One Hundred Seventeen

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The walk, Weiss refused to ride a taxi after such a long flight, to the hotel took much longer than she expected. It wasn't anyone's fault particularly, a few of Weiss' fans had recognized her, and Yu and Mina kept getting sidelined by whatever attractions they saw on the way which slowed down their pace. After what felt like an eternity, the trio finally arrived at the hotel.

"H-How are you two not tired?" Mina gasped for air as she bent over with her hands on her knees. The fact that they carried their own bags instead of hiring a valet must've contributed to her exhaustion.

"Uh, we work out?" Weiss offered the weak excuse as she locked eyes with Yu who had a sheepish grin and was scratching the back of her head. Sadly, Weiss had been too busy to teach Yu much regarding aura other than how to activate it. Time was passing by too quickly, with each day feeling shorter and shorter with everything Weiss had to complete.

"Y-You're both not human." Mina sighed. She was both right and wrong at the same time. Weiss was human, albeit from another world that also didn't have quirks and primarily relied on aura and their semblances. As powerful as some quirks were, against the Grimm aura was more consistent, improving one's body to superhuman capacities.

The ability to turn hair into cotton candy would be useless in the face of an unrelenting Grimm horde, and was a bit unsanitary in Weiss' opinion.

"Maybe if someone decides to stop binging junk food during our sleepovers she would have more energy." Weiss teased. A bellhop quickly jumped into action, wheeling a cart over to the trio. He silently started to load their luggage on the cart. "Thank you."

If he recognized her, he didn't show it much to Weiss' delight. He would get a generous tip if all of their luggage made it into their room without any hassle.

"Let's go check in and find something to eat, I'm starving." Yu said, changing the conversation despite stopping at a half dozen food stands on their way. That was the aura talking, a feeling that Weiss understood a bit too well for her liking.

At least she had enough money to not worry about large food portions.


"This place is awesome!" Mina grinned as she jumped on the couch. Reserving an entire suite was the least she could do to ensure everyone was comfortable. Momo had done the same, reserving the other suite that was on the same floor. They would be arriving within the next two days or so. That left plenty of time without any major distractions to relax, aside from rehearsal for her performance of course.

"Let's order room service! I'm too tired to go out." Yu sighed loudly as she plopped on the couch next to Mina. Any further discussion was interrupted by the bellhop who placed the final bag of luggage in the room, which was Dolt's case. She wasn't allowed to bring Myrtenaster since its blade was sharp. Dolt was barely allowed to come, with Weiss having to claim it was a prop.

Being without any kind of weapon made her feel naked.

"Thank you." Weiss said, ignoring her two friends and turning her attention to their helper. She handed him a small roll of Japanese cash since she didn't really have a use for other currency.

The bellhop grabbed the tip with both hands, muttered a thanks and left as quickly as he came.

"You two try not to bankrupt me." Weiss' eyes scanned the bags before grabbing the one she was looking for. She still had some work to do so she wouldn't be rushing tomorrow when the first rehearsals started. "I'll be in my room ironing out some last minute details."

"Relllax Weissy. We're on vacation." Mina turned on the television, propping up her legs on the small coffee table in front of her.

"What she said." Yu agreed, grabbing a menu that was on the table, pushing Mina's foot to the side.

"I'll eat something when the food gets here." Weiss shrugged as she made her way to the hallway. She gave them a weak glare. "So order something I like and try not to eat it."

"No promises Princess." Yu stuck her tongue out which made Weiss smile.

Former heiress actually.


The next morning was rough, getting used to a different timezone and still dealing with jetlag meant that Weiss' extra strength coffee wasn't going to be enough to last the morning. Wearing her black sunglasses with a matching mini-dress, she decided to walk to the venue where her rehearsal would be. The I-Expo being full of celebrities meant that she didn't stand out as much, which felt nice for once. Standing at the entrance, she paused.

The majority of her backing band would be amateurs since the I-Expo sponsored some music contest with the winners getting a chance to perform alongside a random guest singer. Hopefully they were competent enough to have practiced the song Weiss had chosen to use, a new and rather unique song that didn't match her image.

Going against the grain and defying expectations was Weiss' specialty after all.

"Let's get this over with." Weiss grumbled under her breath as she downed the last of the scalding hot brown liquid before throwing it into a nearby automated trash can. She walked inside, her plain heels hitting the smooth floor with every step.

Two others were already waiting inside, standing near the receptionist desk. The two were about the same height, but that was where the similarities ended.

Weiss' gaze lingered on the blonde with fox ears, who just so happened to turn around just before the white hair girl moved to leave, earning her a grimace.

"Weiss! It's so nice to see you, especially under better circumstances I hope?" Ahri beamed as she sauntered over to the shorter idol. She had a lazy grin on her face which didn't disappear even when Weiss glared at her. "The entertainment liaison isn't here so we're still waiting. The nerve of these people!"

"Ahri." Weiss said dryly. If she had known the Korean hero would have been here, she would have hesitated more in taking up the offer to perform. Her eyes turned to the other girl in the room, the one wearing a rather oversized hoodie with extremely long sleeves. She was still talking to the receptionist "Who's your friend?"

"Hey! Come here!" Ahri motioned the third and the tallest of the three. Turning around, Weiss finally got a good view of the-

Why did she look like a female Todoroki?

"Meet Uta!"


This isn't a multi-cross, more like other franchise inspired OCs to make it easier to expand and build the world of Hero or Huntress. See them as a variant of the original if you're familiar with the Loki series.

Progress was slow on this chapter since I misplaced my copy of Two Heroes so I'll be winging it until Midoriya and All Might arrive.

Feel free to check out My Little Schnee if you enjoy this story!

Question of the day:

I'm pretty bad when it comes to naming stories, can you think of any better ones for Hero or Huntress?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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