Chapter 6: Lightning vs Geralt.

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In the Underground of Bradtiel a big fight is happening. A Lion Heart Squad is battling Bloodedge Geralt, Blonde Casanova Dave, Dreadjaw King Adreilt and the Loli Tsundere Duo!
Dave is avoiding Flameballs made by the ten mages of Lightning squad while shooting down the knights that he finds. Adreilt is killing the five healers quickly, in a way that any of the 5 knight can't stop him. Mina is keeping Dave hp stable by using barriers and killing the knights that she can kill. Tina is making Earth Golems to keep busy the knights. Sif kills quickly any pet that appears when any mage calls his pet.

Meanwhile all of them are fighting, Geralt is blocking the attacks of Lightning while she tries to thrust her rapier in Geralt.
-Lightning: Sonic Thrust!
Then she makes a quick blue thrust that hits Geralt and damages him a little.
-Geralt: Not a strong hit, not as this one. Eagle Slash!
Geralt sends flying Lightning and does a Wind Dragon Slash to send her down to the floor.
-Lightning: You're strong, but you can keep up with me going all-in?
-Geralt: You're surely a talky one. Flame Bullet!
Geralt throws a fireball that looked like a big bullet and Lightning avoided it.
-Lightning: I know that you use an INT STAT seed. I won't let you hit me with magic. And now that I know your element, I know what you can do! Iron Maiden Gatling Thrust!
Then she does a barrage of hits that hit Geralt and make him a lot of dmg, but then a knight tries to finish Geralt and Geralt avoids the knight and bites him absorbing all the hp that the knight had, killing the knight in the process.
-Lightning: You killed one of my boys, I won't hold back now. Oh, great emperor of thunder, make my wishes true and turn me into a great warrior! Ark Valtiar, lend me your strenght!
Then a big thunder comes out from out from her left hand, which had an Eltear with a protective crimp and hits Lightning and changes her armor and her rapier.
Her armor turned into a golden knight armor and some thunders were coming out from it, her rapier was larger and was pure white.
-Geralt: Nice change of look, let me change my look a little. Ice Skin!
Then Geralt's armor was surrounded by a cold aura, that was like a magic barrier that surrounded Geralt's body.

Lightning didn't wasted time and hitted a basic attack but it didn't damage Geralt.
-Lightning: Odd, this hit should have damaged you well.
-Geralt: Ice Skin makes that my DEF turns into a sum of VIT, Armor's DEF and INT. I'm unbeatable right now.
-Lightning: But it gives water element. Ark Valtiar is Thunder. Bad idea. Ark Valtiar's Sonic Thrust!
She hits a Sonic Thrust as before but now was with Ark Valtiar's rapier, it made high damage in Geralt and stunned him.
-Lightning: This is it! I gotcha now! Now you'll know why I'm one of strongest warriors in all Dreamland!
-Geralt: You think that you got me. But this will change your mind. Ice Floor!
Even stunned mages can cast spells if they have enough cast speed, and that's what Geralt did. He made an entire area of 25 meters of ice. Lightning tried to walk but she fell to the floor.
-Geralt: First lesson: watch out with Ice mages.
-Lightning: Ice and Fire!? Two magic styles so different!?
-Geralt: Yes.
Then Geralt stands up and starts casting an Iftradiel Lance.
-Lightning: I won't fail! Ark Valtiar spell: Ark Valtiar Flash!
Then a little ball made of thunders hit Geralt and then it exploded destroying all the ice that Geralt did and Geralt recieved a great damage.
-Geralt: Aghhh! “Dammit, if she's that strong, I don't wanna think in Martha! She'll kill me right now if this keeps like that!"
-Lightning: Sooorry! You pushed me that far! Surrender and maybe I let your friends escape... Unless that fool of Dave.
-Geralt: Like I would leave Dave alone with you!
Meanwhile, Dave and the others had killed all the squad of Lightning, but Dave ended without arrows, the golems of Tina were destroyed and Mina and Adreilt was exhausted
-Dave: I'm going to save Geralt!
-Adreilt: Without arrows!? Dumbass! You'll be killed! I'm without mp and the girls are exhausted, no golems, nothing to cover you!
-Dave: I don't think so! Sif, please help me!
Then Sif appears from the ground.
-Mina: Geralt's training worked well!
Sif: “Geralt said that he would kill her, so let him be!"
-Dave: What the hell!? He'll get killed!
Sif: “Look closely"
Dave looks Geralt and he was chanting a high lv ice spell.
-Geralt: Lightning, you like being frozen?
-Lightning: Why you ask? Because I'm going to kill you right now!
-Geralt: Sorry for this freezing spell! Oh great ice, grant me your eternal touch! Absolute Zero Touch!
He goes to grab the right arm of Lightning but he ends grabbing around the chest, but it worked equally. Lightning became of pure ice and then Geralt finished her with a hit of his sword.
Everyone looks Geralt surprised while he is taking all the gold that she left.
-Geralt: 100K!? That girl is rich!
-Dave: Well, that's a surprising thing. But the most surprising thing is that you killed Lightning on your own!
-Geralt: Well, it wasn't that hard with Absolute Zero Touch. That touch can make you of pure ice and if you get hit after being hit by it, you die. Luckily I had 20 seconds to hit her. I must thank again Blaft for giving me the fire and ice spell book.
-Adreilt: Well, you had a nice touch, no? Hehe...
Then Mina and Tina look to Adreilt with murderous aura surrounding them.
-Adreilt: I didn't say nothing!
Sif:“Noo, you did not say that Geralt like girls fully developed... You had dig your own grave. If we can find a body to bury after the beating that you'll recieve.."
-Geralt: Girls! I didn't liked that girl! Don't kill him!
-Mina and Tina: That he watches his mouth! (Look each other, blush and run away.)
-Dave: I think that even a dead could see that they love Geralt...
-Geralt: I don't think so. I think that they only care a lot about the guild.
-Adreilt: “Idiot."
-Sif: “Dumb."
-Dave: “So blind you are Geralt?" Whatever, Geralt please find them, before more Lion Heart guys come.
-Geralt: Okay.
Before Geralt could start looking for the girls, the girls come running being pursued by 5 assasins.
-Tina: Damn you, you lolicons! Stay away from Mina!
-Dave: Geralt, stay away.
-Geralt: Okay!
Then Dave shouts “Fire Blast" and throws a magic crystal, when it explodes kills the assasins and the girls can escape from the blast.
-Twins: Thanks Dave!
-Dave: No problem! It's my duty as a member of this guild covering my companions. And also because I'm a man who dislikes Lolicons.
-Geralt: Well, let's sit around and recover mp and hp.
-The rest of Geralt's team: Okay.
They sit around and talk of the battle.
-Mina: Geralt was the cooolest guy in all the battle!
-Dave: I must agree.
Sif: “I think that Dave was the coolest guy in all battle. But I think that Adreilt also was cool."
-Geralt: I had luck of being able of using Absolute Zero Touch. The best fighters in this battle were Mina and Adreilt.
-Tina: Must agree to that! But next one was Geralt! So cool attitude!
-Adreilt: I was cool but Dave was cooler. You fought just like your big brother, Dave. When he'll come back?
-Dave: After this update. He'll have his character back.
-Adreilt: So Fairy King Duraralt will be back... He'll be discriminated for sure. With his Disaster magic spear...
-Geralt: Duraralt?
-Dave: Be easy, he wants to meet you. The most troubling boy for Martha, the one who kicked him out of the guild he was.
-Geralt: I'll meet him when he wants.
-Adreilt: Interesting. I wanna be there! Duraralt and Geralt, two dangerous boys who have angered Martha.
-Dave: He wants to see the guild master that helped his brother and show his gratitude. But why Geralt angered Martha? (Looks Geralt) What you did to Martha?
-Geralt: I didn't do nothing!
Sif: “Yeah, and she's a Tsundere..."
-Dave: About that part...
-Adreilt: Better don't talk about that part...
-Mina: (Laughing) Holy Heavens! She's a Tsundere!
-Geralt: And Dave was rejected by her? I must say that there's something fishy...
-Adreilt: Oh, it's true you don't know! Martha loves a guy called Jerome, but she's always insulting him...
-Geralt: Wait...(Thinks a little about his older brother) What the heck!? Who could love a boy who flirts with every girl!?
-Adreilt: You know him?
-Geralt: Better than any of his girlfriends. But I don't agree with his behaviour!
-Adreilt: You won't be his brother...
Sif: “Yeah, he is!"
The read the last sentence of Sif and everyone looks Geralt surprised.
-Everyone: The brother of Jerome!? What the heck!?
-Geralt: Ahaha... Yep it's true. But I rather want to avoid being looked as a Casanova.
-Tina and Mina: “And who wouldn't think that? You're just too pretty..."
-Adreilt: Okay, well we're recovered so we should move to the door of the treasure area of Davy Jones. The worst is coming!
-The rest of team: Okay!

They defeated one of strongest people! By luck, but they won! But the worst isn't over! Davy Jones, a boss who is stronger than Sif? And what's the past between Martha and Jerome? And why Duraralt is called the Fairy King? We'll see! But Davy Jones will be in next Chapter!

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