Seventy Two

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"EVERYBODY SAY HEY!" The image of Present Mic screaming appeared on the giant screens that were carefully placed around the stadium. The sold out stadium roared to life, excitement and curiosity filling the air, along with the smell of sweat. "PAY ATTENTION LISTENERS AND VIEWERS HERE IN PERSON AND AT HOME! THIS YEARS RODEO IS ABOUT TO BEGIN! EVERYBODY, ARE YOU READY?!"

The crowd started screaming again, everyone's combined voices sounding like thunder. Many even clapped along. Present Mic's grin never left his face.



Weiss was used to large crowds, thanks to her concerts back on Remnant and the few that she had here. Being such a well known figure also allowed her to become rather comfortable with stares from thousands if not millions of people. Schnee's did not get stage fright, Father made sure to beat that out of her from a young age. Walking onto the field with her classmates would be the easiest part of today's events.

"T-There's so many people." Mineta mumbled as he waddled behind her, his voice just barely being heard over the screams and shouts from the crowd.

"Thank you for stating the obvious Mr. Perceptive." Weiss grumbled as their class formed up. Class 1-A were the first ones out on the field it seemed. The other classes soon started emerging from their respective tunnels.

"PRESENTING THE CLASS WITH WILLS OF STEEL, THE NEW STARS WHO FACED OFF AGAINST VILLAINS COURAGEOUSLY, CLASS 1-A!" Present Mic shouted, his excited form visible on large screens for everyone to see. A bandaged Mr. Aizawa sat next to him, not even moving an inch or showing an ounce of excitement.

"WE LOVE YOU WEISS!" A rather loud shriek came from a row of white haired individuals-wait a minute. Were those wigs? Weiss' eyes widened slightly at an entire row of people wearing her merchandise, all while chanting her name. A rather muscular person, Weiss couldn't tell their gender from how far away they were, even holding up a large poster with her face on it. Well, as creepy as that was, at least she had more people than just Yu rooting for her.

Forming her idol smile, Weiss waved in their direction. There were too many cameras here to ignore them. "Thank you!" Her fans' screams were drowned out by the roars of the rest of the stadium. This was starting to remind her of the Vytal Festival, minus the invasion of Grimm and the White Fang attack.

Shutting her eyelids tightly for just the briefest of seconds, Weiss took a deep breath. This wouldn't be like the Vytal Festival, no one would die, they wouldn't lose, not on Weiss' watch. Opening her eyes again, they turned to her fellow classmates, many who seemed nervous by the large crowd.

"THEY HAVEN'T BEEN GIVEN MUCH SCREEN TIME, BUT CLASS 1-B IS JUST AS TALENTED." Present Mic continued introducing the other classes, from general studies to the support and business course. Hatsume would be causing everyone quite a bit of trouble with her 'babies', but that was their problem now. With all of the first years now gathered upon the field, Weiss slowed her breathing.

It was time to win.


"It's time for the player pledge!" Midnight the R rated hero held a weird cloth whip in the air. Her costume was more risque than most heros, just as her theme indicated. Yu hated her, with the two women often fighting over the sex appeal fanbase. Weiss didn't particularly care about their squabble, but there was something about Miss Midnight's voice that made her sound familiar.

"That's not an appropriate costume for school." Weiss mumbled low enough to ensure no one could hear her think out loud. Sadly, Mina's giggling next to showed that Weiss failed. Damn it.

"Representing our first year students is Weiss Schnee from Class 1-A." Midnight dramatically moved her arm with the whip to the side. Weiss could sense the lecherous stares from most of the men and women that populated the stadium, students included.

Holding her head up high and with her back as straight as a board, Weiss walked through the spaces in between a few taller students, making her way to the stage. Whispers were already starting from her fellow classmates, with a mixture of boos and cheers coming from the ravenous crowd. Popularity didn't always mean love, Weiss knew that she had her own fair share of haters that wouldn't be pleased no matter what she did.

"Schnee? Well she did place first in the entrance exam."

"Nah, it's because she's an Idol."

"She's so hot."

"Meh, a bit too flat for my taste."

"Step on me-"

Weiss forced all of those whispers out of her mind, narrowing her eyes as she formed her signature idol smile. She had to play nice for now, especially since she would be singing for the halftime show once the third years started competing. Walking up to the microphone stand that faced the crowd, Midnight adjusted it quickly since it was set up for someone that was a bit taller, which led to a few seconds of awkward silence.

"I pledge that no matter the results of today's competition, anyone can be a hero, anyone can do good, provided that they have the will to do so, because good isn't something that we are, it's something that we do. If you have the will to win, to do good, then don't back off, fight to the very end." Weiss' narrow eyes didn't match the smile on her face. "A narrow victory is still a win, no matter what course we're from. Even if we lose, if we push past our limits, I call that a victory." Weiss bowed her head politely and took a deep breath.

"PLUS ULTRA!" Weiss raised a fist in the air, the shouts of 'Plus Ultra' from the crowd drowning out the boos. Was Yu watching?

Hopefully the news station got her good side.

The original pledge by Weiss would have been an adaptation from the lyrics of Fear, but I decided to cut it to save the song for a better moment. It's why this chapter was a bit delayed, aside from updates already being slowed down. Big changes will be coming very soon.

Now I need to get unstuck on Not an Egg's new chapter, I might need to rewrite it and change the POV to someone else for now.

Question of the day

How do you think the race will go?

Till next time on Schnee Hero or Huntress!

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