Chapter 14: Take the city 1!

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In the guild HQ of the Diamond Wolfves, Geralt is looking the map of Bradtiel to find a way to take Bradtiel back.
-Blaft: The best option is that we take the castle. But at first second that we enter there, Martha will go to protect it.
-Geralt: Then if we do that, you can win the place?
-Blaft: It'll return to me. It's different. But they can buy it again. "How they could pay the 5 million gold coins?"
-Dave: Then what we do?
-Geralt: 3 teams. Jerome isn't helping them, a team must find him. That'll be my job. I'll go with Duraralt and Blaft. Another team will take in a quiet way the castle. And the last one will protect this place. Dave, Shade and Adreilt go to the castle. Mina and Tina, put traps and use the slime cores that we have stored, resist all you can. We'll come back with Jerome guild.
-Tina: Okay!
-Mina: Go safe boss. I don't want that you get hurt.
-Geralt: That won't happen with those 2. But you 2, be safe.
-Twins: (blushing) Okay.
-Geralt: The plan starts now!
Everyone leave unless Mina and Tina.
-Mina: What a man...
-Tina: Yeah...

Geralt team goes to a big black building that is in the center of Bradtiel and 30 players stop them. Then Jerome appears with 5 girls around him.
-Jerome: Hello Geralt.
-Geralt: Jerome.
-Jerome: I know why you're here. But I won't change.
-Duraralt: (Bored) You think that we want to wreck your harem? For now, we can let it pass. But if you try to say that those girls will be with you always, you're wrong.
-Geralt: We came here to ask for help.
-Jerome: Yeah? With what?
-Blaft: You know me, "Black Knight" Jerome. We need your help to recover Bradtiel.
-Jerome: I think that no. I won't help the "Vanishing Knight". If Martha catches me helping you, I'm dead man.
Duraralt gets totally bored and takes out his magic spear and with it puts Jerome between the wall and the spear and tries to crush him.
-Duraralt: Death by stab, death by broken bones, death by crushing... All are the same, no? You end dead. So what, you'll help us, or I kill you?
-Jerome: (Afraid) Okay! I'll help you!
The girls that where with Jerome looks Duraralt like if he was a god.
-Girls: So hard boiled!
-Duraralt:(angry) Shut up your little sheeps! I don't like girls that are like you all.
-Geralt: This how a man dumps 5 girls at same time?
-Blaft: Yes, it is.
-Duraralt: Now if you excuse me, I want to go back to the HQ.
-Geralt: Why?
-Duraralt: I wanna finish that bathroom as fast as I can. That way everyone will be happy. But is a total drag doing it all alone... But is worse wandering with Jerome.
Duraralt leaves.
-Geralt: That's Duraralt for you.
-Blaft: Haahaah! I like boys like him. The usual badass guy.
-Geralt: Jerome, start moving your people.
-Jerome: Okay.

Meanwhile in a far place of Bradtiel, there was a big white castle full of NPC that were guarding it. Dave, Shade and Adreilt reach there.
-Shade: We should look for a way to enter.
-Adreilt: Yeah.
-Shade: So, you could step aside.
-Adreilt: I don't trust you at all.
-Dave: Let's do 2 teams, I go on my own and you two go together. But don't do nothing odd.
-Shade: Not interested in this guy.
-Adreilt: With her? No thanks. But first...
Adreilt takes out a lot of arrows that were made of crystal and gives them to Dave.
-Dave: Thanks, finally I have them back.
-Adreilt: Don't lose them again!
-Dave: Okay!
They disperse and go looking for the entrance, after half an hour Dave finds one and calls all the team. The entrance that Dave found was a sewer that connected the castle with the underground.
-Shade: I don't like this idea. I'll end dirty, and that way I don't think that no one will be near of me...
-Adreilt: Now you care about your looks?
-Shade: (Blushes) Yes!
-Dave: Someone has fallen for Geralt...
-Shade: (Red faced) No! It's not that....
-Adreilt: Be easy. The twins have also fallen for him.
-Dave: That's true! Let's go?
-Shade: All for helping the guild...
-Adreilt: Geralt won't hate you for having your clothes dirty...
-Shade: Shut up.
They go inside of the sewer.

There's a plan on course! It'll work? We'll see!

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