Chapter 54: World Council II

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Duraralt POV:
Leo has put us in a trouble. If he loses his things is his damn trouble! What a drag having to take care of this guy really... But I guess that I have to take care of this trouble. In the end I crafted alone that wall. What would Zephyr do in this case? I really don't know. She usually did the most random thing and I couldn't know what was in her head. Well... Time to fix the mess.
POV's end

In the room, many people were arguing about differents things of Diamond Wolfves, even the name that was bad written but then Duraralt coughs and grins when everyone looks at him.
-Duraralt: First, about our name, that doesn't matter at all. A name only is worth if it has a meaning behind. Even if it has a little fail, it is the guild that has helped new players that you all rejected and made out of new players great players that you surely want in your guilds.
-Martha: In that I cannot agree! You don't have the right to say that!
-Geralt: What Duraralt is saying is true. Dave is a great case of that, you used him and threw him out. And now any other guild would want it. (Looks at Nelly) Isn't it true, Nelly?
-Nelly: Tsk! You are quite smart! My girls want him... as our pet. He's not half bad, and he's pretty.
Dave starts sweating.
-Duraralt: Then, another thing. Why you say that we cause more trouble than no one else? I remember that Kathy caused more troubles! Isn't it true, Blaft?
-Blaft: I admit that. Kathy almost killed us all once. If weren't for Alvyn...
-Alvyn: You would all die without me.
-Duraralt: Another thing. You said that Vinliel was in your territory, Martha. Well, get over it. That city is ours. And if you couldn't capture that castle or didn't want, you are saying that you don't care that we get it. How many times I avoided a war, Beat?
-Beat: Yohohoho! Too many, Duraralt!
-Rory: And!?
-Duraralt: And that means that I have the right to grab a piece of anyone's territory! You all owe me that, no?
-Vlad: Agh! He's right in that one!
-Leo: Yeah, but that doesn't take out that you stole me many important items!
-Duraralt: Be patient, Leo. Talking of Shade and Adreilt, who have high bounties in their heads.
-Lei Xin: Correction! All unless you and the newest members have a bounty!
-Geralt: And? Cannot we negotiate a peaceful way to get rid of them?
-Duraralt: Still, the bad name that the twins have gained...
-Ariamor: No problem. I took out all the bounties myself now. Why not helping a medium or small guild from time to time? With the reputations is another talk. Not even I can take that out. It's good to have a reputation, that way people knows of you!
-Duraralt: Thanks, Ariamor! Now the last trouble, Leo's trouble. We didn't steal the goods. If you get stolen and you lose the goods is not our trouble. And if I use those goods that have been lost...
-Leo: If you do that, it's your trouble! YOU OWE ME THAT!
-Ariamor: Leo, if you are useless as a trader, it's not their fault. It's yours. A good trader always keeps the goods safe and if the buyer can see them better!
-Duraralt: Still... I'll give you something worth of that, as a way to repay your help.
-Geralt: Great idea!

Duraralt takes out a black brass knuckle that had a lot of engravings out of his bag and gives it to Leo. Leo looks at it surprised. Leo checks the quality and the stats. That brass knuckle was of A quality and had a 20% of critical rate, increased the DEF in 50 points, and had 100 of attack which was great.
-Leo: With that you are paying a lot more than expected...
-Duraralt: Geralt, are you okay with this?
-Geralt: Why not! That also can work as a present to start a good relationship between guilds. A proof of good faith always goes well!
-Leo: Geralt...
-Geralt: I rather prefer having 1 friend of trust than a enemy! I expect to be able to have a lot of your guilds as allies! Even Beauty Blossom!
-Nelly: Even us? You are odd.

They keep talking but Duraralt cannot hear them all. When he looks at the council he sees him talking with the other members of Angel's Paradise. Geralt is like his old self, Nelly like Deadlast, Leo like Blaft, Lei Xin like Alvyn, Jerome as Artorias, Martha like Minnie, Ariamor like Oboro, etc. He cannot avoid letting go tears of happiness. Dave looks at Duraralt and smiles.

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