Chapter 86: Dave's training and the city of trees

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Dave was told by his brother to go to the forest near of Vinliel and he did go but what he found was a rain of arrows and he had to start avoiding them. And even after 3 hours he did not manage to find the shooter and the shooter seemed to have a lot of arrows because the speed of the shooting increased each time Dave talked.
Dave was desperate, he needed to know who the enemy was.
-Dave: Can you tell me who you are at least!?
-???: Find me and you will know! This is your training!
-Dave: Training?
-???: Yeah! If you don't shape up like we did, you won't stand not even a chance against Oboro's plans. Still if I make you fear the forest and turn into a blacksmith, it'll be worth for me and him.
-Dave: So you are with him? A good clue to know who you are! Time to speed up! Give me your power! Gale Siflien!

The Eltear of Dave started glowing and turned Dave into wind and transformed into the form that he had when he fought against Deadlast. And started moving way too fast to be aimed but he almost fell of a tree because he could not control Sif's power and then he found on the top of a tree the shooter that had been attacking him. It was Lea and she had been in the top of the tree that Dave used as reference to move around the forest.
-Dave: So you were up there!
-Lea: My name is Lea by the way. You have to learn how to control that insane speed, it is great. Still you'd be slower than Yata.
-Dave: Still slower than who?
-Lea: The fastest member of Angel's Paradise. And believe me, he is fast and uses it well.
-Dave: So you want me to get used to Sif speed? And who are you!?
-Lea: Duraralt asked me that I trained your speed and shape you up a bit. I told you my name. I'm what you could call a sniper.
-Dave: A member of Angel's Paradise.
-Lea: Get ready for more quick shooting! I am going to turn you into a fast ranger!
-Dave: Okay, but I warn you. I'm going to kill you if you shoot me.
-Lea: Just what your brother would say. Good luck in that.
Lea jumps from the tree and moves to somewhere where Dave can't see her and start shooting again.

Meanwhile, Geralt and Nelson arrived to Deliel. It was a city filled with flowers and trees, all the buildings were in trees. Houses mades inside of trees, shops that had a terrace, everything was made in a way that you did not have to touch the ground if you did not want.
Geralt was surprised when he arrived to the city.
From the outside he could see a wall but also could see trees turned into observation towers where the guards could shoot anyone who tried to invade Deliel, but the inside was more surprising.
He knew that Deliel was the city of trees but never would have expected this but then he saw something more surprising. The people jumped from tree to tree using a system of ropes and hooks that connected each tree with the others making it like a net of the entire city.
The shrine of Tanya was outside of the city but Geralt was exactly at the other side so he had to cross the entire city.
-Geralt: This seems easy to do.
-Nelson: I don't think so. Look behind you.
Geralt looked behind and saw an entire army behind him. All looked at Nelson like if they wanted to kill him.
-Geralt: You attract trouble or what?
-Nelson: Seems so.
-Geralt: Seems that we have to run.
Then a lot of players blocked the entrance of Deliel and surrounded Geralt and Nelson.
-Geralt: What do you want, gentlemen?
-Man 1: We want the plasma element. Surrender Nelson.
-Nelson: I won't give it.
-Man 2: Then we will kill you and your friend until you give us that!
Geralt looked at the situation and it reminded him of how bullies treated his friends usually. That made his blood boil and he wanted to exterminate them all.
-Geralt: You are going to die. All of you. No matter what you bring to kill me, no matter what skills you all have, no matter what you say, you all will burn or freeze. I have seen enough bullies for a lifetime.
-Man 1: And who are you to say that!?
-Geralt: Just the guildmaster of Diamond Wolfves. Pray now for salvation, because under that title I shall not allow myself to lose!
-Man 1: Bring it on! Attack!
Everyone started getting ready to fight but then they all feel a cold wind chilling their backs.
-Geralt: Ice, freeze and destroy with all your might. This shall be their death and the price for their arrogance! ICE WORLD!
Everything in an area of 10 meters around Geralt froze in a moment, taking most of the enemies and leaving only 200 enemies left but all of them were shocked when they saw this massive freezing.
-Geralt: “It took a toll in my mp. But I still have mp to handle them!" Let's fight, bullies!

Geralt is ready to kill anyone in his path! What will happen!? Stay tuned up and vote please!

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