Seventy Eight

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"DAMN IT SCHNEE, WE JUST SAID DON'T MURDER ANYONE! ANYWAYS, TEAM FIVE IS THE WINNER BY A COMPLETE KNOCK OUT! THEY'RE ALL MOVING ONTO THE NEXT ROUND." Present Mic shouted as several paramedics rushed out with stretchers. Now that earned a light laugh from the lone occupant in the room.

Golden eyes stared at the short white haired girl displayed on the large screen, the one that had utterly decimated the other team, in less than five minutes at that, and the majority of those five minutes were used just to hoard enough balls to knock the other team unconscious in one attack. Was it unorthodox? A bit, but it did work out in the end.

Full pink lips formed a lazy smirk as she leaned back against the luxurious couch that the organizer of the UA festival had so graciously moved into her private suite, her ears wiggling as she felt her body relax. It's been a few years since she had been in Japan, but the young woman would much rather enjoy watching the competition in peace instead of being swarmed by her fans in the bleachers. Plus, this was technically a work trip as she finished setting up their new hero agency in the area. And what was a better way of setting up in the area by having a rival idol intern with her? By turning said rival into a sidekick and eventually a full hero, they could gain a new face for the brand.

"So you're the one cutting into our profits in Japan and America." Her tails swang from side to side as her mind went to work just as the next two teams started fighting. She wasn't interested in them, though Endeavor's boy seemed quite powerful, sending him an invitation for an internship would be a waste of time since he would just follow daddy dearest. No, she was here for one reason, and only one reason.

Stretching her legs like a cat, which were covered by skin tight pants, and running a perfectly manicured hand through her luscious blonde hair, Ahri grinned as her eyes remained focused on Weiss Schnee, who soon disappeared from view with the rest of her misfit team.

"She's so cute."


Weiss smirked from the sidelines as Todoroki's team completely destroyed the arrogant purple hair guy's team. The half and half boy completely iced their side of the court, causing them to slip and slide until they were all finally picked off one by one. It wasn't his fault that he was outmatched by arguably one of the strongest students in the hero course.

And Yaoyorozu did ok she supposed, mostly just standing there following whatever orders were given to her by creepy Todoroki. Distant family member? Really? Was that why he kept staring at her in class? Her blue eyes gave the teams that also made it to the next round a glance. Todoroki and the dog would be her biggest challenges, the others not so much.

Mina was good, but she wasn't a decent fighter yet, and Yaoyorozu took too long to come up with a plan. Everyone else should be easy enough, with some strategy of course. Weiss wasn't going to stomp onto the court and fight someone that could freeze her with a touch of his hand head on, no she was going to have to fight smarter not harder.

All it took was one misstep, and everything would come crashing down, like the Vytal Festival. Weiss' eyes darted around the stadium, her hand on Dolt's hilt. That wouldn't happen again, not on her watch. She ignored Hatsume's mumbling as she hastily worked on one of her machines to Weiss' right. The other two idiots were happily chatting while giving her glances.

"Jeez Weiss, you destroyed them." A familiar voice came from her left, who just so happened to be Kyouka, resting a bag of ice against her now black eye.

"Aren't you glad you weren't on their team?" Weiss said dryly as she turned attention back to the roaring crowd. "And why haven't you been checked out by Recovery Girl?"

"She's busy with the people you knocked unconscious, and the burns from Bakugou's explosions. I'll have my turn soon anyways." Kyouka shrugged with a wince. "Congrats on making it to the next round."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Weiss smirked as she angled her head ever so slightly. She was still mad that her friends ditched her.

"None actually, Mina and I already know you're the best in the class, somehow." Kyouka stood next to her and gave Weiss a smile. "We just wanted you to open up, make some friends and meet new people."

Kyouka stretched her neck to view the rest of Weiss' team. "Our plan seems to have worked in the end."

"I hate you."

"I love you too, now go and beat everyones ass so I can feel like I won through you." Kyouka smirked. Weiss tightened her grip on Dolt as she met her friend's eyes, her own blue ones narrow and serious.

"Please, you do know who you're talking to right?"


"WOOOO! YOU GO WEISS!" Yu shouted, raising a cup of water in the air, spilling a few drops onto her costume. Yu had to admit, she had been extremely nervous about Weiss competing. Not as in, nervous that Weiss was going to do bad, especially with all that extra training she did after school, but rather, nervous about how Weiss would react should she lose a match.

She wasn't blind to the fact that Weiss was arrogant, but the younger girl backed up that arrogance with such skill and power that Yu had completely forgotten about it.

"I'm so glad I didn't go to school with her." Yu heard Shinji shiver next to her. Along with Death Arms, they had been watching intently, cheering on her ward. "I'm sure some of them ended up with concussions."

"Hey, a win is a win." Yu shrugged as she sat back down in the plastic chair she had claimed. "Everyone should be going above and beyond, Plus Ultra! As you UA nerds always say."

"Quiet, Endeavor's kid is next." Death Arms interjected himself into the conversation. Ah yes, the son of Japan's number two hero, second only to All Might.

The screen showed a scarred boy, with red and white hair.

"He's kinda cute." Yu grinned. Now she had ammunition to tease Weiss with once this was all over.

Now if she could only get more free snacks.

A bit shorter than usual, but it was a fun chapter to write. I've been really enjoying RWBY: Ice Queendom, so I definitely plan on adding in some of those elements here. I already have the tournament bracket ready, I'll be using a randomizer to decide the matches, so let's see what'll happen!

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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