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After several embarrassing battles with the various plates and other dirty utensils, Weiss finally decided to give up. Not because she was losing of course, Weiss never, usually, lost any battles. She decided that it would be better to engage in a strategic withdrawal, because it turned out that Detective Tsukauchi had arrived while she was busy. No, it wasn't a single bit embarrassing as she sat at Yu's kitchen table soaking wet, while Detective Tsukauchi and Yu finished drying off the rest of the kitchen. 

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Weiss winced as Yu finished dumping a bucket of bubbly water back into the sink with the Detective's help. The bubbled were almost gone, but there was still a lot of water everywhere. 

"No!" Yu's head immediately shot towards her, eyes wide from fear. Weiss flinched softly when the older woman raised her voice. Yu's eyes softened as Weiss' own looked away. "You're still recovering from that nasty wound, so just relax." Weiss heard Yu's footsteps draw close, and she was soon pulled into a careful embrace. "Thank you. I know that you meant well." 

Weiss froze, her arms hanging at her side limply. What was she thanking Weiss for? She didn't do anything, instead she made a rather big mess. Sniffing softly, Weiss hugged the buxom hero back hesitantly. 

"Don't touch me." Weiss mumbled loudly, wiping her tears on Yu's wet shirt. Yu had a lot of soap still clinging to her shirt, which only made Weiss tear up even more. 

Yu laughed as she started to pat Weiss' head slowly. Weiss must've been going insane, she only ever allowed the rest of her team to see her like this, and that was quite rare in itself. 

"You're the nicest tsundere I've ever met." 

Tsun-what now? 


"Now that that's out of the way, do you mind if I ask you some more questions? I didn't want to ask too many questions at the hospital. Too many eyes and ears if you know what I mean." Detective Tsukauchi didn't pull out a notebook this time, much to Weiss' surprise. The three of them sat at Yu's kitchen table, the kitchen finally dry and clean. "This will be off the record of course. I'm pretty sure my superiors would laugh at me if I told them the truth." 

That was completely understandable. Weiss was still having trouble coming to terms with it herself. Another world, another life, one that she had to deal with all by herself. Weiss nodded slowly, which earned her a thin smile from the Detective. 

"Great." This time he did pull out his worn notebook. "First off, I'm still in the process of coming up with an identification card for you, as well as placing you into our system. It'll take a few favors, but I can get it done. No one will be able to tell the difference, even the strictest government officials." 

"Thank you." Why were these people so nice to her? Weiss barely even knew them, they were complete strangers! Yet here they were, trying to help her, even while committing who knows how many crimes in the process. It made Weiss feel dirty inside, and useless. 

"Don't worry about it. I just need some information to fill in, so if you ever use your…" Detective Tsukauchi paused as he looked over his older notes. "...semblance in public, we can just pass it off as your quirk." Don't mention her aura to anyone went unsaid of course. Weiss was sure some people were going to notice the lack of damage she took compared to others without aura, but she could always claim she formed a glyph at the last second. "Do you have a name for your semblance?"

"For example, mines is called gigantification." Yu inserted herself into the conversation. Such a quirk name was self explanatory and didn't leave much to the imagination. 

Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)Where stories live. Discover now