Chapter 40: Surprise Event 1

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Dave and Shade arrive to the castle with all the bottles and Geralt sees how many bottles they have and thinks if he can put the potions in those bottles.
-Geralt: Well done people! Now we can put the potions into the bottles! Thanks a lot!
-Shade: No problem, but to enter we cannot enter where we want. We have to go to Jerome's door.
-Dave: Panther isn't the friendliest girl. And knowing of Jerome's guild, better we enter from where Jerome is.
-Geralt: Issue noted. Luckily, Jerome was smart for once in several years. Thanks!
-Dave: You are welcome!
Several carriages start getting out of the castle and go to Bradtiel, Geralt see them and starts putting all the potions that he prepared into the bottles as fast as he can. Dave goes to Duraralt's crafter place and sees in a table two crystals, a white one and a black one. There's a message written: “In case of Minnie coming, use the black one. If Oboro comes, use the white one. Oboro can't resist what the white crystal has(even if I don't remember of what it has)."
-Dave: “If the white one can stop Oboro, it'll stop anything. I'll grab it"
Dave grabbed the white crystal.

In Bradtiel, Alvyn and Blaft are preparing the city putting lots of decorations. It makes Bradtiel shine more than usually. Also Mellorine is there already and her people are making the stage for Mellorine. Many strong players are patrolling around the city to make sure that no one tries nothing.
Lightning was ready to fight and all her team was prepared. But this time, thanks to several troubles that Jerome had, Edward and Lightning had to patrol all the center of the city. Jerome's guild took care of the entrances and the most exterior area of the city. Also some bounty hunters were helping for free this time, as a way to gain more reputation.
Now Bradtiel was like a little fortress. Oboro was watching for afar and in less than 10 minutes he found several weak spots. Well it was more of prepared weak spots. As always, he had planned all and made all to make the perfect chance. There are 13 maids around him ready to go to Bradtiel.
-Oboro: (Sighs) “Blaft... Trusting in those two guilds only? If the federations attacked today, I would be laughing a lot. It'll be easy for my maids. Too easy. Hmm... Better go prepared. I know how Blaft is but I quickly forgot about Geralt's participation. And that mean that Duraralt will be here... Or we do it well or die escaping Duraralt's wrath". Girls. You know what to do. 5 of you go to the stage, put some tempo mana bombs there and leave. 3 go to each door, make the guys look at you. 4 of you go to the center of the city and watch for Duraralt and Geralt. If they go near any other team, warn me. The remaining maid will have an special job. Go to the castle of Geralt and kill the twins and capture Shade. Got it?
-Maids: Yes, Oboro-sama!
All the maids unless the one that has to go to the castle leave. Then something kills the remaining maid quickly. Oboro is surprised but when he looks for what killed the maid he finds an arrow. A pure red arrow with a broadhead quite strange. It wasn't like the usual broadheads, it was larger and thinner. Oboro is afraid because he remembers that arrow. One of the less dangerous of Angel's Paradise, but still she was dangerous. The 10km sniper, Lea. She was known by her custom arrows, with the larger and thinner broadheads to have better aerodynamics and making them faster. That way even if you knew where she was, she would just snipe you down in less than a second. Oboro hated her because she loved playing with her prey too much. With only a stone she could snipe you from 100m, and kill you with it. Compared with the monster trio of Angel's paradise, she was a saint, of course. But that doesn't mean too much with Angel's Paradise. Of course, Oboro wasn't of the monster trio. The trio was Alvyn(yeah, this guy can destroy a city in a mere punch), Minnie(she tamed a giant with her whip only) and Artorias(this man killed an Arachas[Arachas are known to be extremely dangerous giant spiders and they only could be killed by the strongest guilds. And they needed 30 minutes minimum] in less than a minute, it was full of holes made by Artoria's spear).
Oboro was dangerous but he knew that if Lea wanted to kill him, she could. And if he tried something funny, Lea would kill him. He knew that even if she liked to play with the prey, if she saw that it was about to escape, she would kill it.
Oboro stayed where he was and then he sensed a Psy Channel. It was Alvyn.
-Alvyn: Since Yata and Blaft aren't here yet, I'll take care of watching you. Also I asked Lea to slow you down. You didn't expect me surely.
-Oboro: OF COURSE! You little...
-Alvyn: Oh, you are angry. I know that you want your city to become the best. But not liking how you take care of it. Too much trouble. Stay quiet or else. Artorias couldn't come but well remember who I'm. And if you try to blow up this event when it is under my watch, you deserve what will happen after. Get me?
Oboro knew what he meant. Alvyn would just punch him to death. And that's worse than having Minnie angry. So he stayed quiet and not moving at all. Luckily he didn't have to fight against both of Taraq GMs. Only fighting Lea is dangerous.

Meanwhile, in the city, several guys were preparing lots of places. They all went in gold A quality armors. They were making the shops and several restaurants were prepared. All quite big and with class. Like the top restaurants. All prepared for a big restaurant. Then the emissary of True Gold who talked with Blaft came.
-Emisary: If Duraralt wins us... We are in deep trouble! Be sure of making all sure! Knowing of his guildmaster he may play dirty!
Then the emissary leaves and lots of mercs come and start acting like guards. All with eyes in the restaurant.

Hi! I'm glad to make a new chapter! I hope that you liked it! Now we know many GMs! But there are more! 3 GMs remaining to be known!
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