Chapter 4: Bounties, PK and a pirate.

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After a long night, Geralt logged in the game to see how was going all, so he went to Diamond Wolfves HQ and saw that Dave was working hard to find possible recruits, after having searched 4 entire guilds and all Bradtiel.
-Geralt: Hi Dave! Good start for a day?
-Dave: If you think that a good start is seeing 3 idiots trying to steal our building, killing them and then a bastard from Black Order came here after me and had to kill him to avoid execution, yes it is a good start.
-Geralt: Rough start then...
Then Sif appeared and tackled Geralt.
-Dave: That pet is a great tackler! Better than some Football players!
-Geralt: True. Well, how is going the recruitment?
-Dave: As cold as a dead. We need to learn how to find discriminated people and don't discriminate them. Not an easy job.
-Geralt: Well, keep up and we'll recruit someone.
Geralt went to an inn of Bradtiel to see how was all, and he saw a boy small with green eyes, black haired, an elf, with blue top, black trousers, black shoes, with a blue scarf, stealing a bag full of money from an Black Order recruiter and left the place, while the recruiter was shouting: Stop the thief! And Geralt went after the boy but after 10 minutes running after him, Geralt was tired and the boy stunned him using a pirate skill called Quick Anchor, it was an skill that let the user use a grappling hook and use it to move quick and kick someone and stunning him. He stunned Geralt and left. Geralt went back to the headquarters thinking.
-Geralt: "Maybe I should see if he's in a guild and if he's discriminated. He was quick, and maybe we need him sometime not far. And also it would be a great recruitment! And more bad talk of us... Dammit! Those 3 couldn't be quiet at least for one week."

Then he saw a bounty board, it was big and red, with many names and different nicks in it, also the most important ones had a portrait, he looked for the boy in the board and he saw it and also he saw himself in the board the two had portrait, as also Dave, Tina and Mina, that the two appeared together. Geralt portait was awfully drawn, so no one would find him easily, but the name and the nick were a trouble. Bloodedge Geralt, Bounty of 600K, deliver STAT seed to Dark Fang Shade, paid at the moment; that was all that was put in the bounty. The thief's Bounty was Dreadjaw King Adreilt, deliver his scarf to any headquarter of Lion's Heart guild, and the guildmaster Martha will give you 500K.
-Geralt: "Well, it shall be fun getting him, he seems to be a target, but well, I'll manage somehow to get him to my guild, if he's discriminated."

He went to a Lion's Heart guild inn, which was open to everybody. Was a big place with many photos of Martha after doing boss hunts and guild raids. Then he talked to the innkeeper.
-Geralt: Innkeeper, what you know of Adreilt?
-Innkeeper: Adreilt!? I don't know nothing.
Geralt saw the face of the innkeeper and he was afraid, trembling of fear.
-Geralt:"He's lying, someone is protecting Adreilt. I'll make him talk." Well, we can take a deep breath and go out to talk, no?
-Innkeeper: Okay...
They go out and Geralt draws the sword, pointing to a boy that was behind Geralt.
-Geralt: Leave or state your bussiness.
-Boy: I'm trying to protect Adreilt-san.
-Geralt: I'm also trying that, but this type of search of clues is not my forté.
-Innkeeper: Check his nick and you'll know where he is.
-Geralt: You won't tell me where he is.
-Boy: Check the underground, in the most hard area he is.
Then Geralt went to an item shop and looked for a map of the underground of Bradtiel, he found one at a price of 100 coins(not a big sum, but is a little pricy for a map.) when he checked the map, he saw that it was big place, like all Bradtiel and the Forest Area together.
-Geralt: "Holly Jolly! I have a great journey ahead! Finding Adreilt will be troublesome and in thousands of ways."

Examinating the map he found an area called Dreadjaw Underground Channel, it was the most far one, 3 or 4 hours at least needed to go there, but the monsters of there are lv 32, in theory with Sif and all team with Sif's equipment it would be an easy run, but finding a pirate, who use grappling hook and who knows what more he has and that his style of fighting seems to be a quick style is not an easy job, before finding him all the team would have died by that boy. But then Geralt reminded that Sif's style was a quick and strong one. If he managed to lv up a lot Sif and then go in there, Adreilt would have troubles to hit the team.
Geralt decided to check if he could make an iron scale armor for Sif, or at least a leather armor, so he looked in the newbie guide in the part of pets and he saw a part of pet equipment, it said: In order to make better the pets, which most will be weak, Beatech has done a part of equipment, so any crafter can make an armor for his companion, good luck out there!

Geralt went to the headquarter and started making an iron armor for Sif but it was so cold that Sif broke it, so Geralt was forced by Sif to make a leather armor, he made it and was a pure black leather armor, with some iron scales in the belly and in the chest, to avoid critical damage. It's stats are 20DEF, +10% AGI, +10% VIT(nice for a pet). Sif was happy with that leather armor and Geralt went with Sif to the forest area to lv Sif up, and since killing slimes and wolfs was now useless for Geralt, but since Sif was lv 1 because it was like a new start for him it was a great idea to go there to lv up him quick. Geralt looked the lv up pet part of the newbie guide, and he saw that Sif could lv as a player, but after getting lv 40, Sif could choose between diferents skill branches, but also Sif could learn skills while lving. The skills worked as in players

After 1 hour of hunting slimes, Sif was lv 10 and learned 3 skills, Little Tornado, an active skill that let Sif do a drill like tackle by jumping and spinning, also he learned a passive that was Quick Step, an speed boost passive and also he learned Leather Armor mastery which let Sif use better the leather armor than Iron armor.
The Stats of Sif now are: 30 STR, 20 AGI, 10 INT, 5 VIT, 20 DEX. Geralt was wondering why Sif had so many STAT. He checked out the newbie guide again and saw an extra part that said exactly: "Your pet grows also while fighting, he gets STATS while it fights. That way they can end being a great asset and that way we avoid the discrimination of an entire tree skill. Also as more grows the affinity between pet and user the STATS grow more, and happens the same if they are from rare boss like Sif."
-Geralt: "So Sif is better than most... Lucky boy...." Sif! We are going back to home!
Sif jumped of happiness and followed Geralt, meanwhile many players were looking at Sif.

They return to the HQ, and see Mina and Tina and the twins go after Sif but Sif avoids them quickly and hides in Geralt's bag.
-Mina: Owww! He avoided us....
-Tina: Geralt, what you did to make Sif that quick?
-Geralt: Well, I trained him a little...
-Tina: (looking angry) How much is a little?
-Geralt: Ten levels and like with better affinity better STATS, he earned a lot of STATS.
-Mina: Well! Next time we'll catch him! But what you brings here?
-Geralt: I want to go to Bradtiel's Underground. I need you two and Dave.
-Twins: Okay! We'll find Dave! When we go?
-Geralt: I though to go today, but we're going to the deepest part, Dreadjaw Underground Channel.
Then Dave enters and looks Geralt surprised.
-Dave: Man, you're crazy! Even of the reward that you can get there, that place is too dangerous for the twins or even for you!
-Geralt: I know, but we're after Adreilt, Dreadjaw King Adreilt.
-Dave: You must be joking... Is that our next member?
-Geralt: I'll try to recruit him. He's fast.
-Dave: As the Devil itself! You know that he hunted a hundred of Lion's Heart members?
-Geralt: Because they want him dead. There is people protecting him.
-Dave: He goes after Davy Jones Sword, that sword is the best for pirates! You want us to kill the lv 30 boss!?
-Geralt: With Sif is possible, I trust in him.
Then a message appeared in front of Geralt, Geralt looked it and it said: Your affinity with your pet called Sif is lv 80, now you can teach him an skill tree you know or to make it learn a new skill tree. Geralt decided to teach Sif his Ice and Fire skill book. He opened the pet STATS window and he saw a blank space that said learned skills, he clicked there and saw a part of skills that said User skills, looked at it and saw the ice and fire skill and chose it. Sif learned the fire and ice spells that Geralt had. Now Sif could use magic.
-Geralt: We go to the underground?
-Dave and twins: Yes!
-Geralt: Thank you.

They went to the entrance of the underground, that was in the center of Bradtiel, and entered in the underground, before entering Dave saw a great team, 20 or 30 player that went with a girl with a rapier, the girl had long red hair, grey eyes, wore a white and red leather armor and red boots.
-Dave: "We'll have troubles.... And a lot of them if she is here. Having a higher up of Martha's guild after us is suicide and more if it's her"

Who's this girl? What knows Dave of her? Is she friend or foe? Next chapter we'll see!
By the way, sorry about slow update, but I'm busy most time.

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