Chapter 28: The Armor of The King

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Blaft was in his office in Bradtiel. It was a big office that had several bookshelves with a lot of books, photos of several battles that he and his friends(all the GMs, an armored guy and a guy similar to Deadlast), a big table with two seat, one in each side, and several seats all around the place with some crystal tables that had a lot of magazines and comics.
Blaft is looking several reports of people who has seen slavers and it's looking exactly what connection those places could have but then he recieves a call from Beat.
-Blaft: Hi boss. Why are you calling me?
-Beat: What you have from those slavers?
-Blaft: That in theory our best suspect is a guild called True Gold.
-Beat: Hmm. Want me to send Vilge and Minnie to that guild's city?
-Blaft: And make them run as chickens? Not the plan of Nex.
-Beat: You think that he has a better idea?
-Blaft: I bet on him. Better than causing panic.
-Beat: True. I'll leave him handle. But if they escape, I'm calling Vilge.
-Blaft: You know that I'm a man that would love to leave a man like Vilge cut wide open with his axe bad people. But I think that Nex knows how to make them slip.
-Beat: Yohohoho! And meanwhile you keep the situation under control.
-Blaft: Exactly.
-Beat: I'll leave you do what you must.
-Blaft: In some hours I have a meeting with people to talk about this trouble. The people is getting scared.
-Beat: Okay. See you after.
-Blaft: See you.
Beat hangs out and Blaft keeps working.

Meanwhile, in the city of Diamond Wolfves, Duraralt has finished in doing all the changes in the castle. Now it has a good throne room, a lot of offices for recruitment and other things, a big safe to leave money if needed, some rooms to sleep, a quest place where quests from the guild will be given, a lot of kitchens, some bathrooms and many crafting and synthesis places. Geralt is far surprised by all the work that the people has done. But Duraralt had gone to his own crafting place to craft some things in secret. He was about crafting armors using rare drops and legendary drops, like most of GMs armors but then he hears some screams and saves all the materials and goes to see what happens. A tall dragon with black eyes a heavy armor and a butcher knife was cutting people of the guild.
-Duraralt: Hey, you! Wanna cut something? Try to cut me!
-Ryan: Hah! I'm Ryan the best butcher! I'll cut you entirely!
-Duraralt: I'll punish you a lot.
Duraralt equips the armor which appears in Blaft's photos but this time doesn't cover his face.
-Duraralt: Armor set activate! ULTIMATE DOMINATOR!
The armor glows heavily and now Duraralt has a green aura. He moves a finger and his spear hits Ryan strong, so strong that sends him flying.
-Duraralt: This is an armor similar to those made for important people, like the GMs. I'm the creator of all the armors that all the GMs use. I'm "Fairy King" Duraralt. Bow before me and regret your attacks or die.
-Ryan: (Laughs like a maniac) I'll kill you!
Ryan starts attacking as a crazy but Duraralt blocks all the attacks with his spear with an incredible speed and keeps the distance with Ryan in the end Ryan got close to Duraralt but Duraralt hit him several times with his spear but he couldn't send flying Ryan so Ryan cut him in the face and was about to try to cut Duraralts head when Geralt steps in the battle and uses eagle slash and wind dragon slash to finish the battle killing Ryan.
-Geralt: Hey Duraralt. Are you fine?
-Duraralt: You know that I could kill him.
-Geralt: Yes. You fought as a GM would surely, but this guy attacked my people and that made me have to kill him. THOSE WHO DAMAGE MY GUILDMATES SHALL DIE!
Many people came, they were lackeys of Ryan but Geralt looked them with a look full of bloodlust.
-Geralt: If you really don't want to have a bad time, don't try to attack. If you attack, you'll regret attacking my guild. That no one said that I didn't warn. You have 3 seconds to leave. One!
Then the lackeys left terrified. A player that should be weak and easy to kill defeated their boss and wanted to kill them, so fear controlled their bodies. But while running a sea of darkness was in front of them and engulfed them all.
Later the darkness dissapeared and Deadlast appeared. Duraralt was surprised and Geralt looked intrigued to the other vampire.
-Deadlast: Hey Duraralt. Are you fine?
-Duraralt: Alive is the perfect definition of my status, old friend.
-Deadlast: Then I'm glad to make it in time. As long as I felt that you activated your armor i went to help. Still you killed the most dangerous guy in Daltial. And that boy that is with you will be Geralt. Heh. He's good.
-Duraralt: Of course, Deadlast. He is my guildmaster!
-Deadlast: Duraralt, I'll warn you already. Bad times are coming, get ready for hell.
-Duraralt: Okay, thanks for the warning.
Deadlast leaves.
-Geralt: What it meant?
-Duraralt: It means that someone has found the forbidden recipe. The potion for making leechers strong enough to cause troubles if they go crazy. The Exp potion. Pure experience, but it damages the brain. Beat put it as a forbidden item, it was made by some hackers that came to the alpha test to shut down Dreamland. If weren't for my armor sets and the help of Deadlast and all the GMs we wouldn't be here. That team was my old team called Angel's paradise. Then most of us turned into GMs. I didn't see me fit for that job and Deadlast lost someone important thanks to the exp potion. He wants to be alone and put justice in all dreamland.
Duraralt face clearly made Geralt notice that he wasn't telling all.
-Geralt: It has another meaning the message, no?
-Duraralt: Yes. It also warns me that there are groups capable of creating a lot of that potion. So we must be ready for anything.
-Geralt: I understand.

What happened to Deadlast's friend? How dangerous is the exp potion? What will happen? You'll know with time!

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