Chapter 62: Deadlast, The Reaper

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Deadlast is in a fight with his Grand Order and he has Oboro guarding him since he can't move without losing control of Briltiniel. His opponents were all the guild masters of the big guilds that had come, Victor and the federations, who tried to kill Briltiniel but they didn't do enough damage. Briltiniel only lost a 1% of its HP and that was far more than any player could withstand.
-Deadlast: You cannot kill my beast. It's futile.
-Victor: I won't surrender!
-Oboro: Which part of it is futile they don't get?
-Deadlast: I really don't care.
-Ren Xin: Let your light shine upon this world, my art... Destroy my enemy and devour his soul... LET THE DARK SLASH APPEAR! YOKAI SLAYER ART: RASETSU!

Ren jumps where Oboro is and unsheats his blade which shines with a dark aura that was already damaging Oboro.
-Oboro: We are using arts? Okay!
Oboro unsheats his blades and aims the two that he holds which his hands doing a form similar to a boar that is charging.
Oboro charges against Ren and pushes him where he is going to fall and pushes him down and Briltiniel recieves the hit in one of the legs and the art of Ren strikes and takes out a 2% of the HP of Briltiniel but also corrupts the leg. But Briltiniel eats him when it sees him and recovers all the HP that it had lost and healed the corruption effect that was like a poisoning but caused that the part that was infected couldn't move.
-Oboro: And they call themselves the strongest ones? I would call them the most stupid ones.
-Deadlast: Indeed, but be aware that they can kill us if we go easy.
-Oboro: I know that!
Then a firebolt hits Oboro and makes him look to Merlinia, but Victor chains Oboro and throws him off of Briltiniel, leaving Deadlast exposed.

Or they thought that. Deadlast quickly made Briltiniel dissapear and fell to the ground without taking damage and smiled.
-Deadlast: Such troublesome enemy. Your chained armor is a trouble. But I don't care. Against me it has no use.
-Victor: We can defeat you in a frontal strike! Surrender, we are more!
-Deadlast: And? I still have the upper hand. INNER DARKNESS: ENGULF!
Deadlast makes his inner darkness appear and start devouring all the area and all of his enemies had to jump back. But not everyone could avoid Deadlast attack, Nelly was too slow and once the inner darkness hits you, only a holy spell or the caster mercy can save you of being engulfed and Lei Xin tried to jump to where Deadlast was to hit him in the head but fell in the inner darkness and it killed him.
-Deadlast: Two less. How many are left? So many. Still if they are this stupid... (sighs) It'll be easy to defeat them all.
-Merlinia: Like you could kill us!
-Deadlast: Uh? You think that with brute force you all can kill me? It is funny. A good joke. In this island, I have the upper hand. And your long range attacks won't hit me. INNER DARKNESS: UNLIMITED PRIMAL DEATH!
Deadlast darkness pierced the legs almost all the remaining enemies unless Ariamor and Victor that had to escape to live and then lots of spikes made of darkness pierced from the knees to the head of the captured enemies. But Deadlast was exhausted.
-Deadlast: "Luckily they did not learn that I have limited range!" But both of the survivors shall know it and that will be extremely dangerous... It seems that I'll have to use my second art.
Victor went to fight Deadlast again with a smile in the face.
-Victor: I know your weakness! You have limited MP and limited range! You cannot kill me now!
-Deadlast: (Grins) Knew it... Where's Ariamor?
-Victor: Probably hiding!
-Deadlast: Thanks for the information. Still...
-Victor: I won't leave you escape! CHAINING DEATH!
Victor's chains glowed with a greenish aura and they all went to Deadlast.
-Deadlast: I'm the one who lost what he cared. Let my anger get out as a new power. Let me curse my fate and my cousin fate! INNER DARKNESS ART: THE REAPER OF DARKNESS CURSE!
The inner darkness attacked Deadlast and started enveloping his body until a cocoon was made and it deflected the chains and opened and a monster that resembled a man jumped from it. It was Deadlast using his art that made him a monster that devoured all that he touched. His name changed into Deadlast, The Reaper of Light and Hope.

Deadlast dissapeared and appeared behind Victor and kicked him strongly and Victor hit the monster with a devastating hit of his axe but it didn't do any damage to Deadlast and the axe started to be eaten by the darkness. Victor could take his axe out but Deadlast grabbed his other arm and the darkness devoured half of it in a few seconds. Victor afraid falls to the ground and starts trembling.
-Victor: Who are you!?
-Deadlast: Who am I? A good question. A man that desires peace? A man that desires that his own cousin didn't die? A man that lost everything that he cared about? A reaper that has come to take out the lifes of those who try to kill his friends? I'm all that unless a mere thing. Not all humans should be called humans. Some should be called monsters. People like me that are abnormal on their own way. But when a true monster appears, a true hero will appear to stop him. I want to create a world were everyone can be happy. And if that means becoming a true monster, so be it. I shall get revenge for my loss, causing the most devastating mayhem that mankind has ever seen! I shall grab all those who are related to Zephyr's death and I'll destroy them all!

Deadlast eyes were filled with bloodlust and Victor was truly afraid of Deadlast but he tried to kill him hitting him with his axe and using all of his power. It made the darkness dissapear for a second and in that second Deadlast grabbed the head of Victor.
-Deadlast: BONE BLADE!
The darkness dissapeared totally but a blade made of bones got out of Deadlast hand, taking hp but also killing Victor.
-Deadlast: Unnamed knight. I shall respect your guts and for once, you showed me that I can be stronger. You have my respect and admiration. Farewell.
Deadlast walks away from Victor corpse.

Deadlast is strong on his own but also smart at using his skill. That can kill even the strongest player! But right now, he is weakened! But not for much time. Someone can escape this extermination? Who knows!

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