Twenty Eight

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"12 hours is a long night. When you're searching…" Weiss sang softly into the professional microphone, the music playing in her ear through the earpiece she wore. "With no hope in sight."

"Aimless...on the inside." Weiss opened her eyes and stared straight at the camera that was aimed at her face. "And the damage makes you want to hide." Could they hear her? Could her team hear her? Could the remains of Team JNPR hear her? Could Winter hear her? Could anybody needing this song hear Weiss sing?

"I know that it seems pointless. I know that it feels fake." Weiss slowed her singing slightly. "I know you can't stand the thought of, being, stray…" The soft sound of her playing the piano filled her ears.


Weiss' voice went silent for a second as Mrs. and Mr. Jirou's guitar and drums smashed that brief silence, supported by Jirou's bass guitar.

"Dry your eyes now, baby. Broken wings won't hold you down." Weiss smiled as the words flowed right out of her mouth. "You'll take flight soon, baby…"

Weiss poured all of her emotions into her voice.

"You'll be lifted up…"

The various instruments started to soften as they followed Weiss' voice. The Jirou family were some of the finest musicians that Weiss ever had the honor of performing with. How else could they learn the song in just a few days?

"And you'll be there~...."

The song slowly faded to silence with the violins that both and Weiss played.

"Thank you so much for listening! I hope that this song reaches those who need it." Weiss said looking at the camera, flashing one of her 'heiress' smiles. "And a big thank you to everyone for showing your support! In a few days, I'll havw a special surprise for everyone! Till next time, I'm Weiss."

Weiss gave the camera a heart shaped out of her arms.

"Annnnd cut." Jirou said from behind the camera. Weiss' smile immediately fell, replaced by a neutral expression and hard eyes.

"Good job! We'll finish up here. You two go and get some rest." Mrs. Jirou said from the control room. Mr. Jirou had taped tied around his mouth to stop him from screaming, but he gave her an enthusiastic thumbs up. She gave them a small smile and a slight bow from her head.

"That felt weird." Weiss stood up from her seat, being careful enough not to bump into the microphone. Saying stuff like that out loud made those words feel foriegn, especially since it was being said to who knows how many strangers.

"That's because you're a tsundere." Jirou smirked as they started walking towards the recording studio's room.

"I still have no idea what that means." Weiss said dryly. She tried searching it up online, but nothing popped up, which was extremely weird. Someone must've messed with her phone when she wasn't looking. That would require an investigation once she had time.

"Good." Jirou's smirk never left. "You'll find out one day." She crossed her arms behind her head. "We should be finished editing the video before you leave today."

"That's good." Weiss gave her a glare. "And you better make sure that all of you are credited, even if you don't want to get into the music business."

"Yeah yeah. I'll let Ashido know that she can launch the metube channel. She's been working really hard promoting your easygram too."

Weiss would pay them all of course, once she started earning money. She wasn't going to just use them and throw them away the moment a better opportunity came. That's what Father would have done, but Weiss wasn't her Father.

"I'll give her a call after we're finished." Weiss nodded. "She declared herself to be my new manager." The pink girl was starting to remind her more of Nora, instead of Ruby. That relieved Weiss, she didn't need anymore hallucinations in broad daylight.

Jirou led her down one hallway that would lead them to the kitchen after taking a right. It didn't take too long.

"Have you told Yu yet?" Jirou opened a cupboard and took out a box of cookies she had hidden, which she handed to Weiss. She raised an eyebrow when she saw Weiss' frown. "Really?"

"I was going to tell her!" Weiss paused for a second. "After the video was posted as a surprise." She added that last part quietly.

Jirou sighed as she grabbed a carton of milk.

"Whatever you say Weiss."


Weiss laid on her bed with the lights turned off, her eyes focused on her phone's screen. She stared at the screen, her thumb hovering over the post button. Ashido had done a great job promoting her metube channel, but that could only do so much when it came to making money. People needed to like the song if this was going to be a success.

The second song would be done in a few more days, and hopefully bring in listeners who prefer a lighter sounding song. Jirou's family had fun practicing it, which was a good sign. The people here were too nice.

Sighing softly, Weiss hardened her eyes. It was time for the moment of truth. She pressed the post button, her light blue eyes seemed like they would have burned a hole in her phone's screen as the video slowly loaded to one hundred.

Video posted.

Weiss released the breath she didn't know she was holding. Time to see if all of their efforts weren't for nothing. Weiss refreshed the page.


She refreshed it again.


Weiss groaned and turned the phone off. Sitting up slowly, she connected it to her charger next to her bed. She had a long day in the studio. Some sleep would do her some good. Rolling on her side, Weiss pulled the blankets up over herself.

She saw black hair with red tips laying next to ber as her eyes closed shut.

AHAHA. I said no chapter today, but I lied. I finished the scripts ahead of time, so I will take my small break tomorrow instead. While writing this, the image of Weiss being a member of Gfriend struck my head and now I can't get it out.

I'm almost caught up with RWBY, and a pet peeve that I have is Jaune, Ren and Nora's screen time. They should have left them back at Argus. They eat up too much of RWBY's time, and it doesn't allow the girls' bond to be shown on screen. 

Plus, I really don't like Jaune.

Question of the day:

What do you think is the second song?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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