Chapter 106: The end of the siege

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Geralt had been withstanding all the hits that Duraralt had given him and tried to hit him but Duraralt managed to dodge all and managed to cause extra damage to Geralt. Literally this fight was a win for Duraralt but Geralt chanted a spell.
-Geralt: FIREBOLT!
Geralt's firebolt was stronger than before. A lot more. It exploded in the face of Duraralt but the explosion caused damage to Geralt too. Alvyn felt the power of that spell and got scared. For once he found a mage with a firepower similar to Diane.

Alvyn teleported to Duraralt and grabbed him. He wanted to retreat before Duraralt used Oberon Lance, because if he did, the developers would be really angry at the GMs for not stopping him and all the main island would be destroyed.
-Alvyn: We have him. No matter what happens now, we win. We should retreat, Geralt has powered up. He could be dangerous for you since you half depleted your mp. Also if we retreat and they attack, they will lose face.
-Duraralt: But...
-Alvyn: Would Zephyr like this fight without any type of sense?
-Duraralt: No.
-Alvyn: Then?
-Duraralt: We retreat. You are lucky.
Duraralt and Alvyn retreated and Duraralt, Oboro, Deadlast and Alvyn returned to the flying ship and left.

In the flying ship, everyone was happy for the victory and celebrated it. But Oboro looked with a serious face to Duraralt.
-Oboro: We need a leader for all GMs.
-Duraralt: It is a drag.
-Oboro: But you are ideal for it.
-Duraralt: Blaft could.
-Oboro: He is useless at managing some of our more troubling partners.
-Duraralt: Diane.
-Oboro: Nay. Sadist as hell. Like Minnie.
-Duraralt: You have checked us all, no?
-Oboro: I have something for you.
Oboro took out a letter out of his bag and gave it to him.
-Oboro: Read it.
Duraralt opened it and saw the handwriting of a kid. The letter said this exactly: " Duraralt is the best, he always is set on a objective, is cool but at the same time nice. Even if he can be a bit lazy, he is the greatest man I know of! I don't think that no one could lead better Angel's Paradise! Keep on and keep your head high!"
Duraralt looked at Oboro with a surprised face.
-Oboro: The kid should have less than a month of life. But he has been a fan of us since we started working together. We can save him now with VR tech. We fixed his body with an operation but now he can live. All that thanks to us working for Dreamland's survival.
-Duraralt: And? It is not like I care.
-Oboro: Try to pull off that lie. You know better than me that I know the truth. Also, I noticed something since you left us. We felt less active, like we needed something. And now I noticed why. We need you.
-Duraralt: You are truly stubborn.
-Oboro: Because I have to.
-Duraralt: That much I am needed?
-Oboro: All of us united are more stronger than separated.
Duraralt started thinking in what he should do. If he helped the GMs and became a GM he would have to be again a leader, and fail again. Like he failed Zephyr. But if he did not, what would happen? To Oboro, being such stubborn on someone means that he needs him.
Alvyn patted his shoulder.
-Alvyn: Do what you must. But never leave what you believe in.
-Duraralt: But what if I mess up? What if I fail someone again?
-Alvyn: Would you allow that so easily?
-Duraralt: No!
-Alvyn: Then, why are you so afraid? You struggled. You suffered. But you have always followed your own path. You can be the light for those who now suffer. Become the sun which shines upon those who suffer. Become our boss again. But only if you feel up to it.
Duraralt felt where Alvyn was going. And he was right. Of course, Alvyn usually was a source of wise ideas. People needed a leader, and who better than the former leader of Angel's Paradise.
-Duraralt: Blast it all! I will do it. It is becoming a drag with both of you like this! And if what you are saying is truth, then I will have to get your lazy butts moving! Alvyn, patch me with all of Angel's Paradise  right now!
-Alvyn: On it! Luckily we have Yata calling me!
Alvyn answered the call of Yatagarasu.
-Alvyn: Hey, Yata! What do you need?
-Yatagarasu: I need to contact with Blaft and Lea. Tell me where they are.
-Alvyn: Okay. Allow me first to patch you all with Duraralt.
-Yatagarasu: Huh?
-Alvyn: Hear this.

Alvyn looked at Duraralt and nodded. Duraralt knew what he meant by that nod. He could talk but wouldn't be heard by anyone that wasn't linked with Alvyn.
-Duraralt: Partners, here I am. I heard what is happening in Dreamland. I know that we are in troubles. I know that I failed you. But I know that we together can handle anything. Those who care about Dreamland need us together again. They need the strongest group back running. Doing what we can do to help! Keep doing your work! But know this! I will be your leader once again if you desire so! I will become a GM! Keep your head high! The people needs you all working to keep stable this world! For a future in Dreamland we fought, now we fight to preserve that future for those who will come later! May this world find true stability!
Duraralt finished talking and Oboro left while he couldn't stop smiling
-Oboro: We needed a hero.

Geralt fell to the ground exhausted and with only 1 hp left. Literally Duraralt had defeated him but he had been merciful with Geralt. Shade started treating his wounds and finished with the few remaining enemies that Oboro had left. But no trace of Black Blood. By what people said he ran away when he felt his body heavy by Oberon's passive.

Meanwhile, Yatagarasu ran to find Blaft after Nex told him he had a plan. Duraralt finally was back to his old self. Finally all Angel's Paradise could become lively again. Their boss was back and ready to rumble. Yatagarasu finds Blaft and Lea.
-Yatagarasu: Blaft! Duraralt...
-Blaft: He is back. Finally.
-Lea: Took his sweet time that idiot.
-Yatagarasu: (smiling) Let's wrap this up! Let's teach those cheaters what happens when you mess with the wrong people!
-Lea and Blaft: Yes!
Lea and Blaft followed Yatagarasu.

Still this had been a great thing for Diamond Wolfves. They managed to withstand an attack from 4 of the strongest players and an army. Their reputation as a fighting guild grew but the loss of Duraralt managed to compensate the growth of the reputation as a fighting guild with the loss of reputation as a crafting guild.
Still they were pretty famous for the new magic items that they had created like the magic crystals, so all in all, Geralt had managed to win more than what he lost.
But Shade took a heavy blow, his father was detained and sent to prison. She knew clearly that Oboro had overlooked her help to him for a reason. But she could not know what reason it was.

In prison, 3 days later after Shade's father detention. The prison was an old prison made of cement, had iron bars, cafeteria, gym and an infirmary.
Jin was in his cell when a tall man with spiky purple hair, black eyes with a scar in his left cheek wearing a purple suit with a black shirt and a black necktie. He was Oboro and was smiling at Jin.
-Oboro: Hi Jin. I talked with the police. Tomorrow you will have to go to your trial for your sins.
-Jin: Why are you here?
-Oboro: To tell you how the trial will go. My bet was that if I captured you before the police could interfere in Dreamland, I could decide your fate. And well, I decided. So I am going to tell you what punishment you will have.
-Jin: I have not even gone to the trial and I am already judged?
-Oboro: Yes! The judge is a friend of mine, the mayor of this town is a great fan of Dreamland and a great friend of Beat.
-Jin: Such is the corruption of this world.
-Oboro: It is not corruption from Beatech. I did all on my own. Also, the law approved this. Surprised? I planned it all.
-Jin: What will happen?
-Oboro: You will work with the minimal pay for paying all your daily costs and your house. The education of Shade will be covered and will have lots of helps to become a coach or whatever she wants. As long as you don't try anything funny. If not, I will leave the proofs I have to the closest police station and wait for Shade to be detained. Then you will be judged for bribing a cop. And the trial will look as a normal one, but we already know the result. Not even your lawyer will try to find a solution to save you.
-Jin: So all the trial is a play?
-Oboro: Yep. If not, Duraralt would be biting my back. And Deadlast would go crazy. By the way, thanks to you, Duraralt will become a GM. We are so grateful for all your help. You have helped a lot to rise again Angel's Paradise.
With that last phrase Oboro left with a smile.

Hi people! Two chapters left, the end has arrived. But what will happen to Geralt and the others!? Stay tuned! And check out WorsOfTheFallen story!

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