Chapter 70: Aftermath Of the Attack

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Deadlast and the others looked for Tina. They did not find her and that was hard to explain, in theory she was KO. But Deadlast was worried. He remembered the smell of the guy that cooked(adreilt) and it really resembled to the smell of someone he knew, but it was impossible. Martha did not have brought more than 2 captains.
Diane saw Deadlast worried and she started worrying. If Deadlast was thinking in something now, it'd be something dangerous for them.
-Diane: What happens?
-Deadlast: We haven't killed that guy that smelled like a chef.
-Diane: And?
-Deadlast: Maybe he is him... The third captain of Lion's Heart who betrayed Martha.
-Diane: Who is that guy!?
-Deadlast: You heard of “Cerberus"?
-Diane: That's the nick that a famous bounty hunter had... Time ago. Just around the starts of Lion's Heart.
-Deadlast: His game name was Adreilt. He is here?
Oboro looked Deadlast scared. He did not know that Adreilt was so dangerous. And that meant a flaw in his plan.
-Oboro: He is a member of the Diamond Wolfves! Why did you not tell me!?
-Deadlast: Now I know why we aren't finding the remaining survivor. Cerberus speciality is to extract people of impossible places.
-Oboro: You mean that Tina has escaped!?
-Deadlast: Yeah. She's alive. That's a fact.
-Diane: She has been saved by that Adreilt. A trouble.
-Deadlast: But our mission is completed.
-Oboro: Yeah.
Deadlast was afraid of what he learned. He had kept himself a truth of Cerberus. He was one of the top 20 dangerous players because he was good at sneaking behind the enemies and leaving bombs where no one expected and killed the objective without any fail.
-Deadlast: “Geralt... What the heck are you planning to do with so many dangerous players? If he wants a strong guild, he is doing a great job. Of course, Adreilt isn't dangerous for us but... He is a top 20 player. One of the most dangerous guys. And maybe he has something more up in his sleeve... I should be ready for anything already. As long as they don't interfere with my things, I won't go looking for trouble."
Deadlast and the others leave the area.

Meanwhile, Beat and Alvyn were checking some things by far sight command. Far sight command is a command of developers that lets you see anywhere of Dreamland and all the regions that are under creation.
They both were looking a guy with a black helmet that covered the face and a black metallic armor, used a one handed sword that was similar to a black longsword and his other hand was free.
That man found a group of 3 meters tall turtles and he tried to avoid fighting them like if he knew that it was hard to defeat those turtles but he could not avoid that the turtles saw him.
The man teleported himself to the head of a turtle and stabbed his sword in the head of the turtle and used it to control the turtle and escape.
-Beat: Yohohoho! Zero keeps pushing the limits of the monster master and the void knight skills!
-Alvyn: Where is he!? I never saw such jungle!
-Beat: In a new area. It's name has not been decided yet, but yes the topography and the biome settings.
-Alvyn: Huh!? So he's checking if all is ok!?
-Beat: Yes!
-Alvyn: Even I'm surprised at seeing this!
-Beat: Well, the fun has only started!
Beat and Alvyn stayed checking how Zero worked his way around in that new area.

Deadlast and the others went to Deadlast manor in order to keep low profile until the plan of the guild masters was totally revealed. They knew that it was a plan for revenge against some GMs who did not let them do as they wanted. They arrived to the library and Oboro started to look for drinks to celebrate.
-Deadlast: How did you manage with Alexander?
-Diane: Burned down. I used the black fire sage art.
-Deadlast: Forbidden Purgatory? That's a big spell!
-Timber: I must agree. Purgatory is a powerful spell. But the drawbacks...
-Diane: 3 seconds of stun are nothing for me. And almost using all my mana? Worth it!
-Kidd: Diane is right. Alexander can be a pain in the butt.
-Diane: And that wasn't all... What I learned was far more interesting.
-Deadlast: Tell us!
Diane started explaining what she learned.

Diane's Flashback.
Diane started charging mana to throw the spell and the casting. Alexander forces started to run away, but the spell was way too big to run from it.
A massive wave of black fire was shot from Diane and everyone unless Alexander was turned into ash. Alexander survived with a 1% of hp and he was terrified. Diane grabbed his neck and was ready to throw him to the sea.
-Diane: Who asked you?
-Alexander: A guy in a cloak! He gave me a letter from several big guilds!
-Diane: Which big guilds?
-Alexander: Grim Gang, Beauty Blossom and Yoroi Clan!
-Diane: Why?
-Alexander: I never ask that!
-Diane: Not even in this situation? What an idiot.
-Alexander: Please, Can I...
-Diane: Yes. You can die.
Diane let Alexander fall from Graliel.
Flashback ended.

Deadlast looked surprised. Yoroi Clan did not accept that type of handling troubles. Using mercs was against Lei Xin ideals.
-Deadlast: Why would he...?
-Diane: Alexander maybe lied as an stupid only to live.
-Oboro: He knows better than that. Something is happening.
-Deadlast: I shall investigate that. You keep with your duties.Thanks for the help.
-Kidd: That was easy! Like old times!
-Timber: It was fun!
-Diane: Only killing Alexander made it worth.
-Oboro: I did it for my reasons!
Oboro and the others grabbed a glasses and Deadlast put wine in all the glasses. They all rised the glasses of wine.
-Deadlast: For our victory and may it be the start of our peace!
-All the others: For our victory!
Deadlast and the others started celebrating

Meanwhile in a lost shrine, Adreilt is carrying Tina.
-Adreilt: “In 10 minutes using my hook I can return to Vinliel. Deadlast, King of Underworld, the wicked king. Close call going against that guy! Still, Tina is safe. But against him, we don't stand a chance!"
Adreilt keeps his path to return to Vinliel.

Hi readers! I'm glad to make a new chapter! I've been a little blocked lately, but well the things are going well.

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