Chapter 1: Start!

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A day ago, Daniel bought his first VRMMORPG, Dreamland. It was late and he had many things to do that day, so he waited to the next day to test it out. The next day he finally switched the game on and when he did, he found himself in a white room where a girl named Alicia stood waiting.
-Alicia: Greetings, Adventurer! I am called Alicia. I will help you out in the character creation
-Daniel:I can only make one? Even after paying more?
-Alicia: Yes. You are bound to making only one character.
-Daniel: Okay.
-Alicia: Now, I shall begin with showing you the available races.
Then Alicia showed six characters. All male and quite similar to Daniel. One was an elf, golden haired, green eyed, good body, tall.Another was a dwarf. Short but possessed a muscular body. Daniel looked strong in this character. Red hairs and dark eyes were giving a rather evil aura.Next one was a Dragon man, it looked like a lizard, had green eyes and no hair. Then a human, it looked like Daniel, long black haired, and black eyed, tall. Another was a vampire, it looked like Daniel but it had big teeth and red eyes. The last one was a werewolf, it was tall, had a lot of muscle.
-Daniel: Why they all are males?
-Alicia: You can't change of sex, you came here as a male and you'll get out as a male.
-Daniel: Okay. I'll deal with it.
-Alicia: Please choose the race you want to be, it won't be changed again.
-Daniel: Okay!

He started thinking in which race he should choose, and he thought that an elf could be good.
-Daniel: An elf has any strong trait?
-Alicia: Magic skills and long range ones, but low hp.
-Daniel: Okay, then elf discarted. Dwarf has strongs traits?
-Alicia: Crafting skills and alchemy skills, also high hp and any short skill.
-Daniel: Okay. "I'll look for more equilibrate". I choose human race.
-Alicia: It has equilibrated all. You still want?
-Daniel: No, better I chose Vampire.
-Alicia: Magic skills strong, medium hp, special healing skills, also good with swords. This is your last choice?
-Daniel: Yes!
-Alicia: Okay, implementing changes.
Then Daniel changed his appereance, and turned into a vampire, red eyed, with a cotton shirt and black cotton trousers.

-Alicia: Any special change?
-Daniel: No need.
-Alicia: Then choose your skills, please choose 4 skill trees.
Then Alicia showed lots of skills, from sword skills like 2 hand warrior to a ninja, from magic like mage to a summoner,also there was a ranger class, using bows and bowguns, and in others there were the crafting skills, the bard skill and the healing skills
-Daniel: I choose Samurai one hand skills, and summoner skills for battle, I choose crafting and healing skills also.
-Alicia: An interesting choosing. You sure?
-Daniel: Sure!
-Alicia: Then go to Dreamland! Good luck adventurer. Choose your name.
-Daniel: My name shall be Geralt.
-Alicia: Implementing changes. Have a nice game, Geralt!
-Geralt: Okay, thank you, Alicia.

Then all turned black and he appeared in a city, it was a big city with many people, the sun was bright and that was a trouble for Geralt, he was losing hp.
-Geralt: "Have to buy a helm as fast as possible!"
Then he went to the shop and he saw that he had 3000 gold coins, he was amazed because when he looked info from forums, the people said that only they had 200 gold coins to start, even if you were a vampire. But he bought quick a hood and armor for all body and a sword to start. He only wasted 500 gold coins.
-Geralt: "Why I have so much money? It shall be a bug. But well, until they realize it I have time. Got to buy potions."

Then a strange human appeared, he was with a dark armor and no helmet, two handed, and was with two elves girls. Geralt recognized him as his elder brother, Jerome, a proudful guy who was good at flirting, he was playing as a beta tester, and he recovered his old character that had max lv for now and best equipment for two handed players, then he saw that his brother was talking to a newbie asking him to pay 100 gold coin tax for being in his way.
-Geralt: "As always, my brother is such an idiot. Time to give him a scare! I'll check how to use the skills, maybe I need them."
Geralt checked a newbie guide that he had in the bag since the start, and looked the skill part, it said: To use a skill or a spell you must learn it's name and think in it or saying it depending on the skill, all physical skills, which they don't have cast time, can be used by thinking in it's name. Also some skills have special conditions, like the God pact skill, which let you to make a pact with a God, but you have to be tested by the god and if you pass it and the god likes you you'll be able to pact with him, but remember that when you pact with a god, you make impossible to others players to make a pact. Also the long chant spells have a phrase that you must say before saying the name of the spell,check them out before starting to use the skills!"
-Geralt: "So I only have to think in the physical skill? It's easy for now. Let's hope that it keeps like that. Well, time to burst some ass!" Hey, the idiot of the black armor!
-Jerome: Who said that!?
-Geralt: I'm Geralt, a new player! Let the boy in peace, before I decide to finish you!
-Jerome: You're brave, asking one of best players that! Try to kill me!
Then Geralt slashed Jerome with the sword, 10 of damage he did, Jerome had 10000 hp, so he decided to do something different, he used a newbie samurai skill he had from start, counter slash, a strong skill if you use it against stronger players, when Jerome hitted with his 2 hand sword and missed but Geralt didn't and he made 5000 damage in a hit.
-Jerome: Half life out by your counter skill, interesting a samurai.
-Geralt: Don't try anything more or I finish you!
-Jerome: Okay! I leave, but you shall regret fighting me!
-Geralt: Not in this life, if I can say this. I'm dead already.
Everyone laughed and Jerome left angry, the boy thanked Geralt for his help.
-Geralt: No need to thank. We have to help each other.
-Boy: But I feel grateful about your actions of before.
-Geralt: Well, no need to feel like that.

Then he went to a grass area that was outside the town. Them Geralt checked the newbie guide again to check how to level up(lv up) and it said: In order to lv up, you must kill monsters. When you kill one monster, you earn money and experience points (exp), also you can get things from monsters. Also you can do quests from people(players) or non playable characters(npc) to obtain money and exp. Go to lv up! From Beatech, where the dreams come true!
-Geralt: What an odd business name... Whatever! Let's go killing monsters. He wandered around the map and found where slimes lv 1 gathered and he lved 4 lvs killing slimes using his sword.
-Geralt: What the heck I gained from lv up?
Geralt checked out the lv up part of the novice guide book but then a giant window appeared from the sky, and appeared a man with a suit, with purple eyes and black spiky hair.
-Beat: Hello people! I'm Beat, the creator of this game! I forgot to put what you gained from lv up, of course our beta testers know, but the newbies don't! My fault! You earn from each lv 2 STAT points that you can use for make yourself stronger, putting them in STAT window! For the question on how the hell you enter in the STAT window check out the newbie guide window part! Dream on!

Then the window dissapeared. Geralt looked the newbie guide window part and it said: Sadly for old gamers, here there isn't menu button! You must think in the window you want to open. The example perfect is the summoner pet window. The summoner thinks in that window and it appears. Good luck on that! This guide book was made by our lazy boss, Beat, so excuse us if you have troubles with this book.

Geralt thought of STAT Window and he opened the status window and it had 5 STATS, STR, VIT, DEX, INT, and AGI. He looked the newbie guide class part, saw that for sumonner you didn't need INT, but then he looked the STAT window part and it said: The STATS make yourself better, check out what STAT you need more here!

-STR makes yourself stronger and makes your Physical attack power(PATK) go up by +2 for each STAT point in STR, if you have warrrior weapon(swords, lances, whips, etc.)
-VIT makes you be healthier, +500 points of health points(HP) per STAT point in it, also it upgrades the physical and magical defense(PDEF and MDEF, or for short, DEF) +3 DEF for each point.
-INT works for magic Attack(MATK), Cast speed(CSPD) and magic points(MP), for each STAT point in INT is a +3 of MATK, +1 of CSPD and +20 of MP.
-DEX works for Acuracy(HIT) and critical hit(CRIT), also upgrades damage(dmg) of bows(PATK), +3 PATK for each point, +1 of HIT and +2 of CRIT.
-AGI upgrades Speed( CSPD and ASPD[Attack speed]) by +1 for STAT point. All STATS can reach as maximum 200 of STAT point.

Geralt though a little and like he mostly use sword for now, he put 4 stat points in str and 4 points in vit( A VIT=STR build[ a build is the way that you put your points, there are a lot, so you'll be seeing them in further chapters]). Then he went to buy potions and then he logged out.

Our hero helps the people! Thanks for reading! Next chapter can come any week! When I can I write!

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