Chapter 5: Dreadjaw.

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When the team of Geralt, Dave, the twins and Sif went inside the underground they saw that the underground area was so dark that only Dave, Sif and Geralt could see, so Geralt took out his hood but keeping it equipped. Mina and Tina looked Geralt's face and blushed.
-Mina: A great idea coming. But be easy I can handle that easily! Lumina, Darlvia, Dereltia! Light ball!
Then a little light ball appeared and lighted a round area of 25 meters, Geralt, Dave and Sif had troubles with their eyes for a moment because they became used too quick to the darkness.
-Geralt: An special skill?
-Mina: Yeah. A little priest skill I got.
-Geralt: Nice for you.
-Dave: Be easy, I think that this area is the only one you need that ball, next areas will have light. Meanwhile we can go using it, or Geralt and Sif could go alone.
-Geralt: Think a little, Adreilt will have troubles with this light, as we had when Mina casted it.
-Tina: So we are a little bait?
-Geralt: A bait and a deathly trap. Not easy to forget your nick, Loli Tsundere Duo. Well, I'm not a lolicon, but you two are pretty.
The twins blush a lot and become angry.
-Mina and Tina: Shuuuut up! Baka!
Then Mina and Tina shoot a lot of magic around all place, Sif learned to use magic to write in the air.
Sif: "You great idiot! You will kill us before than Adreilt!"
-Geralt: Yeah, true. But wait... It means that they love me?
Sif: "You want the truth or a great lie?"
-Geralt: The lie?
Sif: "They hate you."
-Dave: Ahhhhh..... Damn my bones! You'll kill me!(Thinks while running) Oh, dead I would have a great advantage.
-Geralt: Yeah?
-Dave: As a ghost I would be unnoticable, and that means peeking in places that normally I couldn't.
Sif: "But you wouldn't be able to eat..."
-Geralt: True, I rather prefer eating than peeking.
-Dave: You got a point. But then, why you make them angry!?
-Geralt: I was only teasing them!
-Dave: Girls, sorry if we did something wrong!
-Geralt: Sorry for teasing!
-Mina and Tina: Don't say never that nick again! Never!
-Geralt: Okay! Sorry!
Then the twins stopped using magic and then everyone started going together through the underground, but while going they found a lot of skeletons with heavy armor, shields and swords, it was a group of 30, 40 skeletons, Geralt and Sif went quickly to kill them, Geralt using Draw slash and then the Earth Dragon Slash, and Sif hitted using the Little Tornado skill and hitting basic attacks, Mina kept the hp in a stable amount using healing spells, Tina was killing skeletons using Thunderbolt and Dark ball and Dave was sniping the skeletons that tried to escape. After 2 minutes all those skeletons died.
-Geralt: A nice battle!
-Dave: (looking depressed) Yeah, but be aware that we don't have infinite supplies. "And even having them, if that girl and all those Lion Heart members finds us, we're dead..."
-Mina: No problem! We'll find more arrows for you!
-Tina: Or we can cover you.
-Geralt: Or I could craft some.
-Dave: (Trying to look calm) Well, let's hope that there is supply areas.
-Geralt: Yeah, let's keep moving!

They kept moving for a half of an hour and then they found a supply area, it was like a big stand with a npc that always said: Arrr! Welcome to my shop, what you want!?
The team ressuplied of materials to make potions, potions, arrows, materials to make arrows and then Geralt found a polishing kit that costed 200 gold( a great price.). Geralt bought it quickly.
-Tina: Geralt boss, you are sure about this? A polishing kit?
-Geralt: Of course, with this I'll polish my sword!
-Dave: If you don't break it first.
Then Geralt sees a little rock and polishes it and a strange item is made. It is like a crystal transparent but it resonated with Geralt and with the twins, but then Geralt puts a little of fire magic in it and it changed of colour to a reddish colour.
-Geralt: What an odd item.
-Dave: Let me see (takes the crystal, and looks it) Let me check one thing.
Then Dave with the crystals shouts: Fire blast! And then he throws the crystal far and it explodes making a big blast.
-Geralt: A magical crystal! So Dave can use magic without knowing the skill using this.
-Dave: Yes! It is more like a bomb, so it's an offensive item.
-Geralt: Well, everyone make some crystals for Dave.
Everyone takes rocks meanwhile Geralt polishes them, some rocks break but many are able to be turned into crystals. After 5 minutes, Dave had 5 fire crystals, 5 ice crystals, 3 shadow crystals, 1 thunder crystal and 1 light crystal.
-Dave: Thanks! With this I'm sure that I won't need arrows for a while! "And if I'm right, a smoke bomb with the shadow crystal or a Flash bomb with the light crystal will come handy if Lighting finds us!"
-Geralt: Use them only in emergency, I would want to not waste this polishing kit.
-Tina: Well, use it for the sword too! Or it'll break.
-Mina: If it breaks, all your hard work for keeping it fine will be in vain...
-Geralt: I should look if there's a reparation kit around the city or here in the underground.
-Dave: "At this rate she'll find us here chatting!" We should keep moving, no? We don't want that Adreilt escapes.
-Geralt: True! Moving!
-Dave: "Ahh, finally, we aren't enough strong to keep up with her. Not alone."

They keep going and killing skeletons, dark slimes, bats and some hounds until they reach to a part of the underground called Dark Grave, and they see that it's a round shaped area with an entrance and an exit. Geralt team was in the entrance of Dark Grave, Mina and Tina didn't need the light now so Mina made it dissapear.
-Dave: This seems a safe area so why don't we check our levels?
-Geralt: Okay.
Geralt before checking his lv, polished his sword, it seemed as new and checked the sword and saw that it was better than before.
They check their levels and everyone was lv 35. Mina and Tina used their stats points in INT and in VIT, to not have a paper defense. Dave put all points in DEX and AGI as always. Geralt as always put the points in STR and VIT. Sif was lv 35 and had 4 new skills:
One was Digger Tornado, an active skill that makes that Sif dig his own way down and be able to make surprise attacks in the middle of fight.
Another was Extreme Tackle, a tackle with more power than usual thanks to the power of Ice magic, but it froze Sif for half a second.
And Sif obtained 2 passives, Sif's Heart, more hp(now he has 10K) and Sif's Iron Skin(more DEF, he has now 100 DEF).

After looking STATS, the team chose new skills to use. Geralt chose to obtain an skill called Instant Kill, it's an upgraded version of Draw Slash, it was stronger and so quick that no one could see when he slashed. Geralt also took a passive until lv 4 of the samurai that made the user quicker, Samurai Step.
Mina learned 1 passive skill until lv 5, Priest Holy Will, that passive made that all healing and barrier skills were upgraded a lot.
Tina learned 5 Active skills, lv 1 Thunder Snake, a skill that made a thunder snake that binded the enemy and stunned it, lv 1 Earth Clap, a pair of hands appear and makes a clap that traps the enemy and squashes it, lv 1 Dark Matter Sword, it makes a Dark Element flying sword, Earth Prison, a trapping skill, also it works as defensive skill and Originus Sacred Thunder Lance, it was like Iftradiel Lance.
-Tina: How strange, a finishing skill of Originus in Thunder Magic?
-Dave: Then Originus is non-elemental and thunder element? So he can change of forms... "Try to seem that you know nothing, of course Originus has two forms, and the worst is that he can make 2 familiars, one with non-elemental power but can shape time and the other is thunder element. Well, Winalalt can do 4 familiars, so it could be worse."
Dave learned 1 passive to lv 5, it was called Bow Snipe, it made possible that Dave shot down an enemy within 35 meters.
-Geralt: Well, we keep moving!

When they tried to go to the exit Geralt's team is attacked by some1 that was quick enough to be Adreilt and used a grappling hook. He kicked Dave with quick anchor
-Geralt: Hi Adreilt.
Then Adreilt stopped moving using the hook.
-Adreilt: Hi, whoever you are.
-Geralt: I'm Geralt, also known as Bloodedge.
-Adreilt: Oh! The well-known guy that made Martha angry!
-Dave:Whatever, you are a traitor so I won't trust you
-Adreilt: If you want me in your guild, you're doing an awful try.
-Geralt: Well, you can win his trust whenever you want.
-Adreilt: Well, if you want me in your guild, you have to help me with Davy Jones.
-Geralt: I accept. You are with me, companions?
-Dave: I don't want him in, but I trust you. So yeah, why not?
-Tina: Well, as long as he helps I accept.
-Mina: The more the merrier. So yes, I accept.
-Adreilt: Okay! Let's go!

Then the girl of the rapier and all his team appear, 20 companions.
-Lightning: Oho! Jackpot! Found Adreilt, Blonde Casanova Dave and Bloodedge Geralt! And the loli duo! Don't tell me Dave that you have fallen for those two.
-Dave: Lightning! You're here! Damn my eyes that see you, Martha's doggy.
-Lightning: You're still angry with her? She only played around with a fool's heart.
-Dave: Well, to that I say that I rather prefer being a free man than a dog of that prick.
-Lightning: Geralt, you knew that Dave was a member of Lion Heart guild and he was in my squad? But then he tried to win Martha's heart and she took your best arrows and sold them, and then she kicked you out. Haha! Such fool!
Then Geralt becomes angry.
-Geralt: I don't care about his past already, he is a good guy who tried to hide his place in Lion Heart guild, but the worst of it is that you, his former higher up called him a fool, you laughed of my companions, time to kill you.Guys, hunt her team. Sif you too, please.
-Lightning: A one vs one, against me? Foool! I'll kill you! With the power of my familiar, your friends and you will ask to be my pets!

Who will win? Geralt or Lightning? We will know in the next chapter!

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