Special Chapter: April Holiday week(Holy Week("Semana Santa"))

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Hi readers! As you surely know, I'm not english. Well, this week I'm a little less busy but that does not mean I have things to do. But I'm giving a little extra of time to write.

I remember warning in a chapter that this story Dreamland has lots of chapters to be done. Well, there are many but they'll be in different books. The ones of this book are close to the end but there's still way to go for a long time. But I already started working on the second book since now I have time.

And as usual I want you to know a little of it.
It has a new MC, the name in the game is Ace. He starts playing the week after this ark I'm doing now(Graliel ark).
If you think that he's going to be in Geralt's guild, you are wrong. Let's say that he is more of a free soul and a lot more rebellious.
I'm not going to spoil a lot of things but since today is a good day, I'll say a bit of how he is.

Ace is a rebellious guy, who values freedom over everything and has a sense of justice a bit open. He thinks that stealing is not bad as long as it is done for a good reason. Put in the mix a little of hatred toward those who steal the work that others do, a smart head and a hardworking attitude.
Also he has connection with important people but he won't use them. Mostly because he won't accept being helped by the important people.
Ace will have a total different perspective of Dreamland than Geralt. Even being opposite perspectives. Which can lead to confrontation, or not.

Will he have allies? Maybe. You know how I'm. I love doing surprises: Who would have guessed at the start of Graliel ark than Deadlast would pay a visit?
Well if you loved that type of surprises, expect more from now on and in the next book.
Other question would be: Will Ace be as lucky as Geralt? Hell no. It would be exactly the opposite, he does not have so much luck but he builds his own luck. You'll understand that after some chapters.

But well, not going to say more! But this chapter brings back someone who was out thanks to death. Yeah Geralt is going back into the ark.

Geralt POV:
After being killed by surprise by Oboro... I'm damn mad! He dares to go after Shade now! Like I'm going to let him grab Shade and do whatever he plans to do!
I'm going to kill him, burn him down as the coward he is!
POV's End.

Geralt reappeared in Vinliel but as fast as he was back, he started looking for a teleporting crystal but he wasn't finding any crystal to teleport him to Graliel. It was obvious, since Graliel wasn't a place where many people went. Geralt was angry but also worried for his friends who were up in Graliel.
-Geralt: “Jerome is strong as a nail. The GMs will have a nice fight with him! And I don't think they can defeat all the world council! And less when I get the head of Oboro and kick it to the sea!" Damn it! How I'm supposed to go to Graliel now!?
-Winalalt: I can help you. But you will die again. Your body has not the power to withstand all my power yet.
-Geralt: Can I help my friends that are there!?
-Winalalt: Yes. You can.
-Geralt: Then is worth. An emperor that stays behind his people is not worth of leading.
-Winalalt: You really are brave. Then let us go. We have to run until arriving Bradtiel and then jump. Your legs will be hurt a lot but with me, you'll be able to walk and run. Then you have around 5 minutes to fight and win.
Wind gathers around Geralt and he dissapears.

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