Chapter 107:Greltiel, the city of magic.

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Duraralt had been called by Beat to talk about the conditions of him joining to the GM group, since he had never been a GM. Beat told him to go to Graliel alone and he did go alone and entered into the meeting room where Beat was already in.
Beat was sitting on a chair and waiting for Duraralt.
-Duraralt: Hello Beat.
-Beat: Hello Duraralt. You came. I want to leave clear how this goes. The basic rules.
-Duraralt: Okay.
-Beat: First: You can't join any guild. Second: You must remain neutral in player conflicts. That does not mean indifference, that means that you must do things in the way to help all Dreamland. Third: You can't use any type of banned items. Fourth: You must do reports of your actions each week. Fifth: You won't allow any type of injustice.
-Duraralt: But what if rule 5 interferes with rule 2?
-Beat: Do the best to help Dreamland means also stopping those who scam people. They won't interfere, but if they do, do as you think that is right. Like our interference with Demon Fort. And here comes the sixth rule: Never do something you regret by following the other rules unless the third.
-Duraralt: So the rule that must not be broken is the third?
-Beat: Yes. We won't stop the production of banned items if we use them.
-Duraralt: I understand.
-Beat: You promise to follow them all?
-Duraralt: Yes. I shall follow them all.
-Beat: The rest of rules will be explained later on. About what you gain...
-Duraralt: You pay us to fix troubles we see. That's enough no?
-Beat: And for accepting my request, I shall grant one of your wishes.
-Duraralt: Then I want a custom dimension. A place where I can create a fortress for all GMs.
-Beat: It shall be granted. Which will be its name?
-Duraralt: Caeírd Càrthiél.
-Beat: So you learned the fairy language. Fortress of Destiny. Then you know how the NPCs from the fairy area call the GMs?
-Duraralt: Gorthund Mlorthede. God's blood. Or Gortneweidel. Sons of the gods. And the third way of calling us but used by elves: Gorthund Glièdyve. God's sword.
-Beat: Good! Surprised that you know it! And noticed that fairies and elves use similar language.
-Duraralt: It is the same. But different way to pronounce. A dialect.
-Beat: (smiles) Correct once again. I needed someone like you.
-Duraralt: I know. If not Oboro wouldn't go after me like that. When I will become a full GM?
-Beat: Tomorrow. We will hold a special event at Greltiel for Perpetual Mare expansion. You will have a reunion with all the GMs unless Lea, Blaft and Yata. Also all devs will come. And then we will have the change of normal player to GM status.
-Duraralt: Understood.
-Beat: We have to keep this world stable. If we don't, people will lose this world. And for worse, many chances to heal diseases and wounds that before we could not will disappear. So cut and dice those who desire to destroy this world.
-Duraralt: That I shall do.
Duraralt left the room smiling.

Meanwhile, in Vinliel, Geralt was getting ready to go to Greltiel with half of the guild. Adreilt, Dave, Shade and the twins were going too to the event for different reasons. Geralt wanted to have PSY players and to do a quest that he was asked to do that was protecting an item, Adreilt went to hold a restaurant there for the event, the twins were to fulfill their promise to Anne, Shade was following Geralt and Dave wanted to talk with Duraralt. Geralt went to talk with Dave to see how he was.
-Geralt: Hey Dave. Are you fine?
-Dave: Well, I know that Shade's father did many banned items but hunting her down only to get her? Why?
-Geralt: Because he was smart enough to avoid Duraralt and the others. So Oboro was forced to do this plan.
-Dave: Such big plan for only one man?
-Geralt: Yep. Seems that he was good at hiding.
-Dave: How is Shade?
-Geralt: Devastated. She could not save her father. I really don't know if I should ask her out.
-Dave: Remember what Duraralt usually said, Geralt. Never let the one you love go away. And she will need a shoulder where to cry.
Dave packed his things and left. Geralt got everyone grouped and they all went to Bradtiel, from there they could get one of the newest creation of Greltiel, a Magi Gate. Those gates allowed anyone to go from city to city with a price. Moving 240 players like Geralt was moving to Greltiel costed 72000 coins. Of course for the guild it was not that hard but normal players need to save their money in order to move out to another city.

When everyone was teleported to Greltiel they saw a white and blue city. All the buildings were made of silver and had many mana circuits in all the buildings. Entirely 3/4 of the city relied in mana circuits and mana crystals.
The city was a giant city with a star shape filled with lots of water-traffic corridors which connected with the lake that was on top of the mountains, also you could see countless rails in the air that carried cargo. If you wanted to go through all the city it would be best to use one of the boats that went through the city.
The city was separated in two districts with the academy of PSY as its frontier, one part was the shopping district where the people could buy the newest creations of Greltiel's mages and was in the left side of the city, the right part of the city was the guilds area and also the area where all quests of the city were given, there you could find many requests of crafters asking for materials and paid very well. Of course the materials were extremely hard to obtain.
The academy of PSY was in the middle of the city, just in front of the mana gate, which was a 340 meters tall palace with 100 floors, it was a blue and white building, with thousands of windows with the emblem of the city that was a clover of 5 leaves. Usually everyone could enter and guilds could put requests for PSY players from the academy paying a small fee of 3000 coins and then they would try to get a PSY player that wanted to join to the guild.
Geralt went inside of the academy and saw it from the inside. The inside it was made with wood, there was like 34 benches made of silver in front of a counter where there was 50 NPCs working for the academy that took care of the requests of anyone, a bit further you could see stairs that either went up or went down and many players walking to other rooms, surely to have a quick class about some skills or some experiment.
Geralt sat down in a bench and waited for one NPC to come. A long black haired elf with black hair wearing a leather armor sat in front of Geralt.
-NPC: How I may to be of service, sir?
-Geralt: I wanted to put a request.
-NPC: Which type of request? A request of a research, a request to join to the academy or other type of request?
-Geralt: A request to get PSY players to my guild. Diamond Wolfves is the name of the guild.
-NPC: Understood. How many PSY players you need?
-Geralt: 30 or more.
-NPC: Understood. Any type of limit?
-Geralt: They must pass an interview in Vinliel.
-NPC: When it shall be carried out?
-Geralt: 3 days from now on, from 15:00 to 19:00.
-NPC: Understood, putting the request. Pay the fee of 3000 coins please.
Geralt paid the fee and got up when he saw Diane that was coming to see Geralt.

Geralt tried to avoid talking with Diane but it could not be avoided.
-Geralt: Hi Diane.
-Diane: Geralt.
-Geralt: Want to talk with me no?
-Diane: I sent a request for protection of an item to your guild.
-Geralt: Yes. Where it is?
-Diane: In our safe room. We are going to put it in an expo of new items made by our researchers.
-Geralt: I have brought 240 players.
-Diane: Good! That will help to the expo. Let's talk of the strategy of security while walking. "I hope that this allows me to rest easy while Duraralt is turned to a GM."
Diane and Geralt started walking.

Meanwhile, in an inn near the academy, 3 hooded man were checking the movements of Geralt and Diane. Those hooded men were a human and two elves. The human looked at the elf that was at his left.
-???: Zarark, we have it ready?
-Zarark: Yes. Weapons ready, escape route checked and we know the guild which will protect our target. We need that Mike-Oscar to get moving.
The other elf got up and took out his hood and we could see a pale elf with white hair, white eyes wearing thin clothes covered in grass.
-Mike-Oscar: Well, I might have to get in a bit of trouble but nothing I cannot shoot out of.
-???: Remember that if we mess up, we will be caught. So get the jewel, get out and we return it to its owner. Also take out the bomb that is in it before that rich kid activates it and blows the GMs up.
The pale elf smiled and left the inn.

What is happening now? Who knows! But things are interesting! This Friday I will upload the last chapter! But next week there will be a special where I will put the winners of the contest of characters and maybe a Q&A of Dreamland if you send questions! (If you don't I will talk of several ideas I had but left them out)

I hope that you like this chapter and have a good day.

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