Chapter 12: Update.

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The time passed and all the Diamond Wolfves guild was at lv 40.
Mina obtained a new armor, a cloth armor that was called Sacred Priest robe, it was a long pure white robe with a hood in it and with many religions symbols. Also she wore a hard leather boots. All of that made her have a great speed, great magic regeneration and great magic power. She finished the skill of Holy Priest will.
In the streets everyone told her that they loved her and that they wanted that she was their little sister. That didn't help to her selfesteem.
Tina also got new armor, it was a short leather robe, that was so revealing that few man could avoid having a nosebleed. Many men asked her out, but she declined everyone saying: "I love another man.". That was a hard hit coming from her. She upgraded to lv 6 Thunder Snake.

Dave well, he had to avoid any bounty hunter, every hunter wanted to tie him up or kill him. Even Geralt told him once: "It's hard to be popular?". He got lv 10 Bow snipe and obtained a scale armor made of iron from the skeleton swords and leather from wolfs.
Geralt had a leather armor made of wolf skin and upgraded with slime mucus, and he had to kill some bounty hunters but after killing 30 hunters, Shade decided to kill Geralt on her own. Geralt had many things to upgrade but decided to get an special skill tree that came from Samurai Skill, Ittoryu(one hand style).

Ittoryu is one of the 3 special skill trees that come from Samurai Skill. It's a one handed style that is strong but it has cast time each skill and some of them even have a knockback.
Geralt started it and got the first skill, Great Dragon Fang. It's a long distance skill that shoots a wind slash that cuts everything in half in a line range of 20 meters(at max level) and he got Samurai Step lv 9.

The update started after some hours. It needed 5 hours to be completed. The content of this update was a lv cap rised to lv 43 and there was a new hunger system and also a new hygiene system. Talking quick and easy, you had to have a bath each 24hours and eat 2 times at least in a day. That had a lot of likes and many people started to think how they could get photos of their idols(better don't ask why, there are fans of Martha, and thanks to the new armors of Mina and Tina, they had fans now.
Also the fairy race was unlocked and all the players who had fairies as characters could play again to Dreamland, having their own city, the Fairy Kingdom.

Geralt was more worried than usually, he was thinking in how the hell he would be able to find a way to have a bath without people trying to take photos.
Sif: "Geralt, who would want a photo of a plain girl? I'm only asking that"
-Geralt: Fans are like that. And they're not plain.
Sif: "Ehem. I don't think so..."
-Geralt: I saw more plain girls.
Sif: "Those are skeletons."
Then a girl wearing a shinobi outfit came walking in a quiet way(almost stealth.). The girl was pretty, had black eyes, long black hair and big chest. Sif jumped to the girl without wanting and landed in the middle of the chest.
Geralt went running and felt bad for the girl. The girl threw Sif as if he was a shuriken and after throwing Sif she threw a shuriken to Geralt's head. Geralt avoided it, but was scared.
-Geralt: Ehm. Sorry about my pet doing. He didn't sensed you.
-Shade: I'm "Dark Fang" Shade! I won't let you escape Geralt neither your pet!
-Geralt: Where I heard that name?
Adreilt comes and sees Shade.
-Adreilt: OMG! Shade is here! OMG!
-Geralt: She wants me dead?
-Adreilt: Only? She wants your STAT seed.
-Geralt: That she puts in the damn queue. I have already 4 guys after me.
-Shade: I'm being ignored?
Sif: "Yes."
-Shade: Thanks. (Throws a kunai to Adreilt leg.) I'm here!
Adreilt blocks it and goes to attack Shade when he felt a great party coming and stops attacking Shade.
-Adreilt: Someone is here.
Then Oboro and 10 defenders came. Oboro went without helmet, so we could know how he looks. He has short black hair, purple eyes, and a scar on his left eye. He was 1.20 meters tall and was wearing a Samurai outfit and three black swords.
-Oboro: I'm here to take you to prison, Shade!
-Shade: I won't accept being one of your "Assasins". I won't let that you treat me as all those girls.
-Oboro: Then die.

Oboro unsheats his three swords and charges. Geralt block Oboro's charge.
-Geralt: Ehm. Like I'll let you attack Shade. First we were fighting her, second I rather don't trust you.
-Oboro: You would have died and Shade would be unstoppable.
-Geralt: Adreilt, information now.
-Adreilt: Here is what I know. The Assasins that Shade is talking about are a guild made to protect Oboro, made by only girls and there are rumours that many have dates with Oboro and that those dates can be of an entire day and entire night, if you get me.
-Geralt: So, Shade was discriminated by being a girl?
-Adreilt: A shinobi girl.
-Geralt: Then, I understand why she wants to be stronger. And that means that Oboro if you want to take her to Prison, you'll have to kill me first. I'LL PROTECT SHADE EVEN IF THAT COSTS ME MY LIFE!
Geralt starts glowing and a boost appeared, the boost was named Emperor Heart.
-Oboro: Retreat! This man is untouchable right now. That boost makes someone 12 times stronger. Only true Emperors can use it. Interesting, I helped an Emperor all this time.
-Geralt: Helped?
-Oboro: You have that STAT seed because of me. You have the option of having other if you follow your path.

Then Duraralt comes.
-Duraralt: And I thought that I wouldn't see you again, Oboro-kun.
-Oboro: Dammit! Fairy King here!? Guys charge!
Duraralt moves his hand to the left and his spear cut the head of all the party members of Oboro's party.
-Oboro: (Shaking) What the hell? Leave me alone!

Oboro runs scared.
-Duraralt: Hahah! That's why I can't join any guild, I'm too op.
-Geralt: You two are discriminated, no? Join my guild.
-Shade: (surprised and angry) Why you ask me that!? Because I'm cute!?
-Geralt: No. You are discriminated, and you're strong. I want to change things in Dreamland. You'll help me?
-Shade: (Blushing) No one told me that I was strong...
-Geralt: Well that's the reason, but you're strong and cute!
-Shade: (Red faced) Ehm, thanks... I'll join your guild.
-Duraralt: Well, if you invite me, I won't say no. My bro is in your guild.
-Geralt: That was quick. But well, glad that you accepted.

Meanwhile, Adreilt and Sif have escaped in a stealthy way.
-Adreilt: Another girl that fell in love with Geralt.
-Sif: Yeah, and she isn't plain.
-Adreilt: (Thinks a moment) What the hell!? You talked!
-Sif: True! Finally! I can talk! (Dances and moves his tail very happily.)
-Adreilt: (Thinking more he becomes afraid) I should look for a place to hide. Jealousy will be our doom.
-Sif: (Thinks) True! Those two will kill Shade! And us in the way...
They go back to the guild, like Geralt and the new recruits.

After many work and having to put two chapters in one, because they were so short, I ended this chapter.
Now all the characters of Diamond Wolfves have appeared! But how will react the twins with the beautiful girl called Shade? We will see in next chapter!

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