Chapter 48: Vinliel

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After the update and the lv cap rise to lv 60, Geralt, who was in the Alpha Wolf Castle, recieved a message from Alvyn. It said that he had to choose the ones that would go with him to the World Council for the next day. Also the message said that he could bring two bodyguards and two guards as a measure of protection. That made choosing the companions even harder for Geralt. After all what happened in the surprise event, he had to choose well because the girls would take notes of who he takes with him. Still, he had to make sure that Duraralt go to the World Council, after all that was the reason he got invited.

Geralt goes to talk with Duraralt and has to go outside the castle, where a extremely big city, whose name was Vinliel, was created around the castle, it had a part open to everyone and a private part for the guild. The part that was more near of the external walls was the open part for the public, which had a lot of security towers, several recruitment places, a guild hall, many guards, several inns and pubs, a lot of weapon and armor shops and several markets where you could grab ingredients or already made food, luckily the food didn't rot, a good advantage in this world.

In the private part there was a wall that separated it from the open part and had a gate where only guild members could go inside of the private area, the castle, where all of the Diamond Wolfves quests were completed and the rewards given, and three buildings for each important part of the guild. Behind the Alpha Wolf castle there was a big tower with a clock, where there was the magic research and investigation part, which was in charge of Mina and Tina, which did the investigations related with items that could be created to make everyone have magic items that released magic.

Near the wall there was the training grounds where new members trained under the orders of Dave and Adreilt in order to have members of good quality. It was like drill grounds of the army, also it had a house filled with rooms for 300 members and a warehouse with all the materials the members obtained, the guild paid the members if they obtained materials that could be of use.

And in a part of the private part that was filled with orchards where different plants were being grown, there was a big building that was the builders house, also called Blacksmith Den. There the crafters crafted all the things that were sold by the guild, crafting also what is needed for the city and the guild too. Also in that building there was a big cellar where wine and other drinks were kept and used by the people. The one at charge of that part was Duraralt, so Geralt decided to go.

Geralt finds Duraralt and sees him finishing some armors he did.
-Geralt: Duraralt. I have to ask you something...
-Duraralt: You want me to go to the World Council. I'm right?
-Geralt: (Surprised) How...?
-Duraralt: Ah! Well, we have a city and we both are quite famous. It was usual to happen. I expected it to happen next month.
-Geralt: Well, about that...
-Duraralt: Someone has asked you to make me come. Let me guess, Diane was the one?
-Geralt: No. Alvyn.
-Duraralt: Close! But if Alvyn asks me to come... (Starts sweating) Hahah... It'll be because of that again... This council will be “unbearly ".
-Geralt: Unbearly? (Gets the pun and starts laughing) Nice Pun! Well... Will you come?
-Duraralt: I'll have. Of course, I only have to say: I won't give it. Only saying that everytime that they ask for that damned item...
-Geralt: If you don't want it, why keeping it?
-Duraralt: You know why the countries have army, officially talking?
-Geralt: Yeah. To protect the country.
-Duraralt: I keep that item to protect all this place. And I mean that all this land could go boom if someone used that item.
-Geralt: Don't tell me that you crafted a magic nuke...
-Duraralt: That... Well, I exploded it in the face of a strong boss...
-Geralt: (sweating) And you mean that the item they ask is more dangerous?
-Duraralt: Like a dozen times more dangerous...
-Geralt: You are crazy. (Angry) You have lost your damned head!? Why you craft that!? You can destroy Dreamland with that!
-Duraralt: It only can be crafted once. So keeping the only one is the safest way to protect Dreamland.
-Geralt: Ahhh... Well, it's a way to see it... I WON'T BUY THAT CRAP! EVERY ITEM CAN BE CRAFTED SEVERAL TIMES!
-Duraralt: It's the truth! Only there can be one Ragnarok.
-Geralt: I hope that you are right. And where it is? I want to destroy it.
-Duraralt: Not in my hands. I gave it to someone of trust. And it can't be destroyed.
-Geralt: Who has it?
-Duraralt: Sorry. No chance of saying who has it. Too dangerous to say it. I would not even tell to my brother such dangerous thing.
-Geralt: Just perfect. Well, and who I should bring to the council?
-Duraralt: How many you can bring.
-Geralt: 3 players and you.
-Duraralt: Ahhh. A trouble, if you take Shade, Dave and Adreilt, the twins will burn the city down. But if you take The twins and Dave, Shade kills the entire city out of pure jealousy. And bringing all the girls would be like bringing Alvyn and Vilge to a german beer party, a pure madness. Without putting that everyone would call you the new Jerome...
-Geralt: I bring less people?
-Duraralt: Hmm. Less defense but with me, you have more defense than any guild master with their bodyguards.
-Geralt: And I escape from girls trouble.
Then Alvyn appears using a teleport.
-Alvyn: Geralt! I must tell you that you can bring the twins, Shade, Dave and Adreilt too. I talked of it with Blaft and he said: This way no one will want to try nothing funny with Geralt. I still don't get that but the more the merrier!
Duraralt starts laughing.
-Duraralt: Now I really want to go to the council! Only to see Beauty Blossom being blown to nothing!
-Geralt: Well, I hope that nothing happens... We have quite the bad reputation already...

It seems that Geralt will have a real blast of a first World Council, at least by Duraralt's reaction! Will something bad happen or not?

I hope that you liked this chapter!

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