Chapter 53: The World Council I

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Everyone was ready to start talking of the different matter finally and Blaft looked happy with the decision taken by the guilds. Ragnarok issue was taken care of already which is always a relief for Blaft, but the next issue of the council was equally troublesome.
-Blaft: Well, which issue you want to talk first?
-Martha: (serious) Red Ravens war.
-Jerome: I would love to talk about that war.
-Victor: As fast as we talk of this, better.
-Ariamor: Better that it is quick.
-Vlad: Big guilds choose this one, no Kathy?
-Kathy: Right.
-Leo: War isn't good for trading guilds as mine.
-Ren Xin: But is great to find a great opponent!
-Lei Xin: Even you can find a great opponent without a war in hands.
-Merlinia: Shall we start with this?
-Blaft: Understood.

Blaft explained perfectly the situation of Demon Fort and why two guilds were fighting over it. Also explained all the fights that there has been in that area already which usually newbies don't dare to go since a bad step could send them straight to a sure death. Also explained that Lion's Heart and Beauty Blossom wanted that fort to create a city but they decided to not go after it in the last World Council.
-Geralt: And you want to stop this fight?
-Martha: Yes.
-Merlinia: It doesn't affect the EGA at all. So I don't care.
-Jerome: Well... You know what I want really...
-Victor: That place is ours! We won't give it away!
-Geralt: Someone has tried to talk with the other guild?
-Lei Xin: My guild tried but before finding them all the team that was protecting our emissary died and few moments later the emissary died.
-Duraralt: And that doesn't mean that you can help Red Ravens? Article number 3 of the peace treaty part 2: If another guild attacks the emissary of the guild that tries to negotiate, the guild that tried to negotiate can attack the other guild without following any of the next or previous articles.
-Lei Xin: Indeed but I hate war.
-Victor: Also a little hand coming from you would be great.
-Duraralt: And there is more. Article number 3 part 3: If what is said in part 2 happens, any guild can attack the other guild to help the guild that is under attack without thinking in future consequences.
-Victor: Which means... That any guild can help us!?
-Martha: Lion's Heart won't help.
-Jerome: Forget about Black Order.
-Leo: My guild won't help in stupid wars.
-Vlad: Article 1 part 1: A federation can't help a big guild in any way. This article is a must follow. That is done to avoid great wars and it's the only must follow in any case part.
-Nelly: I won't help men.
-Ariamor: It's troublesome.
-Adreilt: So you can't get help from them... Our guild needs a little of power up before putting our noses in a war.
-Geralt: And if I can avoid a war, better. Sorry Victor.
-Victor: No problem, Geralt. I know that you can't help a lot right now. A war fought by big guilds is no child's play.
-Blaft: I think that one of the GMs is helping Red Ravens,and we can if it can help any of our current investigations.
-Victor: Indeed, Yatagarasu of the quiet winds.

Every other big guild looked scared, Duraralt was smiling and Geralt didn't know what was happening.
-Duraralt: Yata's there? (Laughs) This war will be over before we start walking home! You are talking of one of us, Blaft. Even our priest can take care of a squad without big troubles. Imagine Yata there.
-Blaft: I know. Still you know that I dislike going into a war.
-Duraralt: To have peace, we must help those who have a kind heart and are in the war...
-Blaft: May our wings bring to this world. Your favourite speech. I remember it clearly.
-Nelly: Wait a moment! By what Blaft said... Any GM can go to any war if it helps in any investigation that you are carrying!? Even Artorias!?
-Blaft: Indeed. Remember that big guild called Silver Kingdom that was supposed to enter in the World Council in this meeting? They were helping someone that had an order of ban in his head. Imagine the rest.
-Geralt: So that Artorias went and banned that guy.
-Martha: Not only that. Silver Kingdom was destroyed by one simple dragon. At first I thought that little Ariamor here decided to lie about Silver Kingdom sudden dissapearance. But seems that Artorias is still dangerous even after some months of rest.
-Duraralt: (laughs) You really think that he had a rest!? Artorias doesn't rest. Just prepares the next attack. And I had a close eye in his activity. 100 guilds destroyed, 20 squads of bounty hunters killed and worst of all, the famous bounty hunter, ZakA, ended banned and his equipment given to a newbie.
-Martha: Why ZakA got banned?
-Duraralt: He called Minnie a little idiot. Don't mess with a dragon love. You are going to be destroyed.
-Jerome: Holy cow... I wouldn't want to meet him never.
-Geralt: Strange that a GM is that attached to a girl.
-Nelly: Surely he'll cheat on her in any moment. The most loyal men are usually the ones that cheat in the worst way.
-Blaft: He's not like that. Believe me. Well, next issue is...
-Leo: Vinliel and its wall made of my materials!
-Geralt: What!?
-Leo: Yeah, you took them from the thief that stole my materials and you used for your pretty wall. Well, you owe me that!
-Blaft: Well... This won't be nice.

Hi people! New chapter! As always, I hope that you like it! Well this new issue is a little trouble for Geralt, what will happen? Artorias seems dangerous and from what we know, he has a target now! Will Geralt and the others be safe of him? Who knows!

PD: I'll try to draw a map of Dreamland for next chapter! Wish me luck!

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