One Hundred Twenty Three

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"Do you have a crush on Midoriya?"

Any retort that Weiss had mentally prepared instantly disappeared the second those words fell out of Uraraka's mouth. Out of literally anything else the brown haired girl could have asked, that was the last question Weiss had ever expected to be directed towards her. It left the 'German' idol speechless, which was usually very hard to do.

"I'm right, aren't I." Uraraka continued speaking as Weiss' brain continued to reset, the bottom of her jaw basically dropped onto the table. Weiss wished she had a time machine so she could ensure that this conversation would never happen.

"What are you talking about?" Weiss finally spoke up, her lips suddenly very dry. What had she done that gave the slightly taller girl that she had a crush on the green haired idiot?! They haven't even had a real conversation aside from a few muted greetings that really didn't count.

"You're always glaring at him when he's not looking." Uraraka narrowed her eyes. "And you always brush him off when he's trying to talk to you, even when it comes to class work, and you always avoid eye contact! You obviously have a crush on him!"

"No I don't." Weiss crossed her arms, matching Uraraka's glare now that she was able to barely compose herself. This was one of the weirdest conversations she ever had, and that was saying something considering Nora and Jaune. "I don't even like him."

Uraraka's eyes looked hurt for a few seconds before they returned to normal. "Then why do you treat him that way?!" The normally docile girl raised her voice a few octaves. "Explain that to me!"

Weiss bit the inside of her cheek, but kept her hard mask on her face. This was a conversation she really didn't want to have. Uraraka wasn't her friend, they were barely even classmates. Weiss didn't owe her anything, much less any explanation about her avoiding Midoriya.

Uraraka certainly didn't need to know that Midoriya reminded her of Ruby.

"I don't have to tell you anything." Weiss said, leaning forward ever so slightly. Her answer only served to make Uraraka even more mad, who looked like was about to blow hot steam from her nostrils. Weiss stood up before Uraraka could say something else, pushing her chair back.

"Schnee- '' Uraraka started to speak again, but Weiss paid her no mind and walked away, heading in the opposite direction of where she came from. She didn't need Kyouka or Mina trying to look for her, not when she was this angry.

What had led to all of this? Was Weiss so obvious that even a stranger managed to notice that she treated Midoriya differently? Sure she might have treated him badly when he asked about her quirk after the USJ attack, but that was his fault! They had just been attacked by villains! She had heard a few of his outbursts about different quirks, he rambled on the same way Ruby did about weapons.

Ignoring him made the most sense, Weiss was trying to move on in a world that wasn't her own. She didn't need anymore reminders about what she had been forced to leave behind in Remnant. Responding to Midoriya with an attitude anytime he tried speaking to her should've made it obvious that she didn't want to talk to him. It was hard to do considering he was friends with the majority of their class, and since she often had to speak to Iida, one of his closest friends, about their Class Representative issues. Weiss kept walking, disappearing into the large crowd of tourists and Pro-Heroes that were exploring the grounds.

Maybe she had gone too far when it came to acting like the green haired boy didn't exist. Weiss' grimace was hidden by her hands. She never gave him a chance, the same chance she gave Kyouka and Mina even when they reminded her of Blake, Yang, and Nora. They forced themselves into her life, and Weiss was happier for it. The thoughts lingered in her mind for a few seconds when the short singer groaned internally. She was going to have to apologize wasn't she?

To Midoriya, not Uraraka. Weiss still had no idea where she got that crush theory from. She bit her bottom lip.

"Weiss?" A soft voice pulled Weiss out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" Weiss twisted her head in the direction where the voice came from. She came face to face with another girl that was much taller than her, wearing a hoodie that concealed her hair, but left her purple eyes visible. What was she doing here?

"Are you okay?" Uta asked, she took a few steps closer to Weiss and placed a hand on the shorter girl's cheek. "You look sad."

Weiss normally hated it when random people touched her, especially people she wasn't close to, but that weird conversation with Uraraka took a lot out of her. And she did need to be nicer.

"I'm fine." Weiss sighed. Uta's hands were cold, even with the sleeves of her hoodie covering them. "Just nervous about our performance tomorrow." She lied easily.

Uta gave her a cute smile. "That's good. I'd be more worried if you weren't nervous. That just means you're going to have an amazing show." She withdrew her hand. Uta gave the crowd around them a quick glance. Surprisingly, nobody recognized them. That felt nice, not being the center of attention for once. Sometimes Weiss regretted becoming famous in this world.

Weiss nodded with her idol smile. "Yeah." She didn't know what else to say.

"I just finished running a few errands." Uta held her hand out again. Half of her bangs hid one of her eyes, while the other smiled brightly. "Want to grab something to eat? I'm starving!"

Weiss did just ditch lunch with her friends, thanks to Uraraka, and she was hungry. She could practice being nice with Midoriya by using Uta.

...that sounded mean and wrong.

"Sure." Weiss placed her hand on top of Uta's. She didn't need to treat her like she had the others. Weiss wasn't going to make that same mistake again.

Baby steps.


I have finally returned from South Korea and started writing again. It took a few tries, but I finally managed to finish this chapter. I have a lot planned for the future. 

Sorry I took this long! The next chapter is ready to be published. 

Till next time on Schnee: Hero or Huntress!

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