Chapter 65: Timber and Kidd.

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Timber and Kidd were surrounded by a group of 20 players, mostly they all were the bodyguards of all the guilds that didn't die unless Rory and Lightning.
-Timber: You think that we can lose against them, Kidd?
-Kidd: They seem weak. So unless they have a surprise for us, they'll lose. Ain't it right, Timber?
-Timber: Yeah. EXPLOSIVE VINE!
A vine appeared from the ground, grabbed a player and exploded. The victim was one of Nelly's bodyguards. Kidd shot a bullet in the other Nelly bodyguard face just after the explosion.
A green ball of mana was shot to the bodyguard that recieved the Explosive Vine and it hit the woman and killed her before the others could do nothing.
The rest of players attacked at the same time but Timber and Kidd could avoid all the hits in a easy way.
-Timber: Hey Kidd. This guys seem not very bright, ain't it?
-Kidd: Yeah, buddy. They even look like our old companions when we were in that group of bandits!
-Timber: That's true, buddy.
-Kidd: And you know what that means?
-Timber: Easy fight for once! NATURE VINE AREA!

Timber made that countless vines grew and grabbed the players and let them unable to do nothing.
-Kidd: My time. It's highnoon for you, gals. PENTA-EXPLOSIVE SHOT!
Kidd shot 5 bullets that hit 5 different players and exploded. They packed quite a good damage so the 5 players that Kidd attacked were killed. Kidd started recharging slowly his gun.
-Timber: Recharge quicker! We are in a fight!
-Kidd: No! Ain't my style, neither I could. I have to take care of this gun. It is unique, buddy. And Duraralt is out of the game. Knowing of him, he will just laugh of this attack.
-Timber: Yeah, he always forgive us.
Panther who was trapped in the vines, cut all the vines that were grabbing her and using Hopper and Brave Slash tries to hit Timber but he grabbed her face.
-Timber: Any last words, lady? Ah, I forgot that I grabbed your face! NATURE ART: NATURE OVERDRIVE!
Little green lightnings came out of his hand and shocked so strongly Panther that she literally melted. With so much Nature Mana, any living thing just melts and dies. But Timber used a lot of mana.
-Timber: I can handle 3 or 4 of these gals here! Can you finish recharging for once!?
-Kidd: I'm done! PERFORATING SHOT!
Kidd aims to one enemy more and shoots to his head a bullet that perforated the helmet and killed the enemy.
Kidd shot to another enemy with a bullet that made the entire body to twist until it broke down.
Kidd shot a bullet so quickly that the next enemy that he killed didn't feel nothing and kept shooting bullets until all the enemies were killed.

Meanwhile, Rory and Lightning were running to find an enemy. Rory seemed scared of this fight, but Lightning couldn't stop smiling. If they defeated someone of Angel's Paradise that would mean a lot of Lion's Heart.
Also Lightning trusted in what Martha told her time ago.
Lightning was in a room talking with Martha of the newest members and they started talking of Rory.
-Martha: Rose has joined no? That's a great thing.
-Lightning: Martha. You think that she'll be fine? She joined but I really don't know if she'll be capable of staying. Not after our trouble with Dave...
-Martha: Rose has been in worse situations. And if we let her wander alone... I may regret it far more. She has a lot of potential. If she joined to a guild like True Gold, who knows what would happen.
-Lightning: You really don't trust them, do you?
-Martha: I only trust in my guild. For me, this guild has become like a family. I want it to become bigger and be a place where everyone can be proud of our power. If someone tries to attack us, they'll find death itself waiting for them.
-Lightning: (Smiles) You haven't changed not even a bit. You'll do the same if her brother comes?
-Martha: Do you even have to ask?
-Lightning: Heh. Knew it.
-Martha: If Rose is in troubles anytime, do what is needed to help her like you would to your own team.
-Lightning: I'm also her friend! You don't have to remind me that! And don't be so serious! Edward and I will always support you!
-Martha: I'm really blessed with great friends.
Flashback ends.
Rory was looking to Lightning, but she truly felt like they were going to be destroyed by Angel's Paradise.
-Rory: Lightning... You think that we can defeat them?
-Lightning: They'll be weakened! We can handle them if they are weakened! But you are worried for something else. What is it?
-Rory: You know... Maybe that newbie that Victor talked is my brother...
-Lightning: Oh. That. He isn't so much of a veteran.
-Rory: But... The possibility is there.
-Lightning: Nah. He won't be there. You know that.
They keep going to find enemies.

In a the borders of the island, Diane is walking and see a lot of flying wyverns and lots of players that wore blue armors with grey crystals.
-Diane: Ah. Alexander's mercenaries. Why are they here? Who paid enough to get the lazy ass of that pain in the back moving?
A man that was wearing the blue armor with grey crystals and used a spear and a shield approached Diane. That man had blue eyes, a lot of scars in the face, short black hair and he looked strong. That man was Alexander also known as Soul Breaker.
-Alexander: Hey Diane. You become our enemy again. Why you keep being a trouble for the RGA? You did not learn from the past. Last time you would have been taken care of if weren't for Duraralt and Alvyn.
-Diane: I'm stronger now. I might end killing you all if you don't go back to your little HQ.
-Alexander: We came to get the first part of our pay for killing Lea and Minnie.
-Diane: What you have done to Minnie. Answer if you value your life, your armors and your mounts. Depending on the answer, I may destroy this entire island.
-Alexander: For now, we haven't killed her but you know how my guys are.
-Diane: I heard enough. Prepare to die!
Diane starts casting a magic with so much mana that makes Alexander put his shield up.

Hi people! New chapter out and a good one I think. As always good votes help a lot!

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