One Hundred Eighteen

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"Oh my God! You're so pretty!" Uta exclaimed, a large grin on her face. Weiss wasn't exaggerating when she said that the other singer looked exactly like Todoroki, from their matching red and white hair that spilled out of the entrance of her hoodie, to the way her face was shaped, albeit more femininely. "I always wanted to meet you! But life always finds a way to mess up my schedule, you know?"

Weiss' eyes turned from Uta to Ahri, and back again. Uta didn't seem that bad, yet, they haven't even spoken to each other. Being Ahri's friend meant that somehow she was also going to be insufferable in some way.

"It's so nice to meet you." Weiss said, forming the fakest smile she could. She wasn't going to be rude towards someone she just met, that wouldn't be a display of Schnee manners. Still, Weiss felt kinda bad not knowing who Uta was, and having to act like she did. "I'm Weiss Schnee."

"I know." Uta winked, her left lavender eye covered by the bangs of her white hair. Her red side was parted slightly, preventing her vision from being obstructed by her hair. "I've been keeping an eye on you ever since I saw that video of you at that one music store. And you were so awesome during the Sports Festival!" She grabbed Weiss' hands. Uta must've been Japanese then, if she had seen Weiss competing.

Right, totally not creepy at all, just normal teenager things. Weiss only nodded in return. Though, Uta didn't seem that much older, about the same age as Weiss' new, younger body. That still confused her, what had caused such a change in her body? It was annoying, having to deal with puberty and wild hormones for a second time. Puberty was already bad enough the first time around! Especially now that Weiss knew she was only going to grow a few more inches at most.

"Thank you?" Weiss forced her response through her lips. Hopefully this forced conversation could end soon without Weiss being too rude. She'd rather be spending her time with Yu and Mina, finally being able to rest and relax without having to worry about her music, classwork, or villains trying to murder her and the people she loved.

"Great! Now that we all know each other we can start as soon as that Liaison gets here." Ahri spoke up, throwing the receptionist an annoyed glance. "They can't find her for some reason."

How unprofessional, so much for the I-Expo having the best of the best. Weiss had a feeling that their first rehearsal was going to take much longer than she originally thought. And then she also had to deal with the amatuers who were going to be her band for her upcoming performance.

It still should be much easier than teaching Yu aura.


"So this aura is the physical manifestation of my soul?" Yu asked as she sat with her legs crossed on Weiss' bed. Weiss sat across from her on her piano stool. It helped her to keep her back straight, which was a habit she planned on keeping.

"I already lost count how many times I've told you the answer to that, so I'll ignore it for now." Weiss answered dryly. She was getting tired of having to repeat herself in all honesty, even if the person asking was Yu.

"And it gives me superpowers like you?" Yu hummed as she stretched her arms carefully, scanning her biceps with her eyes.

"Your quirk already gives you powers, but yes." Weiss sighed. "It'll increase your speed, strength, and protect you from harm." That was just the tip of the iceberg too, Yu could now use Weiss' Dust crystals, and there was always the chance she could develop a semblance. All of Yu's senses would be heightened, from her reaction speed to the amount of food she would have to eat to maintain her aura levels.

"Sweet." Yu grinned, brushing her bangs behind her ears. "How do I turn it on?"

"It's always 'on'." Weiss extended one of her hands and formed a small glyph. "But it still takes training and control to use it to its full potential." She willed the glyph away as easy as Weiss had made it.

Yu nodded as she wiggled in place, her butt most likely starting to chafe from sitting so long.

"First off I'll teach you how to 'turn it off', for doctor's visits and shots." It was more of a retracting the shield than turning their aura off kind of thing, but a more detailed explanation, one that would lead to Yu asking more questions, would just give Weiss a headache.

"I'd rather not!" Yu said a bit too quickly.

Note to self, Yu really didn't like needles.


"While the Weiss is away, the mice shall play!" Takeyama declared suddenly while Mina was in the middle of texting her friends. Not just Weiss, Momo, and Kyouka of course, Mina knew a lot of people even though the three girls were no doubt the closest friends she had outside of her hometown.

"Huh?" Mina looked up from her phone. Weissy had left early in the morning before the both of them woke up, a classic move from the tsundere, even during their sleepovers at Mt. Agency.

"I know we haven't really hung out much, one on one, aside from your Dad's lame jokes, you're not that bad a kid." Takeyama was in the middle of drying her hair as she spoke, having just finished her shower.

"Thank! You're not that bad for an old person!" Mina grinned. Takeyama recovered fast after the Hero Killer almost killed her, which was great! She was a great hero, and would grow to even greater heights, Mina could sense it.

"I'm not that old!" Takeyama whined, but quickly threw off her towl onto a random chair. "Anyways, let's have some fun while Weisscream is busy, just me and you."

"You and I."

"I don't care."

A lot has happened since the last update! Volume 9 has finished and the RWBY X Justice League movie came out.

While the movie wasn't my favorite, I did enjoy Jessica Cruz which inspired me to write Young Huntress, a Weissikai with Young Justice.

Question of the day:

What did you think of the movie and volume 9?

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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