Chapter 25: The castle.

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Dave followed Geralt's team because he heard enough plans for being able to make Geralt fall for someone. So he followed Geralt's team until they reached the castle where Dave went inside and started killing monster like there was no end.
Geralt and the others stopped a moment to rest and had lunch. Meanwhile they were talking of how they would enter the castle, Dave was taking down stealthy the monsters of the entrance.
-Dave: A little more and I get the castle on my own. Go me and go my stealth!
Dave opens the entrance when Geralt and the others were looking for an alternative entrance. All the team is surprised.
-Dave: Hi!
-Geralt: Why are you here? I thought that I left you with the twins...
-Dave: Well, I only had to follow you and enter on my own and then take down without being discovered all the monsters of the entrance.
-Shade: All in less than a day. Great job.
-Duraralt: The worst will be inside. Perfect for having fun!
-Adreilt: And get us killed...
-Dave: Well, it'll be better than hearing the twins talking of fashion, of hot armors and other things.
-Geralt: Indeed. SUMMONING: Sif and Sharking!
Sif and Sharking appeared and they started looking all the place. After checking all the castle from outside they started playing hide and seek.
-Dave: He keeps trying to make us think that he's a kid...
-Geralt: All kid wants to learn a lot. Sif, Sharking help me to take the castle!
Sif and Sharking go with Geralt and the others to take the castle, but they find that there are lots of bandits instead there.
-Bandit 1: What the hell? There are some intruders!
-Shade: Well, an unexpected surprise.
-Duraralt: Perfect! I'll take them down!
-Dave: Let me handle some of them.
-Adreilt: You'll need me.
-Geralt: I won't have to fight.

When the team was about to attack, Sif and Sharking charge against the bandits and kill a lot of them while the others bandits are screaming and running away.
-Geralt: Holy cow!
-Adreilt: This is worse than making angry the twins! Or staring at Shade....
Shade stabs Adreilt by behind.
-Shade: Don't say that. You can get to the wrong end of my blade.
-Adreilt: Okay, Okay!
-Dave: Well, let's finish them off.
The team kills the remaining bandits and go to the throne where there is a big bald guy with brown eyes and with heavy armor and uses an axe.
-Bandit Leader: (surprised) So few and you attack to my gang!? You have guts! But this Barbarian will kill you!
-Shade: A barbarian? Guys get ready. This class is a tank one.
-Dave: I know that.
-Geralt: Like Samurai. I can kill him.
-Duraralt: I could try out.
-Adreilt: First let me kill him. It'll be fun.
-Bandit Leader: You're dumb. You can't simply kill me!
Dave shoots an arrow to the knee of the Bandit Leader and keeps shooting arrows until the bandit has half health.
-Dave: Sorry but you're in the way.
-Bandit Leader: How you dare! BARBARIAN JUMP!
The bandit leader jumps and hits Geralt because he jumped so much that he couldn't hit Dave, that was like a train hit Geralt at full speed and sent him to the entrance and almost kills him but Geralt goes where the bandit leader and bites him in the neck.
-Bandit Leader: You vampire scum! Get away now!
Geralt starts sucking the blood of the bandit leader meanwhile the leader tries to get Geralt off from his neck but Geralt kept sucking blood until the leader dies.

-Shade: That's going straight.
-Geralt: Agh! Worse blood I ever tasted! It's true what people say, as more rotten the prey is, worse flavor has it's blood!
-Dave: Yeah? I'll keep that in mind.
-Duraralt: Ah, there wasn't fun for me here.
Then lots of bandits come.
-Duraralt: I was saying that too quick. Better for me!
-Adreilt: Good for me too.
Adreilt and Duraralt charge against all the bandits that come.

Meanwhile, in the HQ of Diamond Wolfves, the twins are talking of new armors that they could get to make that Geralt took them more seriously as possible girlfriends. Then Jerome enters.
-Jerome: This starts looking like my guild. My home far from home. Well, Geralt wouldn't mind that I sit around here no?
-Tina: You should be out of here. THUNDERBOLT!
Tina makes a thunderbolt strong enough to make Jerome get out of the HQ flying.
-Mina: He should learn to not interrupt girls when they are talking of fashion.
The twins keep talking and most new recruits that are near the HQ are afraid of entering.

I have been busy, but I could do this chapter! Short indeed. I hope that you like it.

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