Chapter 98: The Battle of Vinliel 1!

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Geralt and all his guild were inside the castle getting ready to fight when a member of Black Order warned them that Oboro was using a flying ship. Shade looked at Geralt with a scared face because she knew the strategy that Oboro was using because she knew the development of new items very well but she really did not expect that Oboro used it because that one was impossible to recreate in Dreamland. The aerial bombarding used by many nations in times of war but this one was even worse because it wasn't an airship only. It was a big ship filled with people, with rifles, cannons and bombs.

So unless someone shot it down, Vinliel would have a bullet shower and worse. Defending this city became really hard thanks to that ship, mostly a big army would be unable to pass through the wall but aerial units would be capable, but known that, Shade knew that tamers and pactmakers would be needed so they couldn't be as strong as an army on the ground and even if the aerial units carried people, they would just shoot the flying monsters and allow the attackers to fall to the ground and end as flat as a pizza.

But this was way too much, literally any defense in Dreamland was meant for the ground unless one that was called as useless and that ship made all the defense known in Dreamland useless. Literally any HQ of any guild was literally defendless against that ship and that made Oboro really dangerous for all guilds.
But that did not stop Jerome and the others at all. They just went to fight Oboro and his army but Oboro just stayed back with the healers and mages and allowed the small guilds to fight Jerome and his people. And for a good reason because every player that Jerome and his people killed someone the corpse of the defeated exploded and damaged Jerome and the others. It looked like Oboro had planned all.

In the ship there was Duraralt and Deadlast seeing how the maids made the ship aim at the wall and shoot the cannons. It merely did a scratch in the wall but then Black Blood and his people used a giant cannon of 500 meters aimed at the wall with an explosive cannon ball and exploded the entire wall. All the magic cannons were destroyed and that made Martha and her guild to move into the fight. Deadlast looked at the situation with an extreme care and saw Rory killing several enemies amd freezing the corpses.
-Deadlast: I shall go to the fight.
-Duraralt: Why?
-Deadlast: There are ice mages. They will freeze the corpses.
-Duraralt: And if the corpses don't explode...
-Deadlast: The team that is sneaking made by all of my people that I sent here will be in danger.
-Duraralt: Be quick. The bombs implanted in the rings that all the fighters have will cause medium damage.
-Deadlast: To me?
-Duraralt: Several bombs exploding can cause trouble.
-Deadlast: I'll be careful.
Deadlast took a crystal of teleportation and broke it. In a instant he was already in the fight and in half second he already killed 5 members of Black Order. He was going after Rory but he had to kill people and make his way to her. When he was at range he attacked Rory's legs with his shadows and grabbed her.
-Deadlast: You are a little trouble, you know that?
-Rory: And? I made one of you three to come after me. There are more ice mages!
-Deadlast: I'll take care of them.
-Rory: Are you sure?
Rory managed to free herself of the shadows and prepared to attack with ice magic but Deadlast was quick with his tongue and had good connections so he knew that Rory had friends here and decided to force Rory to attack him in a careless way by saying a lie. An old trick that he learned from Oboro
-Deadlast: Your friend screamed well when I caught him. I killed him slowly... Very slowly. A shame that his guild sold him out.
-Rory: You dared to go after my friends!?
-Deadlast: I shall kill your friends and anyone close to you. I can do that easily.
-Rory: You bastard!
Rory jumped to Deadlast throat but then she felt like 100 needles in her back that made her notice Deadlast plan but it was already too late. He would skewer her alive but then Deadlast was hit by a big mace. A tall guy with long brown hair, black eyes and a scar on his neck and uses a black armor, a black mace and a black shield, he was Pedro, who was a captain of Black Order. His eyes were glowing with a golden aura.
-Pedro: Rose, you are truly as beautiful as a rose. Those who want to hurt you shall feel my rage.
-Rory: Call me Rory in Dreamland! But thanks for the save.
Deadlast got up and started laughing.
-Rory: That guy is a total weirdo.
-Pedro: Well, he'll have to apologize for attacking you my dear rose.
-Deadlast: Really!? This walking cliché of a prideful knight! Your arrogance shall be your downfall!
-Pedro: Truly? Only I decide that. SUN BURST!
A giant sphere of fire is casted on Deadlast but he smiled at that sphere and used his shadows to protect himself but he still was hurt by that attack.

Pedro is the user of one of the strongest bosses! Scalia the prideful warrior who uses the power of the sun! And he also seems to be getting it even without using the familiar! Will he be able to stop one of the strongest players? Stay tuned!

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