Chapter 18: To Balatraf!

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Geralt, the twins, Zwei and Shade started going to Balatraf, a city near of the mountains.
-Zwei: I don't agree with this. Beat loves to put people in troubles...
-Geralt: And?
-Shade: He won't lead us to a trap.
-Tina: He says that because we seem to be a group of Jerome surely.
-Geralt: Touché.
-Mina: Better for us! Oops, sorry.
-Zwei: (sighs) Geralt, good luck. Making a girl happy is one thing but making all of them happy is a hard quest.
-Geralt: I don't have any girlfriend!
The twins and Shade start laughing out loud.
-Geralt: Hell... This is going to be a looong trip.
-Zwei: Maybe.
They keep walking for two hours and they reach a great city with old Japanese temples, dojos, houses and a big castle.
-Zwei: Tina you see that big castle?
-Tina: Yes.
-Zwei: That is my home here in Dreamland.
-Mina: That one!?
-Zwei: Yes. Also I operate all of the city there, helping Oboro a little. In the end this is his town.
-Shade: Humph!
-Geralt: This is going to be a hell of trip... Yay...
-Twins: More troubles for us...
-Zwei: Why? Well my daughters of course will have troubles because the warriors of this town hate mages. Don't ask me why.
-Geralt: Oboro is an enemy for us. He's after Shade.
-Zwei: Ahhhh... Crap. Luckily he is in his training grounds in the mountain. So he won't be a trouble...
-Geralt: I hope so.
They enter the city and see a lot of warriors, knights, gladiators, hammer users, etc. Balatraf is a pretty big city, it has few weapon shops thanks that there are a lot of warriors. All of them are max level. Also there are mages but they aren't welcomed. But the city has a lot of restaurants, and dojos where the warriors learn skills paying a lot of coins.
While walking, Geralt sees a big Sakura tree. It was very beautiful.
-Geralt: Zwei, there is a better tree than this one?
-Zwei: Yes, but it's hard to see it. Many players will try to stop you. Mages aren't allowed there.
-Twins: No way...
-Shade: Luckily I'm a shinobi.
-Geralt: This city is very good, but that rule is useless.
-Zwei: The rules are chosen by the ones that live here. I voted against that.
-Geralt: But still it didn't went enough well.
-Zwei: True... Better keep walking, as faster as we go to the castle, faster I can send the twins back to Bradtiel.
-Geralt: You're afraid of something.
-Zwei: There's no chance of hiding it anymore. This week is the Hunt week. Another useless thing. Every mage has to avoid the warriors. If they're unable, they'll die.
-Geralt: WHAT!?
-Zwei: That's why Beat told you to come here now. He loves putting others in troubles.
-Shade: Well, the troubles can be good...
-Zwei: Ahhhh. Please, Geralt get a damn room in Real Life, invite them all and be their boyfriend.
-Geralt: No. I'm not interested yet.
-Zwei: You're bad.
-Geralt: I said yet. Now I have a lot of job. Find the others mages and help them! We'll recruit them all! Also everyone that is discriminated!
-Shade: That is our captain.
-Mina: He has a good heart.
-Tina: And he's a genius sometimes.
-Zwei: And your captain is dumb sometimes.
Shade, Tina and Mina hit Zwei in the head. Zwei is knocked out.
-Geralt: Ahhh... These girls like already too much the guild.
They all go to look for people that is discriminated.

Meanwhile, in Bradtiel, Dave and Adreilt are having troubles with the recruiting, a lot of troubles.
-Dave: Adreilt, why we have to do all this of recruiting?
-Adreilt: In theory, Geralt should do this.
-Dave: Then... Why we are doing this!?
-Adreilt: Because he's in Balatraf recruiting.
-Dave: Yeah, recruiting...
-Adreilt: He wouldn't do that.
-Dave: All alone with girls. AND THOSE GIRLS LOVE HIM! Think a little!
-Adreilt: Yeah... But Geralt isn't interested.
-Dave: True... But...
-Adreilt: I know where are you getting at. That won't happen. But Duraralt should be doing this, too.
-Dave: He's making a smith place.
-Adreilt: And the new recruits?
-Dave: They all have done groups for today to go getting stronger. Also some do guild quest that end in money for the guild, reputation and money for them.
-Adreilt: So, we are the dumb ones that are recruiting.
-Dave: Now you reach the same idea I had.
-Adreilt: We do this and next time, the twins will have to do it!
-Dave: Yes.
They keep with the recruiting.

Geralt and his team are recruiting in Balatraf meanwhile Dave and Adreilt are recruiting in Bradtiel. But Geralt faces a new trouble. A week where mages are hunted. How will Geralt recruit in this situation? Next week we will know!

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