Eighty Four |

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Eighty Four |


The sun rose over the cottage slowly. I sat in the tree across the way, my body half way up the branches. I had been reading the notebook of the dead Jason Brooks when the rising sun had caught my attention. Hues of orange, red and yellow tinted the blue sky giving it a beautiful image. A breeze continued to blow past me, it felt nice.

It was nice to feel.

"What do you think Erin?" I asked.

There was no responds, and I could feel the wall she put up between us. My eyes rolled, she was being dramatic but for now I did not mind. I was enjoying my freedom. Of course I was a tad overwhelmed yesterday but today was a new day. A new taste of my freedom.

"What time did you get up?"

I groaned out loud. Despite my new attitude, that damn accented voice continued to annoy me. It seems the illicit was set on keeping his eyes upon me at every second of the day. It was quickly growing annoying, if he did not watch himself I'd shove my sword through his skull. Unfortunately, I think if I did so these emotions Erin left over would get the better of me.

"Does it matter?" I muttered.

He frowned, somehow hearing me, "Yes. It does. You need sleep."

I waved him off.

"Get down, you'll hurt her," he sighed.

A grin grew on my face and I looked down at him. Nodding my head, I jumped from the tree. His eyes widened in horror as my feet hit the ground. A scream cut from my throat as pure pain filled me. My leg bones shattered, my feet cracking with the force and my femur bones pushing through my skin and pants.

He rushed over, as I panted. My body already beginning to heal. The pain was terrible, and yet seeing the horror on his face was so satisfactory. But the longer I stay in control, the faster I heal. Eventually, I knew Mira would fade away.

Not that she knew this.

A grin grew on my face, not that she'd care at this moment.

"What the fuck was that?" Sebastian demanded, angry.

I stood slowly, "You told me to get down."

As I walked past him, he grabbed my arm, "Wait a moment."

I turned, my hand moved and I went to punch him. He seemed to be quicker however, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his chest. His arms moved to constrain my arms at my side so my face leaned into his shoulder. I gasped.

My blood rushed to my face, I could feel my skin heating. And for some reason my heart began to speed up, my knees growing weak. I looked up at him, the sunlight danced across his dark locks, the light playing in those crimson eyes. He smelt good, like spices and pine. A lump formed in my throat and I struggled to swallow it.

"W-What is this?" I demanded.

He tilted his head, licking his lips, "What is what?"

"You're doing something to my body," I breathed, seething with anger, "Stop it."

Sebastian smiled slightly, "Love, that's not me."


"It's Mira's feelings. They're much stronger than your control will ever be."

In a sharp action, I yanked away from him. My hand moving to my chest, sure enough as soon as I was out of his arms, my heart calmed. It was interesting, the hold this man had over Mira who was such an inferior being.

It seemed he was becoming more of a problem than I thought.

"Wake up Cameron," I muttered, "It is time to move."

Sebastian's smile didn't fade and that annoyed me, "Sure thing."

My eyes narrowed as he moved past me. My fingers twitched and I began thinking of thousands of ways I could kill him. Oh, how easy it would be to look like an accident. Something without his blood ever touching me. I could suffocate him. Or, a simple swipe across his skull, cut his brain in half. A grin grew on my face and I chuckled. So many things to do, so little time.


I blinked, looking back to the cottage where Cameron stood. A look of confusion on his face. I walked over to him, and a sudden wave of concern filled me. He looked so pale. Had he been bit? Instantly, my eyes began searching him for any wounds, my stomach curling like milk.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

He looked at my legs, "You broke them. H-How did they heal?"


A sigh of relief left me.

"They healed," so I told him, "I am—"

"Cameron!" Sebastian interrupted, "I found some peach trees."

Cameron turned, and my words were forgotten. He sent me one final look before jogging over to Sebastian. A frown plucked onto my face and I looked back to the rising sun. It was clear Sebastian did not want anyone knowing what I was—Mira did not want that either but I did not understand why.

If anyone came for me because of what I was I would simply slaughter them.

Humming, I put this thought out of my mind before moving to join the two. Sure enough, there was a peach tree a few feet away from the small cottage. As I viewed the beautiful tree full of thick peaches, my stomach growled.

Moving over to the tree, I viewed up at the peaches. Under my feet I could smell the fermenting, rotting ones that had fallen after reaching perfection. They were like mush under my boot, and I refused to look down. I had seen too much rot from the seat behind Mira's eyes, I did not need to see any more.

"Here," Sebastian said from behind me.

I looked over at him, in his extended hand was a perfect peach. I took it without giving him any mind. Biting into the peach was nothing but pleasure. It's sweetness filled my mouth, dripping down my chin. I didn't care that the sticky juice would cling to my hands for hours, it was too good.

Once this one was done, I ate another. And another. Until my stomach screamed with fullness. I continued to eat the peaches, never having the chance to taste food or fruits in person. They were delicious, I wanted to engrave the flavor into my mind so if Mira managed to push me back into my locked cell, I could take the memory of this taste with me.

"Zero," Sebastian then said ruining my moment, "It's time to go."

I sighed. I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay here with this peach tree and the rising sun. It was a moment of tranquility, a memory I would keep and hold onto. I looked at the shinning peaches hanging from the tree one last time before looking down.

Down at the rotting peaches, I could see the magots and flies moving about. It reminded me of the real world, and it was a reminder of the business I had to finish. I curled my fingers until they ached and I nodded. It was time to move on from this moment and back into reality. Throwing the final peach pit onto the ground I wondered if it would take root one day. I would come back here one day, I decided. Once Maxwell was dead I'd return to eat more peaches.

Then, I turned away from the tree and towards Sebastian, "Let's go."   

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