Chapter 2: Skill points, and Dreamland regions.

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The next day, Daniel looked into the internet that how the skill points were used. It seemed to work like all other usual RPGS. Simply said: put the points in the skill you want and you will gain the skill. Daniel logged in as Geralt, and looked for the summoner skill tree. It had two branches. The pact making one that let you boost your avatar using pacts with the gods of Dreamland, which were in some dungeons that were hard to clear. The other branch was the summoning one, that let you summon any monster that could be tamed.

Geralt distributed some of his points in the pactmaking skill, God Pact at LV1 and some in the summoning skills, Companion Call LV1, but both of them could be grinded up to lv 10. Geralt was interested in the samurai skills, so he allocated one point to the CounterSlash skill (LV3 because it already upped one level with his fight with Jerome) which intrigued him. Afterwards, he put two last points in two new skills. One was a passive that boosted attack of sword called Samurai Spirit and the other was an active skill that was a draw sword skill, called Draw Slash.

When he was done setting up all his stats and skills, Geralt went out to level up. He looked for quests of hunting monsters like wolves, slimes and bees. After half an hour of killing he was already lv 10. He mantained his build of STR=VIT. And in skills set: he allocated points to crafting, cooking and alchemy, because he found them useful for various purposes. He also assigned some points to the healing skills like: Aura of Heal, an Area Of Effect (AOE) heal, Light of the Lost, a status ailment cure and Concentrated Light, a target recovery.

Tired because of beating all those monsters as a beginner, he looked for an inn to stay. He found one. It was called Black Dragon Inn. From the outside the walls were painted black. While the insides were totally different. They were varnished a pale red color. There were 8 tables put together along with seats for the players to take refreshments and spend some time drinking. Geralt also ordered himself a drink. While savoring the taste of this liquor he met a girl.

-Martha: Hello. Name's Martha. Who are you? Haven't seen you around... Are you new?

-Geralt: Only a newbie player, called Geralt.

-Martha: Then you don't know about the different towns, no?

-Geralt: There are more towns?

-Martha: Yeah! There are 6 big towns. The town of begginers, Bradtiel. The town of magic, Greltiel. The town of pride and strength, Balatraf. The town of trees, Deliel. The town of rogues, Daltial. And finally, the town of ministrels and of merchants, Taraq. Well, there are those guilds too who have built their own towns, but no one other than their guild members can get in.

-Geralt: Woah! interesting... Where can I find a map?

-Martha: Ah that? You can get them from the item merchant, 20 gold each.

-Geralt: Cheap.

-Martha: Well, you know it is easy to dream about reaching another town with just a map. But practically speaking, you have to walk a lot just to reach a neighbouring town. If you are planning out a journey, a stack of every type of potion, food and some good equipments is a must. Also a party to go along with will make it a lot easier. There are monsters lurching, so better watch out!

-Geralt: I rather like to go alone.

-Martha: Well, I warned you.

-Geralt: Thanks for the warning.

Just when Geralt was about to leave the inn, he saw that a fight had started in the inn. Two players, medium leveled (lv 10) were arguing about the best strategy to beat the first boss, a lv 10 wolf monster, which had a lot of STR, AGI and DEX. It didn't fail a hit, and each hit were like you were torn apart as a broken toy. The argument continued and both of them got furious and one of them ended up punching the other.

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