One Hundred Nine

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"Welcome to Live TV after Noon! Today's topic is, 'Is sexiness necessary for hero work?'" The TV show host spoke with a small smile as Weiss crossed her arms over her chest, watching from the comforts of Mt. Agency. "To help us answer that question we invited these two here."

The camera panned over to Yu, who was posing with a large grin. Her hero name and quirk appeared in the bottom left corner of the screen.

"A rookie hero who debuted just this year and is already making a name for herself, Mt. Lady!"

The screen then showed Midnight posing seductively, which made Weiss look away. It still made her uncomfortable, hearing her sister's voice come out of that vixen.

"And Midnight who is currently teaching at UA High School!"

Weiss was only watching this to support Yu the same way Yu supported her music career, and for no other reason.

"Thank you both for coming today, and please, take a seat." The Host continued speaking. The camera zoomed back to the Host, Weiss kept forgetting his name.

"Now Midnight," The screens showed an old photo of Midnight when she first debuted, wearing a costume that was so revealing that being naked would actually be more modest. "When you first debuted, your costume was so extreme that it created a stir, eventually leading to the 'Regulations for Exposed Skin in Costumes' bill being submitted to the national diet."

The camera zoomed out, revealing that Yu was seated next to the R-rated hero, a screen behind them showing off the scandalous costume.

"You're now known as a veteran hero who changed the country!"

"It's still pretty bad now, though." Yu spoke up with a small smirk.

"Right now I'm going for the ultra-thin style." Midnight said, ignoring Yu. "Many, including myself, often say that because of the nature of our quirks, clothes can obstruct our abilities. It's not a matter of whether or not sexiness is necessary, but rather that the result of necessity became seen as sexy."

"That's exactly what you like, right?" Yu interrupted sarcastically. Oh yeah, Weiss had forgotten that the two heroines didn't get along, and she was sure that the studio knew that as well. Why would they plan a visit with the both of them-

"What's with you?! Trying to pick a fight?" Midnight whipped her head around to glare at Yu.

"Of course not! It's just uh, how do I put it? I think you're pretty amazing." Yu paused before smirking again. "For your age."


That earned a laugh from Weiss.


"You little!"

"Hey! Watch your hands!"

That's why the studio called both of them huh...

"Stop pulling it'll rip!"

"It ripped-"

Weiss turned off the television. She had already accidently seen Yu naked more times than she would have wanted, which was none at all. A shiver went down her spine. And she definitely didn't need to see Winter-uh, Midnight as well.

Weiss would rather be dead than be caught wearing something like that.


"There's only one week left until the final exams." Mr. Aizawa straightened his papers by pressing the bottom against the podium. Weiss was ready, with studying, aura and hand to hand practice with Yu, her own personal aura training, and doing the finishing touches on the movie soundtrack, her schedule was full and left no time for rest. "You all are studying properly right? I'm sure most of you know that it won't just be a written exam. There's also going to be a practical component."

That was to be expected from the so-called best hero school in all of Japan.

"Train your bodies and your mind at the same time." Mr. Aizawa walked out the door. "Dismissed." He closed it behind him.

"I haven't studied at all!" Mina and Kaminari shouted at the same time, one more worried than the other. If Weiss remembered correctly, the pinkette just barely placed nineteenth out of twenty, second to last.

The rest of the class started socializing. Weiss remained in her seat, despite her urge to talk to Mina and Kyouka, but they were busy. Mina and Kaminari were harassing Mineta, who somehow ranked ninth, a respectable position in the top half of the class.

That and Midoriya was standing next to them, one of the last people Weiss wanted to have a conversation with. Weiss held back of course, managing to rank second out of the entire class.

She didn't need Principal Nezu or Mr. Aizawa getting suspicious, especially after what happened with Stain. Plus, Japanese grammar had slight differences when compared to Mistralian. Momo had ranked first, which meant that Weiss had yet again underestimated another of her classmates, uh, friends.

"You two, I can help if you need any assistance with the class lectures." Momo shined brightly from her desk beside Weiss'.

"Yao-momo!" Mina shouted with tears in her eyes, Kaminari matching her mood.

Momo's mood suddenly darkened. "I can't help at all with the practical though..."

"I can help with that." The words left Weiss' lips before she could even stop herself. Damn it! Weiss cursed herself inwardly. She was used to helping Ruby study anything that didn't have to deal with weapon maintenance. Even with all of her genius, the silver eyed beauty did skip two years of schooling, and needed help to catch up a bit.

"Weissy!" Mina ran towards her desk, and threw her arms around Weiss' neck. "I knew we could count on you too!"

"Momo's going to need help with you numbskulls." Weiss shrugged as she allowed the physical touch. Well, it was too late to back out now. Hopefully nobody else joined-

"I'm not one of those two idiots, but I'd like to join too." Kyouka walked up to them holding a sheet of paper. "I'm having some trouble with quadratics." Well, Kyouka was the one exception of course.

Momo's face lit up.

"Sorry, me too! I need help with classical Japanese." Sero joined them this time with the palms of his hands pressed together.

"I'd like to join too." Ojiro sheepishly walked up to the newly formed study group. "There's a lot I still don't get."

"Yes of course!" Momo jumped from her seat excitedly. "Let us hold a study session at my residence this weekend!"

"I can't wait to see your house!" Mina added with a grin. Most of their hangouts were usually at Kyouka's house, or Mt. Agency. Visiting Momo's house would be a first.

Suddenly, Momo grabbed both of Weiss' hands with her own, a large smile on her face. They felt soft. "Thank you so much for offering to help us as well Weiss! That way everyone can receive attention if they struggle with different subjects."

The rich girl's enthusiasm was infectious, judging by everyone's smiles. Weiss gave her one as well, an Idol smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"Of course Momo." Weiss needed to treat the dark haired girl better.

At least Midoriya, Todoroki and the dog didn't join.

"I would also like to participate, my Queen." Weiss tore her eyes away from Momo to look at Mineta, who waa bowing before her.

Well, at least he was better than the other three.

A fun chapter to write. Good news, I finished writing the special gift, so it'll be out in time for the one year anniversary.

On another note, I'll be reorganizing the arcs of earlier chapters to make them flow better. The order will remain the same, just the title/arc they are in might change. This'll only affect SB/SV/FF readers.

Im still taking suggestions for Weiss' final exam up until I actually write it.

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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