Chapter 34: Troubles, troubles and more troubles.

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Yatagarasu took care of a report of the last activity in Dreamland and then he ate some noodles. In theory Nex should be there back but he didn't came back.
-Yatagarasu: "He left or what? A shame? What I do with Oboro?"
Then a lot of players wearing black armors entered in the city. Yatagarasu didn't know what was happening so he woke up Oboro with a very harmful way, slapping his face.
-Yatagarasu: (slaps oboro) Wake up. (Slaps again) Wakey, wakey. (Slaps another time) Why... (Slaps) You...(slaps) Don't...(slaps) wake... (slaps) up!?
Oboro wakes up finally and sees the situation.
-Oboro: You are from Jerome guild?
-Player: He can recognize some good players! Now, explain what is...
Oboro unsheats his three swords.
-Oboro: Perfect! I want to kill you all! You see, I'm quite angry since I was knocked down and then waken up wih some slaps. But I don't want to kill Yatagarasu, because Beat totally hates fights between GMs. And also your boss brother has stopped me once from getting what I wanted. And to make it even better, I want to change some things of the surprise event of Blaft that he'll do in two days. Like the location of the event. See, I want Mellorine in Balatraf. That idol would be of help... So, I'll just kill you.
-Player: You think that you can kill us!? Guys attack!
All the players attack but Oboro blocks all the attacks and puts the swords that are in his hands making an H with his third sword.
Oboro cuts through all the players that are in front of him with an slash using two of his swords and then dashes forward cutting those behind the players that were in front of him.
The other players try to attack Oboro's back but he puts a sword behind and another in the front making a perfect circle.

Oboro spins and cuts almost all the base, luckily the attack didn't have enough range to catch Yatagarasu that avoided the attack. With all that power, the remaining players were cut in little pieces while they were sent to the sky.
-Oboro: What a nice welcome party. They made me wake up entirely.
-Yatagarasu: That was going too far.
-Oboro: Not my fault if they are weak. I'm going back.
-Yatagarasu: You don't care about what you have said here? I could warn Blaft.
-Oboro: Warn him. It'll help my plan. "If he does that, Blaft will make a total fortress for the event. Then my people can just cause some trouble, and make it like Bradtiel is unsafe. That would make that Mellorine leaves to another town. Just a little fake of some of my people catching my maids for what they have done and Mellorine is with us. Beat won't let you ask guilds to help you with security. Perfect!"
-Yatagarasu: "He doesn't know that Beat has left us total freedom to take guilds to protect us... Better for us. Calling Black Order and Lion Heart will just make Bradtiel a great fortress. And for our trading, I sense that Mellorine shall have forced Blaft to call True Gold... But if I make True Gold say that they are better than Duraralt, will he hear it and want to participate in our market? He's too proud of his armors. He'll participate. Too much time learning from you, Oboro."
Oboro leaves and Yatagarasu goes to talk with Blaft.

Meanwhile, in Blaft's office, a man with a golden armor is talking with Blaft.
-Man: As a emissary of True Gold, I would love to have full control of the city guards. Mellorine wants us here and if we aren't, she won't come. Or if you cannot give us the control, please let us bring all from our city. If not, this deal is closed and Mellorine won't recieve our things.
-Blaft: I cannot accept both of your options. One is letting you do as you want and the other lets people attack you.
-Man: Then, you won't have our top grade food neither...
Duraralt enters happy going to see Blaft.
-Man: Our armors that are far better than Fairy King's armors.
-Duraralt: (angry) You dared to say what I heard? You dared to say that I'm worse crafter than you? Usually I wouldn't care about this. But to say that in front of me... IS UNFORGIVABLE. I'll sell more than you in no time!
-Blaft: Duraralt! Quite the luck! I was hoping that you came! I want to do a surprise event! Remember the famous singer, Mellorine? She's coming! I want that you create some items.
-Duraralt: I'll have to ask Geralt...
-Blaft: A moment please.
Blaft uses a command to call Geralt, while he was looking for the Imp Factory.
-Blaft: Geralt. I want to ask you if you give permission for making that Duraralt helps me with a surprise event in two days.
-Geralt: Only if the rest of the guild participates!
-Blaft: Quick, but I accept. Thanks!
Blaft hangs up.
-Man: Impossible! Our exclusivity clause...
-Blaft: You'll have to forget it...
-Duraralt: Oh... The little porky wants to go crying because a big bear has come? Go crying to your mom. No better don't. It would make you more pathetic.
-Man: (angry) We will start preparing tomorrow! Wait for us! And we will handle our security! Let us bring our best items from the city!
-Blaft: Okay, I'll accept.
The man leaves angry.
-Duraralt: Call Jerome and Martha. Meanwhile, I'll have Adreilt and the others start preparing for the event.
-Blaft: I'll call them both and have Yatagarasu checking the items from True Gold. They'll handle the security with my guards.
-Duraralt: (Smiles) Time to teach this bastards who rules here!
-Blaft: For once, you are fired up.
-Duraralt: It's been a long time since someone challenges me!
Duraralt leaves.

Meanwhile, Geralt and Dave have found the Imp Factory. He enters and finds a tall man with brown hair and black eyes that was wearing a leather shirt and blue jeans was waiting.
-Bradley: You must be Geralt and Dave, no?
-Geralt: Yeah.
-Bradley: Okay, Minnie warned us that you were investigating the loss of the blueprint. It was a train blueprint made for going to the mountain caves. That way we could obtain ores that we never had chance to get.
-Dave: And?
-Bradley: I think that other factory is making it.
-Geralt: And we have to recover the blueprint?
-Bradley: Check the Black Boar Factory. Maybe you find a train being done. Tomorrow is last day to have it done. Our future is in your hands boys. If we fail, we close.
-Dave: I don't like this.
-Geralt: But we must find it. Be easy, we'll find it!
-Bradley: Until I see it again, I won't thank you.
Geralt and Dave leave to look for the blueprint.

Things are getting interesting! Geralt and Dave might have a clue of who has the blueprint! Or maybe not! I hope that you liked it!

A vote would be great and a share would be an even greater thing to do! I'm participating in the Wattys 2016! So I hope to win some part of the contest!

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