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After that particularly embarrassing moment in the elevator, Weiss found herself organizing the clothes Yu had bought for her. The room had a small closet, along with a dusty, old drawer that should serve its purpose well. Organizing her new clothes by style and functionality, Weiss couldn't stop herself from feeling guilty, despite what Yu said earlier. What kind of person was she? If Weiss was in Yu's position, would she do the same? Or was she too stuck up and guarded, like the ice queen nickname that had been given to her back at Beacon. 

Weiss knew all of the rumors that the other teams whispered when they thought she wasn't listening. 

Daddy Schnee bought her way into Beacon. 

Anyone who lost to her in Professor Goodwitch's class took a bribe. 

Professor Port weakened that one Boarbatusk before class even started. 

Presenting Weiss Schnee, the Ice Queen of Beacon Academy. 

To be fair, she did kind of deserve it with the way her attitude had been, but Weiss was more than her family's money. That's why she chose going to Beacon Academy instead of Atlas. General Ironwood was a close family friend, and while she was sure he wouldn't provide special treatment, that wouldn't have stopped the other instructors and students from trying to gain her favor. 

Folding a pair of light blue jeans, Weiss hardened her eyes. At least she had the rest of Team RWBY to rely on, even Team JNPR to a certain extent. Was it obvious that she didn't have that many friends? Still, more thoughts kept plaguing the back of her mind.

Did they win? Did they lose the Battle of Haven? D-Did her friends care that she wasn't there? What if they were looking for her?! Weiss deflated as she allowed herself to lean against the bed. 

Did they think she was dead? Yet for every question that Weiss had, she wouldn't gain an answer for any of them. Looking out the window, this world's moon slowly started to rise in the sky. A knock at the door tore Weiss away from her thoughts. 

"It's open." Weiss said softly, gathering most of the now empty bags. Throwing them away seemed like a waste, so she would have to find a way to reuse them. 

Yu poked her head through the door's opening. "Mind if I come in?" She was still wearing her casual clothes from earlier, but her hair was tied into a ponytail instead of being free. 

"As I matter of fact, I do." Weiss said dryly. Yu pouted, which made Weiss form a smirk. "Come in." 

Yu grinned as she pushed the door open with one hand, keeping the other behind her back. "I hope you like the room. I know it's not much, but it's home, for me at least and I hope that one day, it can be yours too." 

"It's more than enough." Weiss took a seat on the edge of her new bed. "And we're not having the same conversation again." She said that last part with a hard glare. 

Yu only laughed heartily. "If you say so. Anyways, I have something else for you." She sat next to Weiss, revealing a small box that she had been hiding behind her back. 

"You know that I can't accept that-" Weiss started, only to be rudely interrupted. 

"This is from Detective Tsukauchi. He gave it to me earlier since you were busy with the dishes." Yu said teasingly, causing Weiss to flush at the recent memory. "Go on, open it." 

"Fine." Grabbing the box, Weiss opened it slowly, revealing one of this world's scrolls, a phone if Weiss remembered right. Staring in shock, Weiss gently picked up the device, it's color a bright white with red accents. It looked new and expensive."H-How much-"

"He said to not worry about it." Yu said, leaning back on the bed. "His number and mine are already saved on it. I'm sure you'll want to take good care of that scroll thingy from you're world, and it kinda draws too much attention, no offense." 

"Thank you." Weiss was getting very tired of those two words. She would need to work on her vocabulary once she had the chance. 

"I'll be sure to pass that along." Yu sat up dramatically. She took a look at her own phone. "I'll let you get some shut eye. It's starting to get late." She started walking towards the door, but paused as soon as she touched the doorknob. "I hope you have a good night's sleep. I'll be right down the hall if you need anything." The pit in Weiss' stomach returned. 

"Good night." 

Yu gave Weiss a smile and closed the door behind her. Taking another look at her new phone, Weiss placed it on top of the drawer gently. She could finish setting it up tomorrow, it was late after all and she did have a long day. Maybe some sleep could do her some good. Changing into a new nightgown, a white one that fell toward her knees, Weiss climbed into her bed after turning off the lights. 

Hopefully she'll feel better in the morning. 


You're such a disappointed Weiss. 

Weiss shot up with a gasp, a light layer of sweat covering her pale skin. Taking deep breaths, she flinched when she felt someone touch her shoulder. 

"Weiss? Is everything ok?" A very familar voice said. Turning her head slightly, beautiful silver eyes met Weiss' blue. 

"Ruby!" Weiss threw her arms around the scythe wielder, tears already falling down her cheek. The dark haired girl hugged back confused. Was it all just a dream? A nightmare? 

"Uh, who are you and what have you done to Weiss?" A teasing voice said. Pulling away from Ruby, Weiss' eyes widened. 

Amber, lilac, and silver eyes all stared at her. She was back! Weiss was back home! She was-

Wait, she knew this place. She spent most of a year here, studying and training to become a huntress. Standing up slowly with shaky legs, all of the air in Weiss' lungs disappeared.

Why was she at Beacon? 


Ahaha, another cliffhanger. I really liked writing this chapter. 

I want Weiss to feel like a real person. She won't be perfect, and she'll make plenty of mistakes along her journey. Whether she grows as a person or regresses will be up to her. I can't wait to see how far she will progress in later chapters. 

Another thing, music will be very important in this story just like RWBY. Music is tied to Weiss' inner feelings, and I already have sounds from the various RWBY soundtracks picked out. 

Instead of question of the day, you the reader can ask me a question! Provided it doesn't spoil what'll come in the future. 

On Spacebattles/Sufficient Velocity I will answer in the thread. 

AO3 readers will have their question answered directly. 

FF readers will have theirs answered in the next A/N. 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress. 

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