Chapter 89: Beat, the strongest Developer

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Beat unsheated his sword and prepared to fight against all the players that were in front of him. The enemies took the advantage of having a big group and all attacked Beat together but Beat avoided all the attacks and killed every enemy that attacked him with a strike of his blade in the head.
It was way too easy for Beat, the enemies seemed like thugs with blades because they couldn't do feints. Of course that was not very useful against monsters that attacked always first but when you fight against humanoid monsters you learn to do feints.
Beat got bored and you could say that Beat getting bored was like signing your own death certificate and knowing that right after you signed you would die.
-Beat: You are only thugs with blades... Boring. Time to end this stupid fight. REQUIEM OF HEAVENS!
Beat sword and sheath started glowing with a golden aura and dissapeared and attacked the enemies but the enemies only could see a flash of light that attacked them.
After 5 minutes of complete extermination, Beat looked the corpses.
-Beat: Ahhh... Booooring! I cannot keep getting this type of fights! I know! Let's unleash tomorrow the premium races and increase the level limit to 70! I had enough of guys so weak! Also I have planned to make lv 200 and maybe I should increase the limits of the stats and to make it more interesting increase the mp given by int to 200! I'll talk to the branch devs and to the other main devs in the meeting of today of this!
Beat went to the city.

Meanwhile, in Tanya Shrine, Geralt has finally arrived but Bradford left him alone. But he found a rather aggressive welcome in form of 4 bullets shot to his head but Geralt managed to avoid them.
-Geralt: You want to kill me!?
-Kidd: Oh. It's that kiddo. Geralt was your name, no?
-Geralt: Yes!
-Kidd: What are you doing here!?
-Geralt: I want to ask Tanya to enchant my armor and the ones of my friends.
-Tanya: Oh? Duraralt asked you to do that?
-Geralt: Yes.
-Tanya: Okay. But I have one condition!
-Geralt: Which?
-Tanya: There's a group of players that will come to destroy this shrine to kill the free players that are being healed up here.
-Kidd: And it would be nice of a guy like you to help us driving those bastards off. You scratch our backs and we scratch yours, ain't it right boy?
-Geralt: Seems good. I can use big spells to help in the defense but us 3 against how many?
-Kidd: I think that around 500 players.
-Tanya: And I can take some down but I'm not good at killing people.
-Kidd: Always so humble, Tanya. You could take down 100 people if we pushed it.
-Tanya: Yeah... But I'm not a girl that wants to kill players. Peace and love!
-Geralt: And a firebolt in your face with that thinking.
-Kidd: This time this will be troubling. More than one squad for sure.
Then Kidd saw Shade going to the shrine and grabbed his gun and aimed at her but Geralt saw it and unsheated his katana and aimed with it to the neck of Kidd. Tanya was afraid of what could happen.
-Geralt: Shoot and you are dead.
-Kidd: She's the target of Oboro. I will help him.
-Geralt: I warned. You really don't appreciate your life at all? What a shame.
-Kidd: (Sighs and stops aiming Shade) Okay, you win.

Shade enters in the shrine and smiled at Geralt.
-Geralt: Why are you here?
-Shade: You should know that there's almost an entire medium guild after Tanya? And you want to keep her safe without a tactician helping out? Geralt, be serious about this.
-Geralt: Shade... (sighs) You know that the troubles keep following me?
-Shade: Yeah, but then you have me to solve them.
-Geralt: I don't want to put you into more trouble.
-Kidd: You know that this chick is the second best tactician in all the world? Just behind Oboro. And she's damn hot! I hope that the chick made herself less pretty when you can modify the body.
-Shade: That's a maiden secret. Only 1 man shall know it.
-Kidd: And lemme guess. Geralt is that man.
-Shade: (giggles)
-Geralt: Oddly enough, now you are more open than usually.
-Shade: After seeing you entering into berserk mode just for me, all my doubts are off.

Shade goes closer to Geralt and whisper him in the ear.
-Shade: I did made myself less pretty. Oboro just made my avatar just like I look in real life with the maid skills.
Geralt blushes and Shade walks to the windows of the shrine and started looking all the area.
The shrine looked in the outside like a church but it was bigger and had sturdier walls made of rock, had only an entrance and behind it there was a pretty big fall that was because the shrine was near to a valley. The shrine had two floors but the second floor was where a bell tower that could be used as a sniping area.
But Shade had another plans for that belltower, also since there was only an entrance it could be defended very well with traps and snipers.

Tanya saw Shade smiling and she got the same feeling like when she saw Oboro smiling and started praying until Shade went to talk with her.
-Shade: Tanya, I have a plan. But I'll need your help. Do you want to protect your Shrine?
-Tanya: Yes, I do!
-Shade: Then heal up gunslingers! Prepare a lot of snipers! Also, Geralt and the snipers will be up in the bell tower and Tanya, you have to protect them!
-Tanya: I kneeew it! That smile is the one of Oboro! Again up in the fray!
-Kidd: Get used to that, Tanya.
-Geralt: You will trust in me?
-Shade: Of course! I trust in you!
Geralt just was surprised at the reaction of Shade to the berserker art but happy to finally see that Shade opened up a lot more.

Seems that all gets even more troubling! And Shade has a plan! But what was her training!? Stay tuned and vote if you liked this chapter!

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