Chapter 91: Duraralt's Betrayal

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Oboro looked back to the city and saw Duraralt trying to sneak into Deliel.
-Oboro: Duraralt, I can help you entering into the city but first I have to talk with you.
-Duraralt: Oboro, I don't know what you want to tell me but do so.
-Oboro: I have a lead that can lead me to H.A.T.R.E.D.3.
-Duraralt: He was the one that created the EXP potions no? The one that caused Zephyr's death.
-Oboro: Yes! Well, thanks to your armors, Geralt luck and his guild... I really can't get the lead well.
-Duraralt: What do you mean? You aren't meaning that you are after Shade for...
-Oboro: Yes. She's connected to H.A.T.R.E.D.3. And same IP in the computer and the hackings of H.A.T.R.E.D.3., the same special coding parts in the hacks that have those IP, also she was against me in a tournament before entering into Dreamland and surprise, she got help of H.A.T.R.E.D.3. in that tournament when she fought against me, because he hacked my best unit making impossible to use it and that made the fight a bit harder but not too much. She fought fair and square even so and was good but after winning I showed the hack and explained all. And later on I managed to get one thing. An E-mail from Shade to H.A.T.R.E.D.3., asking about the EXP potions trouble.
Duraralt was pale as a ghost when he heard that. The hacker that caused her beloved one death could have been at his side, playing the dumb or could be connected to Shade which made him angry.
-Duraralt: Proofs please. Give me proof of all that!
-Oboro: Yeah. I understand
Oboro opened a menu and showed Duraralt the E-mail that was Shade angry at H.A.T.R.E.D.3., because he had killed someone, later Oboro showed the IP of the hackings and the IP of the E-mail. The same IP, it could not be a coincidence anymore. Shade knew H.A.T.R.E.D.3., that was a fact.

Duraralt looked angry and he aimed his spear to Oboro's neck.
-Duraralt: If you have forged this, I'll kill you. Got it?
-Oboro: It isn't forged. But we do not know until what point H.A.T.R.E.D.3. had been selling them on his own or only made the recipe of the EXP potion.
-Duraralt: He only made the recipe. If not there wouldn't be so much people selling them. Still, thanks to him, Zephyr is dead. I want that the weight of justice falls to him.
-Oboro: Understood. Then help me out with this. Betray your guild.
Duraralt stayed a moment thinking but the only thought of the one that murdered Zephyr creating that item was so near of him made him angry, real angry.
-Duraralt: Oh yes, I'm going to betray them with a good reason! But we have to stop Tanya! Now!
-Oboro: She will upgrade Geralt's armor, no?
-Duraralt: I sent Geralt to ask her to upgrade all Diamond Wolfves S class armors!
-Oboro: Then, we must stop it!
Oboro opened a menu and started calling Kidd. But he wasn't answering, so he sent him a message that said this: Stop Tanya from helping Diamond Wolfves guild. At any cost! I don't care if you have to shoot her, I'll take all the blame! BUT STOP THEM UNTIL WE ARRIVE AT LEAST! Shade is connected to H.A.T.R.E.D.3.!

In Tanya's Shrine, Kidd reads the message and aims with his gun at Shade while Geralt and Tanya looked surprised to Kidd.
-Kidd: You bastard! I was keeping an eye on Geralt but I should have kept it on you! You know H.A.T.R.E.D.3., the one that created the EXP potions that killed Zephyr!
-Tanya: What!? How do you know that!?
-Kidd: Oboro warned me. Don't help them!
-Geralt: I try to know the less possible of the past of my guild members. But this is troubling.
-Shade: (sighs) Yes, seems that I can't hide it anymore. Yeah, I know H.A.T.R.E.D.3., but he always puts his nose where he should not!
-Kidd: Tanya, we have it confirmed! Get back to the Shrine.
-Tanya: She helped me! I'll repay her kindness!
-Geralt: Shade isn't bad!
-Kidd: And!? She is with that bastard! And she won't tell us his name!
-Shade: True. I am not going to rat him out.
-Tanya: And!? I owe her the enhancement!

Kidd aims at Tanya.
-Kidd: Back to the shrine, now.
-Tanya: You won't shoot.
-Kidd: Blame Oboro and Shade if that happens. Go back.
-Tanya: I won't!
-Kidd: Then I am deeply sorry, Tanya. I'll help you regain the exp later.
Kidd shoots at the head of Tanya but then Disaster stops the bullet. Duraralt and Oboro had arrived on time.
-Duraralt: Damn you, Oboro! Forcing this is way too much!
-Oboro: But we gained the time we needed!
-Kidd: Thanks for the help, boss.
-Duraralt: Geralt! Answer me! Did she confirm that she is connected to H.A.T.R.E.D.3.?
-Geralt: N...(his mouth is blocked by Shade's hand)
-Shade: Yes. I am. And? I won't rat him out.
-Duraralt: You are coming with us! And you shall rat him out!
-Oboro: Don't try it! Geralt will stop us!
-Duraralt: He won't!
-Geralt: I won't believe in Oboro. So if you want to talk with her, you will have to talk it in Vinliel!
Duraralt looked at Geralt surprised and angry.
-Duraralt: So you protect her!? You, of all people!?
-Geralt: She is related to him but she clearly does not want to talk. So it is useless to make her talk, and I won't allow any type of torture in a guild member.
-Duraralt: Then seems that my time in your guild is over.
Duraralt takes out a golden Eltear and a crimp. He puts the crimp on and smiles.
-Duraralt: Geralt, or she comes or I'll break the seal art done by Tanya and me to seal a part of my power and a part of Deadlast power. And then I assure you one thing: You will face sure defeat.
-Geralt: I'll protect her.
-Duraralt: So this will be your choice! Okay! Then I hope that you are ready for all the federations to hate you and also all the big guilds! Because Duraralt of Angel's Paradise is back!
Duraralt puts the Eltear into the crimp and then a lot of chains around the crimp appear but start breaking apart and a pillar of light appeared in front of them, after that Duraralt gave the feeling that he was really stronger now and opened a menu. After 3 seconds Geralt recieved a message saying: Duraralt has left the guild.

Meanwhile, in Taraq, Deadlast was having a drink when his Eltear that always carried started giving a dark light and his pendulum started shining and he heard Zephyr's memory voice.
-Zephyr: I'll be with you but your true power must be awaken!
Then a pillar of darkness appeared in Taraq and the entire city was scared of that.

Meanwhile, in the real world... Beat is getting ready for the TechnoGame event. That real life event usually is where Beatech shows new things and all the companies can share their thoughts in the frontier of technology but this time it was even more important. Other companies were supporting the TecnoGame showing new games that they are developing and Beatech has way too many new things, like improved prosthetics with VR systems that made the limbs go faster than usual, new helmets that could be charged with the energy of the wind or the sun, improvements in security in VR(thanks to having the new prototypes tested) and new things of Dreamland like the new island that was a tropical island with a lots of beach areas, a big jungle, some mountains and surprisingly a volcano and the premium races.
Beat was wearing a tuxedo and was more nervous than ever. He was good at doing new things and making good VR tech but he was useless with big crowds and more with the other companies near. And when he gets nervous, he starts being random. But then he recieved a message of his son that said: Knock them dead! That made him be capable of going further.

Duraralt has betrayed Geralt and is going after Shade! What will happen!? Stay tuned!

But also check the sidestory made by BloodLord666 called Dungeon Master-Dreamland MMORPG. In his 14 chapter he starts talking of this real life event that Beatech is holding! So give him a chance!

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