Chapter 80: Art in Death

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Adreilt with his blade in hand started walking towards Lucy but she started running and tried to escape. Adreilt used his hook to move faster than her in the forest that they were.
Adreilt started remembering how he did his quests in Underworld. He grabbed the target when no one could avoid Adreilt's execution and then slowly without risking to be hit Adreilt damaged a lot the opponent until the point of almost killing the target and then he threw a bomb created with bomb skill of pirate and finished the job. The corpse scared the guard or friends that found the guy who was eliminated by Adreilt and caused a big uproar in all the area.

Adreilt sighed and kept following Lucy until she arrived to a river that passed near Bradtiel and knew that someone would see her corpse but it'd be hard to know where she was eliminated, so he decided to finish the job and kill Lucy.
Adreilt jumped in front of Lucy and attacked her with a shot of his gun and made her jump back falling into the river and only the shot already almost killed her so he followed Lucy while she was being drowned by the river.
-Adreilt: Hey, vampire bully. You are going to drown and we would not like that you slept with the fishes!
-Lucy: (coughs) So I'm going to die while hearing bad puns!?
-Adreilt: A proper torture for you, no? Glad to be right.
Lucy started screaming of anger and Adreilt threw a bomb made with the bomb skill and it exploded sending Lucy a little far from the river.
-Adreilt: Hmmm. I could say that you were cold in the water but now I must say that you are burned. Still, you became a really good piece of art for sure. In the end, true art is made in a moment, in a explosion some would even say.

Adreilt started going back where Geralt was but then he felt like someone was aiming at his head. But there was no sound, no breathing, nothing could be heard unless a little buzzing.
-Adreilt: Jeanne, is that you?
-???: I did not even think that you'd recognize me, boss!
-Adreilt: How can you avoid that I hear your breathing? I still ask myself that, even after being 3 months in Underworld.
-Jeanne: Using a mask helps!
-Adreilt: Yeah, but what type of mask you use?
Then a dwarven girl with blue hair, blue eyes, and pretty pudgy that wore a leather mask and a leather armor gets out from a bush with a small sphere following her. She had a dagger in her left hand and a glove in her right hand
-Adreilt: Knew that you were using the zapper. Being an engineer is a giant mess.
-Jeanne: You know, I love using zappers.
-Adreilt: Why are you here? You usually don't get out of your workshop unless you have a quest, you want to lv up or Deadlast sends you to do something. And why you keep calling me boss?
-Jeanne: You were the boss of our branch, the innovation branch. And I have my respect for the one that was before me.
-Adreilt: So you are the new right head? Well, you deserve it. Who is the left head?
-Jeanne: Mako. Yeah, he gained that position after his defeat.
-Adreilt: Why?
-Jeanne: Because he did 20 other quests to fix his mistake.
-Adreilt: He is way too weak to become the left head. Zephyr could kick his ass.
-Jeanne: I know. But he works hard. And I have a message from Deadlast. Go easy, Cerberus. Not going after your people.
-Adreilt: Got it. Usual from him! Always try to not mess with people near of Duraralt.
-Jeanne: Job done and 10 quests to do! See you later!
Jeanne raises her hand and a eagle like robot grabs her and flies away.

Adreilt sighed and started going where Geralt was. He always hated engineers because they rely on the amount of scrap metal they have and can obtain.
Engineer is a support class that can create many types of robots depending on how much scrap metal the user has, and also has many skills to fight off mechanical monsters.
The most used robot that engineers can create is the zapper. An offensive robot that shots small magic charges and can stun the enemies.
Engineers rely on their VIT to give their robots HP and in their INT to give them damage, barrier or healing depending on the role of the robot.

Meanwhile, in Saint Robert guild city, Geralt found a giant orb of energy. There was a title above it that said guild orb. But felt many monsters on his back, because there were behind him around 200 monsters.
-Geralt: Seems that these bullies got their own pets. Well, then it shall be their pets vs my pets and me! Well, I would bet on my pets! Sif, Sharking, time to bail out and kick some bullies pets out of the building!
Sif and Sharking appear just at the side of Geralt and Geralt unsheated his katana.

Seems that Geralt is ready to destroy Saint Robert! What will happen!? Stay tuned to know that!

There's a new(and accepted of course) side story of Dreamland. It is made by FakeMcCake and it is Dreamland MMORPG: Grand Battleplan! Check it out because there are new skills there and a new story in Dreamland shall develop in this new side story!

Dreamland mmorpg: RisingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora