such thinking, something expensive. Momo reminded Weiss of Pyrrha sometimes, their always polite demeanor, and they were both considered pretty by others. 

"Weissy must've been rich in her past life to be talking like that." Mina said jokingly, pointing her spoon towards Weiss.  Heh, if only she knew the whole truth. 

"She is rich." Kyouka added, which was extremely unhelpful. She wasn't lying, Weiss was well off and could afford expensive things thanks to her music career and merchandise she sold, but she was far from being extremely rich. Rich enough to live comfortably at the very least, and that was being humble. 

"Shut up." Weiss rolled her eyes. She felt an evil smirk suddenly come onto her face. "Actually, please, keep going, I'm so going to enjoy the training for the performance part of the test." She did win the Sports Festival, and practically all of their hero exercises. 

The temperature at the table seemed to have reached the freezing point. 


Rumors about the practical exam were already starting to spread, with the main one being that it would be another exercise against the machines from the entrance exam. While all rumors held some sliver of truth, Weiss wasn't inclined to believe the rumors spread by Midoriya and his friends, who had heard from Class 1-B at that and who knew who they had heard it from. 

Plus, UA was supposed to be one of the best hero school's, having the final exams be a rehash of the entrance exams would be rather disappointing. No, it was definitely going to be something else. 

"Deku!" The dog screamed angrily. He had been on a rant for the past several minutes, most of which Weiss ignored. "I'll show you who's the best during the finals! You too, Todoroki, and Schnee. I'LL SHOW ALL OF YOU!"  

Weiss didn't bother acknowledging him as he stomped out of the classroom. He had been rather silent after his loss at the Sports Festival, but now all of that anger was starting to unleash it seemed. She stood up from her seat, and slid on her backpack with practiced ease. 

The only cure for rabid dogs was putting them down. 


"Thank you Sho." Weiss opened her door before the elderly driver could do so himself. The weekend had came quickly, and after quickly picking up Mina and Kyouka, they arrived outside of the Yaoyorozu gated household. She adjusted the expensive cake she held in a bag. It was from one of the fancier bakeries ran by some famous chef. 

Sero, Mineta, Ojiro and Kaminari were already standing by the gate, staring in shock. They tore their eyes away from the gate to see the Trio exiting the expensive car. 

"Nice wheels, Schnee." Kaminari joked. He wore a plain white t-shirt with an unbuttoned dress shirt. The other three boys wore similar outfits, except they had polo shirts. 

"Thank you." Weiss said politely. Sho drove off not even a minute later. 

"Hello my queen-" Mineta started, only to earn himself a glare. It didn't seem to phase him. 

Mina stared at the gate with her mouth open, but Weiss refrained from commenting, she did warn her after all. The pinkette wore shorts with a black tank top, while Kyouka wore a baggy shirt with matching pants. Weiss for her own part, wore a simple blue dress with her hair tied into a regular ponytail with a blue ribbon. Simple and elegant, just the way she liked it. Plus, it meshed well with both casual and semi-formal events. 

"I knew she was rich, but I didn't think she was this rich." Kyouka mumbled as they lined up side by side for some reason. The metal fence extended far down the side of the street, with no end in sight. 

Without another word, Weiss pressed the button on the radio. 

"Hello everyone! I've been waiting for you!" Momo's excited voice came through the intercom, it reminded Weiss of Pyrrha. She never got to apologize to her, for the way Weiss viewed her. Weiss took a deep breath as the gate started to open. 

"Please come in." 


The grand hall looked just as Weiss had expected it to be, with a long table and decorations that cost more than the average household made in a single year. It kinda reminded Weiss of home. Everyone had their books open, ready to study for the written portion of the final exam. They would do some performance training later on. 

"I feel so out of place it's making me nervous." Ojiro said, keeping his voice low. Mineta nodded eagerly in agreement beside him. 

"Me too…" Sero agreed with a whisper. Aside from Kaminari, those two seemed too scared to talk to Weiss directly. 

The sound of a cart slightly creaking ended their conversation early. Turning her eyes from the notebook to the now opened double doors, Weiss nearly had to look away from how brightly Momo was shining. 

"Is something wrong?" Momo beamed, wearing a long red polo shirt that covered the jean shorts she wore. Please don't start hallucinating, please! She had been doing better the past few weeks. 

"Nothing!" Everyone, except Weiss, answered. 

At least the coffee smelled good. 


I played around with AI art to develop part of Weiss' blue dress. It's not as good as an actual artist, but it's fun. I definitely prefer the works of actual artists, and will continue to do commissions when able. 

If anyone's interested in seeing the outfit for the chapter, let me know and I'll share it. 

Question of the day:

Anime's always have an opening song, what song should Schnee: Hero or Huntress' should be? It doesn't have to be a RWBY or MHA song. 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress! 

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