Chapter 35: Alvyn the peaceful.

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Geralt and Dave were looking for the blueprint that was stolen from Imp Factory, they go to Black Boar Factory and ask their workers about where the blueprint could be and then after 3 hours searching, Geralt and Dave see a train almost done at the outsides of the town. They try to see who is making it and if they have the blueprint. They sneak in and find the blueprint being used by a short man with green eyes that used a spear and a leather armor.
-Guard: Sir Rafe! I think that someone has entered!
-Rafe: Get the one that has entered, we can use this blueprint to make a safe way to send the banned items. We cannot be stopped now.
Then a man with long black hair, purple eyes that wore glasses and some robe armor that looked of the same quality than Geralt and Dave armors, with black boots and two gloves that were strange was brought by a guard.
-Rafe: Oh! A G.M captured! And best of it! The traitor of the German Guild Alliance! Alvyn!
-Alvyn: Oh. Hi, vicecaptain of the GGA. Why don't you return the blueprint? It would be good.
-Rafe: You know what you caused!? Thanks to you and your group of freaks, the alliance broke! You destroyed all what we created!
-Alvyn: Because you were becoming a threat. Sorry. But, I think there are some things that you have to do, even if they're a crime. Someone has to do them, even if it means taking the blame. I betrayed you because you were about to destroy an entire race of the game.
-Rafe: Why we need the fairies? They are crap!
-Alvyn: Friends are a great thing and one of the greatest treasure, even if they walk a different path. But, you are walking a path that will cause you a lot of pain.
-Rafe: Why you see me as your friend!?
-Alvyn: Because you are. The fairies are great, and a great help! They can fly! Use magic weapons that we couldn't, even if I don't like the fight I must admit that! And the best of it! They can be great friends! Like you can be! Stop this nonsense, and let us drink tea!
-Rafe: You are quite stupid, Alvyn. I won't stop.
-Alvyn: Then, I won't stop until you stop!
-Geralt: "And he's a GM? Well, from extremes to extremes. A guy that loves fighting and a guy that totally hates fights. Who will he be?"
-Rafe: Quite stubborn! Kill him!
-Man: Yes!
-Alvyn: You won't kill me. I have faith in that.

Then Dave shoots in the head of Rafe and in the head of the guard and goes to untie Alvyn.
-Dave: Alvyn! Are you fine!?
-Alvyn: Yes. Thanks to you, Dave. How's your life?
-Dave: Quite stressing! Like you!
-Alvyn: (laughs) Indeed!
Geralt gets out of his hiding.
-Alvyn: Oh, another person! A friend or a possible friend?
-Geralt: I'm a friend of Dave. But I'm quite surprised, you aren't like the other GMs I met.
-Alvyn: Oh? You met surely Vilge and Minnie! Well, all of us are quite different from the usual! I only fight to protect the lifes of others!
-Geralt: I already noticed that.
-Alvyn: Well, who wants a cup of tea?
-Geralt: Right now we don't have time. We could get attacked in any moment.
-Alvyn: Nonsense! There's always time for tea!

A lot of guards appear
-Dave: Ehm, I think that there are some unfriendly people that want to cut us in half.
-Alvyn: More possible friends!
The guards grab a lot of people that had the clothes of a slave and cursed chains.
-Guard: If you kill them, we will give you better clothes.
Alvyn gets angry.
-Alvyn: Release them. I only see as enemies those who are a threat to other people lifes.
-Guard: And what you'll do?
Alvyn hits the air making a pulse so strong that throw down the guards and the slaves and goes where the guard who talked was.
-Alvyn: I'm a monk and a mage. I'm the GM of monks who also learned magic! The wanderer that looks for wonders! "Magic Punch" Alvyn! Release them now.
-Guard: Okay...
The guard release all the slaves and they thank Alvyn and leave to talk with their families. Alvyn grabs the guard.
-Guard: What you'll do to me?
-Alvyn: Thinking in what to do.
-Geralt: Only ban him. Those slavers are scum.
-Dave: I agree. People like them should be out.
-Alvyn: That's too much. It would break his heart, and humans have one heart. I rather prefer breaking one of his bones. He has 206 bones. But thinking better, it is usually best to admit mistakes when they occur, and to seek to make amends for what you have done! I'll make you all clean all the shops in Daltial.
-Guard: What!?
-Alvyn: Also, you all must make a tea shop! And I'll send someone to run it! And I'll have Minnie watching you. A person needs his rest.
The guards sigh and decide to not make angry Alvyn, so they are ready to go.
-Alvyn: I'm on my way. By the way, tell to the Imp Factory to grab this almost done train and that they have 2 weeks more to do it. Or better... TELEPORT AREA!
Alvyn teleports the train to the Imp Factory, causing some damages to the factory.
-Alvyn: Take the blueprints and deliver them! I hope that I didn't destroy the factory. (Laughs) Well, later I'll check it!
-Geralt: Uff. Quite weird...
-Dave: But nice!
-Geralt: Indeed.
-Alvyn: Later, drink tea with me! See you!
Alvyn and the guards leave and Geralt and Dave go to Imp Factory only to find Bradley happy as a kid and hugs Geralt and Dave.
-Bradley: You saved us! We can be saved!
-Geralt: Thank Alvyn. Also he said that you have 2 weeks more and (gives the blueprint) surprise.
-Bradley: (Amazed) You guys are great! Thanks a lot! I'll just notify this to Minnie!
-Dave: She'll be quite angry... Thanks to Alvyn.
-Bradley: I DON'T CARE!

Quite the surprise of the creation GM of Gretiel, Alvyn. He's quite peaceful, no? I hope that you liked this chapter!

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