Chapter 76: The Flame of the World or The eternal Darkness

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Jerome and Black Blood were ready to attack, Jerome knew that he had to attack Black when he could not use Salabrutz to avoid the attack but Black could use Salabrutz to go after his back and stab him in the back so he had to be focused.
The first second that Jerome did a bad move would be his end, but that was also the same for Black Blood. If he was unable to find a shadow where to hide, he'd be roasted alive.
-Black: Hey Jerome. Come after me! Or are you afraid?
-Jerome: The same could be applied to you!
-Black: Both of us know that if we mess up, the other will take us down... Quite the trouble.
-Jerome: And you want me to surrender or what?
-Black: Well, it would be perfect but I have other deal. We can talk the troubles out and find something worth of your forgiveness... Maybe something that helps you in your relationships...

Jerome always hated that people tried to put themselves in the middle of his relationships, and this time wasn't an exception. A lot of flames started surrounding him, and it seemed that he was casting an skill with Iftraiel power, Black started to get ready to counterattack that attack with Salabrutz power but was impossible to completely counter such attack. Still, he could attack with all his power and try to defeat Jerome at the same time he attacked him. So he started focusing all the power in one attack to defeat Jerome.
-Jerome: So this will be a oneshot fight... So the strongest will survive and the weak shall fall!
-Black: Indeed! But still, I'd prefer to parley. You know, finding a fine deal...
-Jerome: The only deal that you shall find is how much I roast you alive.
-Black: So we end into that!
-Jerome: Yeah. I won't regret ending you with this. FLAMES OF THE WORLD!
-Black: I'll devour your soul! ETERNAL DARKNESS!
Jerome put all the flames that kept appearing into his sword and Black was surrounded by a black sphere of darkness. Black unleashed all the darkness in form of a wave of darkness that caused a lot of damage and devoured HP of anything in the area. It almost killed Lei Xin and Alexander while they were exchanging blows and gave advantage to Alexander who had more hp. But it took 70% of Jerome's HP but did not kill him, so Jerome approached Black and cut him in half with a strength that even cut the ground just below Black in a clean way and Jerome could even take the sword from the ground with only the power of that swing.

Alexander looked at Jerome afraid. But he could not take out his eyes from Lei Xin because every thrust of Lei could be dangerous for him.
-Alexander: That Jerome... What a beast you have as an ally!
-Lei Xin: Afraid of him?
-Alexander: Yes. But also Black is really dangerous. Almost killed me!
-Lei Xin: Well, better for me. I can show you my art.
-Alexander: For a strike that won't kill me? I'll kill you before that happens.
-Lei Xin: GÁE BOLG.
Lei Xin's spear glowed with a purple glow and when it hit Alexander started covering Alexander's body with a lot of glyphs and Alexander started to suffer like he was poisoned.

Jerome looked at Lei Xin surprised.
-Jerome: What you did to that man?
-Lei Xin: A sure death art. It starts covering the body. As less HP the opponent has, the quicker the glyphs cover his body. Of course it is pretty slow but thanks to Black, we won't have to wait a lot!
-Jerome: You use that a lot?
-Lei Xin: With the cooldown of 1 minute? Yeah. When we hunt a monster I usually use it to start the hunt. If the monster escapes... The Glyphs will end it.
-Jerome: Pretty strong art!
-Lei Xin: It'll take a minute to end Alexander. Has less than 15% of HP.
-Jerome: And how much it takes with 100% of HP.
-Lei Xin: Depends on the size. But takes 5 minutes to end a player.
-Jerome: And it'll cost a lot of mp?
-Lei Xin: Yes.
Meanwhile Alexander groaned and cursed while he suffered thanks to Lei Xin Art. And it really hurted a lot.

Meanwhile, in Vinliel, Geralt and the others are having a meeting where they talked of what they'd do next. But Geralt already had an idea and it seemed great. He wanted to create a commercial network of several GM towns, like Bradtiel to sell better the items that the crafters did. And he had a plan.
-Shade: How we will sell better!? We should focus in hunting!
-Dave: But that would make us suffer from shortage of money, Shade!
-Adreilt: We could go to helping ppl in troubles or doing escorting quests.
-Tina: We won't get any quest so easily! We don't have that reputation!
-Mina: We do NPC quests for now, like before!
-Duraralt: This is a drag...
-Geralt: Then why we use Bradtiel's base as a free item area? A place where people can test our items. Then we buy a shop and expand our bussiness and go like that to all the cities!
-Shade: May be worth a shot...
-Adreilt: Could be a great idea!
-Dave: But if we mess up... It's over.
-Geralt: We haven't been in those situations several times already!? Let's test my insane luck!
-Duraralt: You are smart. It'll work. Meanwhile, I'll be out. Have to grab some things.
Duraralt logs out.

Seems that Geralt has a plan! It'll work out? Vote if you liked it! It always makes me want to write more and more!

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