Thirty Nine

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Weiss stared at her reflection in the mirror, her light blue eyes staring back at her. It's been almost eight months since she landed in this strange new world, far away from everything and everyone that she held so dear. So much had happened since then, and so much more will change in the future. New people to meet, connections possibly severed, an unclear future was in front of her. Could she be a hero? Was she even worthy of being called a hero? Weiss placed her hand on the window, the glass cool to her touch. 

"Mirror…" Weiss said softly. She was accepted into UA, one of the hardest schools to get into in the entire country! But was it really such a big deal? The tests were rather easy, even Jaune at the beginning of the school year could have passed. Then again, this world didn't need any huntresses or huntsmen to fight to their dying breath. It was so peaceful here, well compared to back home it was. No need for daily excursions to clear our Grimm, and travel between countries didn't require a large force to protect convoys from the Grimm. Did this world really need a former huntress-in-training? 

"Tell me something.." Weiss murmured to herself, her hand slowly shaking. Grabbing her wrist with her other hand, Weiss took several deep breaths. At least she wasn't hallucinating anymore, but the nightmares still came every once in a while, up to several times a week. Dreams of dying, failing the rest of her team, the stare of ember eyes staring at her with a wicked smirk on their face. Her hands unconsciously drifted to her side, where her now healed wound ached after every nightmare. 

"Can I be a hero?" 

Only time would be able to tell. 


Being the public figure that she was, Weiss had mastered the skill of hiding her true emotions long ago under the tutelage of Father. Never allow your foes to know what you were thinking, and friends didn't exist, they were simply just foes in waiting. Weiss didn't have friends until she reached Beacon, only parasites that wanted to leech off of her name and family's wealth. She was glad that she met Yu, the Jirou's and Mina who didn't have any idea of who she was in her old world. 

She flashed the gathered group in the Jirou's control studio a real smile. 

"WE'RE READY WHENEVER YOU ARE, WEISS!" Mr. Jirou screamed through the intercom. Mina and Yu seemed excited, being the first fresh ears to listen to her newest song. Yu wasn't allowed to come to the rehearsals for a good reason. 

Nodding slightly, Weiss turned to the camera where Kyouka stood behind. The dark haired girl started to countdown with her hand. Five, four, three, two, one-

"Hello everyone! I hope that you're having a wonderful day or night wherever you are watching from!" Weiss said with a large smile on her face. "After the song, I have a very important announcement to share with everyone, so be sure to stay tuned for that!" 

Was Yu listening? Was she paying attention? 

"Today's song is dedicated to a very special person. She was there for me from the very beginning, and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her." Weiss controlled her voice levels, and took a deep breath. "I hope you all enjoy it." 

The melody of a piano started to play through Weiss' earpiece. The song was written from Yu's point of view, and it took Weiss a whole month to get the lyrics just right after a particularly bad nightmare.  The first song she had written in this world was perfect, it was based off the lullaby that Yu sang for her. 

"Hush your cries…close your eyes, stay with me." Weiss sang slowly. 


Weiss woke up with a scream. Cradling her head in between her hands, she felt herself start to dry heave. Flashes of evil blue eyes and a golden spear piercing her side played through her mind over and over again. Just the memory made her healed wound start to itch. 

"Weiss!" Yu bursted through the door, almost tripping on her legs as she ran towards Weiss' bed. "W-Weiss what's wrong?" The white haired girl paid her no heed as she pulled her knees up to her chest. 

Weiss felt Yu climb onto the bed with her, and she felt the blonde woman wrap her arms around her, causing her to freeze. 

"I'm here for you, Weiss." Yu said softly as she started to run her hands through her white hair. "Always.." 

Weiss' breathing slowly returned to normal, when Yu started to sing softly without a melody or rhythm. 

"Calm your fears, I'll be near." Yu's voice crack which earned her a giggle from Weiss, whose eyes were slowly starting to droop. "To you, I'll cling. Rest my friend, time can mend…many things." 

"You're a horrible singer." Weiss murmured as she snuggled up against the older woman. She didn't notice Yu's smile. 

"I don't know the answers, tomorrow is still unknown, but I can make this promise…" 

"You wont be alone."


"I don't know where we should go, just feeling farther from our goal. I don't know what path we will be shown…" Weiss felt her tears stream down her face like twin rivers. 

"But I know that when I'm with you I'm at home. Yes, I know that when I'm with you I'm at home." It took all of Weiss' self control to stop herself from croaking, the piano combined with the orchestra made the beautiful song even more heart wrenching. 

"Yes, I know that when I'm with you I'm at home…" 

"Cut!" Kyouka shouted as soon as the song was over. She would have to add the announcement later and edit it in once Weiss calmed down. Her vision was blurred from her tears. She heard the door to the recording studio open, and she suddenly felt someone slam into her, causing her to fall off of the stool she was sitting in. She caught an eyeful of blonde hair. 

"Yu?" Weiss said softly. The blonde only held Weiss even tighter, which she returned, making sure not to use her aura to enhance her strength. 

"Mhm." Yu mumbled as they laid in the middle of Mr. and Mrs. Jirou's recording studio. Despite the surprised eyes that were staring at them, Weiss didn't feel embarrassed at all. 

"Thank you…" 


So like, I lied when I said that there wouldn't be an update today. I couldn't help myself so I hope you all enjoyed it! 

Another thing, if you want to write an omake or draw a piece of art inspired by the story, feel free to do so! 

Instead of a question of the day, we shall have this small afterthought of an omake. 

Shoto: Family dinner starts at 6

Weiss: Ok-wait a minute…

Shoto: Father wants you to be there, Sister

Weiss: Fine…

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