Chapter 59: Deadlast strikes

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Deadlast and Oboro kept going and they arrived the meeting room that was three rooms of distance from the baths. Deadlast smelled and could recognize all the members in the meeting only smelling their scent.
-Deadlast: They are all here. All the big players. Also two girls, young, A positive both; Dave, Geralt, Duraralt, another girl that is a little older than the two girls, but not a lot, by her scent she's using parfum... Yeah, a pricy one and a boy B negative that has a scent of a lot of different foods from curry to cakes.
-Oboro: So all the targets are there... You think we can survive their attack?
-Deadlast: Yes. They may be strong players, but compared to us they are nothing to fear.
-Oboro: Even if a fire rain starts?
-Deadlast: What are you trying to say?
-Oboro: Diane is here. With her GM equipment.
-Deadlast: With Gran Tesoro set!?
-Oboro: Yes.
-Deadlast: I hope that she doesn't use a holy element. That would turn me into nothing...
-Oboro: She only has one.
-Deadlast: And is redemption! An area attack that kills on the spot any undead enemy! Yeah, with a cooldown of 120 seconds but... We will all die even if she uses it. Remember that her magic power is insane!
-Oboro: Like Geralt.
-Deadlast: You gave him a seed or what?
-Oboro: Let's say that he obtained one and used it for INT.
-Deadlast: So you directly boosted a guy to catch Shade? Bad idea.
-Oboro: Better than trying to grab her on my own!
-Deadlast: You could ask Lea... She would catch her in no time.
-Oboro: I'm not going to ask her. I won't involve our people in catching her if I can avoid. And this time, you wanted me to do that.
-Deadlast: You should ask her out. Even a blind man could notice the chemistry between you two.
-Oboro: And what!? To end friendzoned!? No... I ain't good for her. She and I know that.
-Deadlast: I know that Duraralt would tell you to go after her before you lose her.
-Oboro: Look... Let's do a bet. If all goes well, I ask her out.
-Deadlast: And what I lose?
-Oboro: If this fails, you are going to let Diane draw you... Without clothes.
-Deadlast: Okay. But if we do two out of three targets, I win.
-Oboro: You are smart. (Looks his menu and sees that the time is almost up) Time to do it.
-Deadlast: Let's do it!

Oboro and Deadlast go to a door and they kick it and enter in the meeting area and all the member of the World Council look surprised but Oboro doesn't wait and jumps to where Geralt is and unsheats one of his swords and before no one could even try to save him, Oboro cuts Geralt's head and kills him.
-Oboro: His insane luck is out of the game! We have won! Now drop your weapons! All of you! Or I'm going to do the biggest bloodbath that any of you have seen in all of your short lives!
-Martha: You think that you can kill all of...
Before Martha could finish Deadlast killed her in front of the eyes of Jerome, cut her head and threw it to Beat's feet.
-Deadlast: Job done boss. That happens when you ask me to kill such troublesome girl.
-Beat: Yohohoh! I love how you do your job!
-Jerome: How dare you attack a World Council!?
-Deadlast: Because I don't want to have to stomp a guild city or wait a lot for doing my job.
-Merlinia: We have to run!
-Victor: We can defeat them! They are only two!
-Vlad: That's right!
-Oboro: They really have a lot of hope, Deadlast.
-Deadlast: Better that they have it. (Grins) Then when the hope they have now turns into despair will make them have a lot of nightmares.
-Oboro: Making sure that they won't think never in attacking our people.

Then the other door that was in the meeting room was destroyed by a huge explosion and Kidd, Artorias and Timber enter.
-Kidd: Count now! 5 members of Angel's Paradise attacking! You can't win! Ain't right, Artorias?

Artorias was looking to Duraralt's eyes with a look filled with bloodlust. He was fighting himself to not kill him in the spot.
-Artorias: How it feels to know that thanks to breaking Minnie's heart you have doomed yourself and your friends? Answer now, Duraralt. Or I should call you boss, for old times sake?
-Duraralt: So I brought upon this people your wrath? Let me fix it.
-Dave: I'll help you!
-Duraralt: Take care of the others. I'll fight alone against Artorias. No matter what happens, don't interfere. I brought upon myself this trouble, so I'm going to mop the floor with Artorias face!
-Artorias: I expected that.

Duraralt moves his hand and Disaster hits strongly Artorias ad sends him far from the meeting room and went after him.
-Dave: Stupid brother of mine. Artorias is no joke. (Smiles) But well, I have 4 enemies more to take care!
-Adreilt: You'll say 4 more weirdos! It can be a good fight!
-Tina: We will cover you.
-Mina: Or at least try.
-Vlad: I'm not skipping this fight!
-Lei Xin: Neither I. They have attacked two great allies. They won't run away.
-Ren Xin: For once, I'm with Lei! Time to cut their heads off!
-Timber: Then... Minions! Attack!
-Oboro: Part three! Go, go, go!
Oboro and Deadlast charge forward and go after Shade but then a great fire block their attack. The anger of Jerome caused an instant cast of God Equip, but he was blinded by anger.
-Jerome: I'm going to roast you two into ash
-Oboro: Seems that we won't get Shade. Nah, I could care less about it. If she loves Geralt, which is a sure thing, I'll capture her today.
-Deadlast: You are a sly fox!
-Oboro: Like you. Let's do it!
Oboro and Deadlast get ready to attack.

Hi people! Glad to finally finish this chapter! I have a lot of ideas and it's hard to choose one! Have a nice day.

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