Forty Four

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Mr. Aizawa had said that there would be about eight physical tests, and since Weiss already did the softball throw, that meant she only had seven more to do. Perhaps she should have used all of her strength when she threw the ball, and continued using her glyphs to make it go farther, but what was done was done. Besides, at least she managed to hide the true extent of her abilities. Only those who attended the same Battle Center as her may have an idea, but even then that physical exam didn't require her to go all out. As a celebrity, many people were interested in learning about her quirk, which led to quite a few interviewers asking about it. Naturally, Weiss was prepared and changed the conversation. She didn't need some nerd trying to dig deep into her aura and glyphs. Even the best lies or half truths could eventually unravel.

For her next test, Weiss was up against the Brown haired girl who arrived with Greenie in the fifty-meter dash. Stretching her body as she touched her toes, Weiss gave the slightly taller girl a glance. She was touching various parts of hee uniform and shoes, her hands glowing pink for just a few seconds. What was her quirk again? Weiss should have paid attention to the others' quirks during the entrance exam, in case they happened to make it into the same class.

She narrowed her eyes as she stood up to her full height and stood at the starting line. Myrtenaster wouldn't be needed for these tests, but her excuse was that her beloved blade helped her to channel her glyphs. She would have to definitely downplay her abilities, but she wasn't going to let herself lose. She was a Schnee, not an idiot that was going to throw matches. Weiss was too prideful, she already knew that of course. She had more experience fighting than any of her classmates, and she spent over half of her life training.

Weiss wouldn't lose against these children. Getting into her ready position, with the Brown Hair girl following her lead, Weiss narrowed her eyes again. That was starting to become a habit. Maybe that's why hardly anybody approached her after her confrontation with the dog. 

"Ready," the Droid-Speaker-Camera announced. Weiss started channeling her aura, forming small glyphs on the sole of her running shoes.

"Get set…"

Once she launched she would form more on the ground to increase her speed. Ballet, fencing, ice skating, and the various other exercises she did on Remnant were done for only one reason, to make sure that her body was optimized for her fighting style. And while she may have been reverted to a fourteen-fifteen year old, Weiss didn't spend the past couple months just sitting on Yu's couch.


Weiss immediately launched herself forward, forming a line of glyphs that led straight to the other end. Using the momentum from her launch, Weiss' body glides slightly above the ground the first couple meters, before her feet landed on hee glyphs, using them to slide straight to the finish.

"3.10 seconds."

That was decent enough. Only Glasses was faster than her, but that was with his quirk being primarily based on speed. If Weiss had access to her Dust, she could have been faster. It would never hurt to have a few tricks hidden up her sleeves.

"7.15 seconds." The Droid announced as the Brown Haired girl finally caught up, though seemed a bit out of breath as she was running. That immediately disappeared as she started grinning.

"Yay! I'm faster than I was last year!" She smiled and turned to Weiss. "Wow! You were so fast, it looks like you can do a lot of things with your quirk!"

Why was she looking at Weiss like she was a normal person? Only Mina, Kyouka, Yu and the Detective who Weiss hasn't seen in a while looked at her like that. Was she playing dumb, or did she not know who Weiss was?

"Thank you." Weiss turned on her heel and walked towards the rest of the class while Mina and the girly blond boy started getting ready for their turn.

Time to observe her classmates' quirks.

Ruby would have been able to win easily.


The second test dealted with grip strength. Now while Weiss wasn't as physically strong as say Yang or even Blake, she wasn't a slouch. Being able to hold onto Myrtenaster for hours while in combat took a lot of strength and energy, and her aura should allow her to perform decently in this test.

Holding the device in her hand, Weiss squeezed the handles tightly, her aura enhancing her strength. The machine lit up with a number on the screen.

'Two Hundred Kilograms.'

Yang could have done better.


The next test was the standing long jump, which was rather easy. Weiss just used her glyphs to stay in the air until she went a bit further past the sandbox. While her goal was to hold back and do enough to rank well enough on the list, it did make her feel better to see the dog basically froth at the mouth whenever she outperformed him.

The side jumps were just as easy, with Weiss forming a glyph on both sides of her, which the Purple Ball boy seemed to copy, but managed to do at a slightly quicker pace. At least he knew a good idea when he saw one.

The distance run, seated toe-touch and sit-ups were rather boring, if not disappointing. Her ballet and ice skating training ensured that she was flexible, able to push the little metal board to the maximum, and perhaps a bit more if there wasn't another piece blocking it.

Now Weiss was standing in the heat with her classmates, waiting for everyone to finish the ball throw that she had done earlier to demonstrate. She stood off to the side, away from the cliques that had formed. Mina stood with the Red hair boy, while Kyouka seemed rather close to the Yellow hair boy that seemed to follow her around. She would have to tease them about that later, and tell them to stop glancing at her like they were doing right now.

"Do you think he's actually going to expel someone, Miss Weiss?" Weiss heard someone approach her. Turning her eyes slightly, she spotted 'Momo' coming to a stop right next to her. Her quirk was actually pretty useful in Weiss' opinion, the ability to create something out of her body could be invaluable in any field. She could probably even recreate Dust, but whether that would work could be anyone's guess. Still, it could be worth a try in the future.

"Of course not. He's just attempting to scare us." Weiss scoffed as Mr. Aizawa exchanged some words with Green boy. "This is the Hero course, not General studies. Calling this fun would be an insult to all of the hardworking pro-heroes that have graduated from UA."

'Momo' nodded slightly. "I was thinking the same thing." She turned her gaze towards their classmates to the side of them. "I wonder how many of them fell for it."

"From what I've seen, most of them do." Weiss replied dryly. Green Boy seemed rather nervous as his arm started to glow weirdly. Oh, was he going to do the same thing he did to the Zero-Pointer-

The ball exploded into the air, yet that wasn't the thing that surprised Weiss. She had rumors that his quirk was rather self destructive during the other test, but she certainly wasn't expecting this.

What kind of power caused his finger to turn brown and swollen as if it was broken? 

This was done early so I hope you all enjoy it. AND, the art last chapter was the color sketch so heres the final product! Enjoy the thighs!

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Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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