Chapter 88: Nelson Bradford.

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Nelson was carrying Geralt until he arrived around Tanya's Shrine. Nelson looked around and heard a strange sound, it was a quiet and continous Yohoho, the typical laugh of Beat.
-Nelson: Beat! You randomizer bastard! Come out!
There was a barrel behind Nelson that was moving closer and closer to Nelson, when it was really close it broke and Beat got out from it.
-Beat: YOHOHOHO! Surprise Bradford!
Nelson jumped back scared and fell to the ground and the avatar changed. Now Nelson had turned into a tall man with a pair of red gauntlets that had orbs in the palms and was wearing a leather armor that was black and was made of some sturdy leather. He was Bradford, a developer that had been hiding as a new player that could use plasma element.
-Bradford: Damn you, randomizer!
-Beat: And you are a fan of cosplay! Someday you will look as a little girl only to be a trap for idiots! That's how you use a command!? That poor use of Command: Facade!
Geralt regained consciousness and looked surprised at Bradford.
-Geralt: Who are you? Where's Nelson?
-Bradford: I am Nelson. What you saw was my Command: Facade. Changes the avatar as you want. I used a younger version of me.
-Beat: (coughs) Younger and more beautiful (coughs).
-Bradford: I heard you! But is true.
-Beat: Finally you accept your cosplayer soul.
-Bradford: I'm not a cosplayer!
-Beat: Yeah? Let's see about that someday.

Then several players started walking around the area and Bradford turned into a small dwarf girl that used a giant hammer and went to hide. Beat looks surprised.
-Beat: See!? I told you! He loves to cosplay!
-Geralt: Or that or he is hiding for a good reason. Bradford, what happened?
-Bradford: Well... Many players wants me to tell the way to surpass Shurima's ruins dungeon... But I don't want to say it. But they don't give up... So, I change of form using Facade and run for it.
-Beat: Huh? You really did not do an impossible dungeon, Braddy? I know your hardcore attitude enough well to bet my left hand meat. If I had some. But no. You want to know why I don't have meat in my hands?
-Bradford: Mercy. Don't do another skelejoke.
-Beat: Because I am a skeleton! YOHOHOHOHO!
-Bradford: Damn you, Beat! Damn you! This is the skelejoke number 100 of this month! And we started it today!
-Beat: Remember Cheng words! He said that I could not do 100 skelejokes each day of this month! Deal with it!
-Bradford: I hate Cheng. I hate his gambler skill tree, his love for gambling and his crazy ideas! And you are worse, you are so random that this was a sure loss of sanity for me!
-Geralt: He can't be so random!
-Bradford: See this. Which is your favourite number, Beat?
-Beat: Number 1!
-Bradford: Really?
-Beat: Mmmmh. Maybe 69 is better... Or maybe 7, which is Cheng's favourite.
-Bradford: See!? This is how random he can be! Or at least he acts like that!
-Geralt: That's how you avoid bad questions. I understand that he does not want to give personal info. But we have more pressing matters! I have to go to see Tanya.

Then around 20 players surrounded them and prepared to attack them. Bradford sighed and changed to his normal form, leaving all the attackers dumbfounded. But they kept aiming their weapon at Geralt, Beat and Bradford.
-Player 1: Who are you two? A skeleton and a guy that can change form? What type of illusionist you are!?
-Bradford: Illusionists only can do a petty change of form that only affects the outside of the player. My Command: Facade changes all the avatar.
-Player 2: But to use a command or you are a main dev or a branch dev...
-Beat: You are talking to two devs! So shut up!
-Bradford: Or keep talking and I bust your face!
-Player 3: We are 20 vs 3! Impossible to win!
-Bradford: Surprise! 20 vs 1 and I will win!
-Player 1: Let's see that!
All the players attack Bradford but he avoids the hits.

Bradford smiles and gets ready to fight.
-Bradford: First, let's use starter skills! HEAVY SMASH!
Bradford left hand started glowing with a red aura and he punched a player face so strong that the entire head separated from the body.
-Bradford: With 100 STR is easy to do this. BEAR SUPLEX!
Bradford grabs another player and crushes him doing a suplex that buried the player.
-Bradford: And the last starting skill! WRATH BURST!
Bradford had a dark aura around him that made anyone think twice going after him. If he already was strong, that surely made him stronger. A 30% stronger to be exact.
Bradford started smashing players, doing suplex to them, grabbing their arms and breaking them. It was a true show, there were skills that made Geralt want to close his eyes seeing how Bradford grabbed enemies and threw them or saw spectacular strikes that made players fly.

After 3 minutes of fight, all the attackers were killed and Bradford was unscratched.
-Beat: Using the heavy branch of the brawler skill. So he truly went out of the way!
-Geralt: What's the different between branches? Leo used brass knuckles but Bradford used gauntlets.
-Beat: Leo is of the light branch. Countless quick hit skills, flickers, uppercuts, heavy strikes and gap closers and usually they have defense boost. If I recall well, they lose a 60% of damage if they use gauntlets and 20% of damage if they are bare handed. Happens the exact thing to a heavy striker if they use brass knuckles.
-Geralt: Pretty harsh debuff.
-Beat: They are more powerful than a normal monk.
-Geralt: I see.
-Bradford: Let's run for it! Others will come!
-Geralt: Okay!
Geralt and Bradford start running towards Tanya's Shrine but then they saw around 100 players following them but then saw a giant pumpkin that blocked the path for the ones that tried to follow them but Beat was just in front of those ones.
-Beat: Run for it boys! I handle this. Ladies, gentlemen, I really hope that you did not want to fight against those two and only were running to Tanya's Shrine. But in case of being wrong, I hope to be as entertaining as them. Let's dance, enemies!
Beat unsheathes his sword and prepares to fight using the sheath and the sword.

Seems that Beat will fight and that trouble follow Geralt lately! What will happen next? Vote if you like it!

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