Eighty Eight

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After the dog's rather close fight with Midoriya, it was time for Weiss' turn to fight once more, this time against Mineta. Standing a few feet away from the purple boy as they waited for Present Mic's signal to fight, Weiss sent the slightly shorter boy a glare. 

"You better not forfeit, or I swear that you're going to regret it." She seethed, which made Mineta blush softly. "I want you to go at me with everything you have, understand? I don't care how big of a fan you are." 

"As you command my Queen." Mineta bowed respectfully. Present Mic was still hyping up the crowd, taking his sweet time. 

"Good." Weiss' hands hovered over Dolt's handle, ready to end the fight as soon as it started. She didn't want people saying that she only made it to the finals because she paid off the students she was competing against. She wanted to win with her own skills and strength, not because someone forfeited. 



"You didn't have to beat him so hard." Kyouka said the moment Weiss took her seat. The match ended in less than five minutes, with Mineta covered in bruises from Dolt. It took that long since she didn't want to hurt her loyal minion too badly. 

Just use enough strength to win, ensure that the victory is indisputable, and don't turn your back on the enemy until they have been dealt with. Even a wounded Beowolf could kill a Huntsman in the prime of his life if he wasn't careful. Naturally, Weiss also made sure to use as little aura as possible throughout the various challenges. Watching the matches also helped her rest, and mentally prepare for the next fight. Psychological warfare was effective, especially since most of her opponents were inexperienced. 

"I didn't want to end up like Todoroki." Weiss said bluntly, which made Momo start coughing violently as she took a sip of water. It was true, and since she was already handicapped by only bringing a limited supply of Dust, she was going to have to fight smarter. "Just because someone or something looks weak and defenseless, doesn't mean that they won't be able to hurt you." Grimm pups often did that to ambush overconfident Huntsmen and Huntresses. 

Kyouka, Momo, and even Kaminari nodded, the two younger girl's eyes suddenly turning serious as the next two participants walked onto the field. 

"That's why you're the Class Rep." Kaminari said jokingly. Ah yes, that horrible position that was forced upon her, but at least Momo was a decent deputy, and Iida made for a good secretary despite his eccentricities. Speaking of which, he was going up against some girl from Class 1B with vines for hair. 

"I've seen the stickers on your binder, I know the real reason I won." Weiss was sure that she only won because her classmates wanted to show off that their Class Representative was a celebrity. Kyouka would have qualified by that since she did perform on stage with her, but she always concealed her identity before every concert or music video. 

"You won because you're smart, Weissy." Mina spoke up, turning her head around. "Can you imagine if Bakugou won?" 

That sounded like the plot to a bad horror movie. 


"WE NOW HAVE OUR FOUR SEMI-FINALIST!" Present Mic shouted, much to the delight of the crowd who cheered just as loudly. Weiss clapped politely, she had an image to uphold of course. The screens showed off the picture of four students, Weiss included. 


The crowd cheered loudly. Weiss furrowed her eyebrows. His unpredictable nature when it came to the quirks he would use made him dangerous, though he did seem to favor the quirk that lets him turn the concrete into putty. 

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